Chapter 33

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Monday was hell on Leia.  She walked into work and Laura just laid into her.  Chastising her for being out for a week.  She didn't even care that Leia had turned in a doctor's note  Leia had enough of Laura berating her and told her as much, professionally.  She promised that she would go to HR and lodge a complaint against her about this because she did nothing wrong.  She had actually gone above what was required.  Leia could have waited until Monday to say anything, and was only required to furnish a doctor's note upon return to work.  Instead of waiting, she submitted that to Laura via email once she had gotten home from the ER.  "Go ahead.  See what happens.  They won't touch me.  I've been here forever."

Leia got up and stormed out as best she could.  She was still using one crutch, so it was hard.  It took everything in her not to pack up her personal belongings from her desk and high tail it out of there.  If she hadn't just bought the townhouse, she would have.  But she didn't want to run back home to Mommy and Daddy.  She was under her mom's thumb enough.  She liked being free of her.  No more having to justify where she was going, why she chose an outfit.  For Christ's sake, she was thirty-two, and her mother still monitored her cycle!  It was ridiculous.  And her Dad?  Her dad was the best man she knew.  But he just always said, "That's your mom."  Leia didn't know if he was afraid of her, or if he just didn't know the best way to deal with girl issues.  Either way, she was not going back to that house.  She was so upset by the way Laura had just talked to her, she went into the ladies room, pulled her phone out and text Danny.

L:  I hate my job.

D:  What's wrong darlin?

L:  Laura.  She just ripped my four ways from Sunday about being off all last week.  I was excused!

D:  I'm sorry baby.  What can I do?

L:  Idk.  Maybe I need to just quit.  But I can't.  I have the house.  

D:  I'll help you figure this out.  Promise.

L:  Thanks hun.  I am going to go to HR about her.  She was just so berating.

D:  Do what you feel is best.  I got your back no matter what.  I got to go help Tony with the first bay lift.  Call me at lunch.  I love you.

L:  I will.  Be careful.  I love you too.

"At least he calmed me down a bit.  He's good for that," she thought.  She went back to her desk and started a project that had been left for her.  Although she and Erica sat next to each other in their cubes, Erica sent a text message asking if she was okay and what happened.  Leia gave her the short version and said they would talk more after work.

As Leia was preparing to go to lunch, Laura called her desk asking to see her.  "Can this wait until I get back from lunch?"

"No.  I need you in here, now."

"Okay.  I'll be right there."  Leia got up and hobbled her way to Laura's office.  She really didn't want to be in there alone with her after the shit she had pulled this morning.  To be polite, Leia knocked on the door, and was surprised when Laura politely said to come in.  It was just the two of them, and Leia was honestly afraid.

Laura got up and closed the door.  "Leia, listen.  About earlier.  I was wrong."

"It's okay.  I. . ."

Laura cut her off, "No.  No it's not okay.  You had every right to go to HR.  I was completely out of line.  And for that I am sorry."

Leia didn't believe her for one moment.  Yes, she had gone to HR, in the middle of the project she had begun.  She couldn't let what Laura did to her go.  And just Laura's tone.  It told Leia it was a forced apology and she was only doing to cover her ass.  Again, to be professional, Leia accepted Laura's apology, and she even apologized for going over Laura's head, but she felt she had no other choice.  Laura apologized again, and then let Leia go to lunch.  Once Leia was in her truck, she called Danny.

"Well hey sexy.  I was beginning to think you forgot me."

"No, Laura called me in her office.  Such a fake ass apology.  And the only reason she did it is because I did go to HR after I talked to you.  Danny, I hate this fucking place.  I want to leave.  Like yesterday."  She started to choke up and shed a tear.

"Awwww baby.  I'm so sorry.  I wish I was there right now to hold you.  Is there anything I can do?"

"No," Leia said through tears.  "But I've got to get out of this shit hole.  I got to find something else.  Too bad you and Tony do everything or I'd say I can take the books," she had some laughter in her voice on that statement, "Because Tony likes me so much anyway."  Danny was silent.  "Danny?  You there?"

"Yeah babe.  I'm here.  You know what?  That's not a bad idea."

"What's not?"

"Come to the garage.  All the bills and that kind of shit are the one thing I hate doing.  And Tony is so backed up with other stuff, he doesn't have time.  We could use you."

"I don't know. It's not a good idea to go out with your boss."

"I promise, I won't treat you any better than anyone else.  You fuck up, I'll tell ya." And he giggled.  "Tell you what, let me talk to Tony.  See what he thinks about this.  If he has reservations about it, then he does.  But something tells me he won't.  Think about it, okay?"

"Okay.  But what would I do about my insurances and shit?"

"You'll be covered with all that, don't worry.  I got you.  What are you making there?"


"That's it?"  His voice got muffled, "Tony, we need to talk.  About Leia."  He came back, "hold on babe."

"What are you doing?"  It got quiet, not completely.  But again, muffled.

"How's this?  Twenty-five, Wednesdays and weekends off, full medical and dental."

"Twenty-five?"  Her voice cracked like that of a thirteen year old boy. "And four days a week?"

"Yup.  Are you good with seven to four?"


"Really,"  he heard her scream out loud in happiness before she came back and said thank you.  He laughed and told her, "Now, go clean out your desk and tell her you quit.  Take the rest of this week off, rest your ankle, and start with me next Monday."

"But Danny, I have bills, groceries to get."

"I told you, I got you. Now go.  Quit.  And I'll see you at your place after work okay?"

"I love you.  You have no idea how much."

He could see her smiling through the phone.  "I love you too. See you tonight," and he hung up.

Leia did as he advised.  She went back in an started packing her desk.  Erica was coming back from her lunch and saw Leia packing, "What the fuck?"

"No, I didn't get fired.  But I am leaving.  I got a better job.  But I'm packing my shit first and then walking, well hobbling out the door.  Laura shit has been going on for too long.  And her fake ass apology because I went to HR, I'm done."

"Where are you going?"

"The garage."

"The garage?  Danny's garage?"

"Yup.  Him and Tony want me to do the books, and it's four days a week at twenty-five."

"Lei, you sure this is a good idea?  You're with Danny.  What if something goes wrong?"

"It won't.  And I've wanted out of here for too fucking long.  I'm willing to take the chance if for nothing else to get the fuck away from Laura."  With that, Erica helped Leia take a few things to her truck, on the last trip into the office, Leia walked over to Laura's office, handed her her time card and told her, "I quit.  Mail my paycheck, and don't forget to pay me any accrued vacation.  There's no statement in the new hire book that says you don't pay it out after voluntary termination, so I expect my two weeks of vacation that I have not used yet this year to be on that check.  Because Heaven help this place if it isn't.  I will have representation so fast you won't have time to blink.  I'm out."

Getting into her truck and driving off, Leia thought to herself "Finally free.  Free from my mom.  Now free from this shit hole. Things are truly starting to fall into place."

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