Chapter 19

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"Danny.  Really?  Seriously, are you stalking me?"

Danny giggled, "No Leia, I swear. I'm not stalking you."

"The what in the hell are you doing here?"  In her mind she thought, "and why do you have to look so fucking good?  Fucking jeans and boots.  Tight fitting shirt.  Damn you."

As the reached the bar, Danny stayed to her left, "Lei, I'm here because, well, there's nothing I can do but be honest.  I wanted to see you."

"Danny. . ." she was trying to find the right words, "I told you, you need to forget. . ."

He cut her off.  "No, I'm not going to forget you."

"So, what are you going to do? Follow me around everywhere?"

"Well, if I have to."  And that damn smile of his.  "No, Lei, I'm not going to do that.  But don't you know there isn't anything I wouldn't do to get you to at least talk to me?  I know I keep saying this, but it's the truth.  I know I fucked things up with us.  I know.  And believe me, if I could go back and do it all over, I'd fix it.  I never would've talked to her.  I would have kept us moving forward.  That's on me.  One hundred percent.  But if I have to, I'll exert a thousand percent just to get us to a point of talking."  He saw the look on her face was that of surprise.

"That still doesn't tell me how you knew I was here."

"Don't get mad at him.  Dean text me after you messaged him to tell him you were working the first two hours of the show."  He saw her eyes widen and she started to get up from the stool. "Lei, don't.  I didn't even show up until after you were done.  When he told me you were working, I didn't want to take away from that.  Although I will admit, I would love to see how you run this.  But Leia, I think we still have a lot to talk about.  Do you think maybe we could just go somewhere and talk?  Just us?"

His hazel orbs grabbed at her heart, much like they had done when they were kids.  Maybe she owed it to herself to hear what he had to say.  Maybe if she did listen to him, she'd be able to put him in the rear view on a permanent basis.  Maybe he'd realize what he keeps holding onto isn't there anymore.  "Except it is," her brain told her.  She just nodded, and let out a small, "okay."  Danny smiled.  Oh how that smile looked to her.  Bright, wide, with a little bit of seductiveness.  Pair that with his scruff, and for her, he was a dream.  She missed him.  But what he did, she couldn't let go of it.  Maybe if she would, she could be happy and have everything she ever wanted. "Where do you want to go?" she asked him.

"Oh, uh.  It doesn't have to be tonight Leia.  I just meant, at some point."

"No, no, we can go talk.  I think it's a good idea."  She gave him a look, "let me just let Mark know I'm leaving."

Danny agreed, and told her he'd be right back that he was going to let Dean and Jeni know that he and Leia were going to leave.  Leia stayed at the bar, as she was almost done with her beer, and figured she could prolong leaving by grabbing another.  She was more nervous than anything to talk with him.  Maybe if she kicked a few back first, she'd be more calm.  She felt someone bump into her, and she turned and looked at them.  The guy that bumped her, took a look at her, had a smile come to his face, and said, "Oh I'm sorry beautiful."

"Oh lord," she thought.  "It's okay, no worries.  It's busy here tonight."

"Can I buy you a drink?"

"No, thank you.  I'm good."

"Awe, c'mon baby.  One drink?"

"No.  I'm okay.  My drinks are comped."

"Why you gotta be like that.  Just trying to buy you a drink."  This guy was getting pretty snarky.  And even though Leia could hold her own, she had never been happier to see Danny walk up to her in her life.  "C'mon.  Just one," the guy continued.

Leia looked at Danny, and he knew just by looking at her, she needed him to help her.  "Hey friend.  Is there a problem here?" He asked this guy.

"No.  No problem. Just trying to by Miss Uppity here a drink.  But apparently she's too good for it."

Danny inhaled, held his breath for a couple seconds, and then let it out and, "Um, if she says she's fine, trust me.  She's fine."

"What's it to you pal?  Take a walk."  And he went to try an put his arm around Leia. 

Danny wanted to explode, but instead he kept himself calm.  "Uh huh.  Brother, you need to leave the woman, alone."

The stranger got up, puffed his chest and got in Danny's face, "You really need to back your shit up, brother. This doesn't concern you."

Leia started to get scared and popped up between these two.  "Danny, c'mon.  Just turn and go by Dean.  I'll be right there."  He looked down at her, curling his top lip inward, and breathing hard, and not for a good reason.  "Danny, please.  For me?"

How was he supposed to argue with that?  "On behalf of the lady's wishes,  I will back off."

"Good," and the creep reached out and grabbed Leia by her left arm as she tried to walk off with Danny.  She screamed for him.  When Danny turned around, the sleazeball threw a fist and connected with Danny just above his left eye, knocking his cap off.  Dean and Mark saw what happened, and came running.  But not before Danny had pinned this shit head to the floor and started using him as a perfect punching bag.

"Danny stop!" Leia as shouting, as was Dean.  Dean and Mark finally pulled him off this guy and Leia got in front of him.  Mark kept the asshole on the floor there, while Dean guided Leia and Danny towards the door to meet up with Jeni, and the four of them walked out.

"Leia, I'm sorry.  This is not how Dean and I pictured this night going."

"Jen, it's not your fault."  The girls turned as Dean and Danny came out of the bar.  "Oh my God, Danny," and she ran over to him.

"I'm okay Lei."

"Oh my God, your eye.  Danny, you can't drive like this.  Let me drive you home."  Leia was legitimately concerned for him.

"Do I even try to argue with you?"

"No.  Give me your keys.  Dean, help him to his truck."

The group of friends found Danny's truck, and Dean poured him into the passenger seat after Leia unlocked it.  "You gonna be alright man?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine.  Get Jen home."

"Don't you go doing anything stupid, you got that, dick?"  A half ass smile came over Dean's face talking to his buddy.

"Yeah, I got it.  Ass."

Leia said her good-byes to Dean and Jeni, and then hopped into Danny's truck and started it up.  "Let me know how to get to your apartment."  There was a silence.  "Danny?"  She looked over at him.  He was out.  "Well shit," she said out loud.  "Guess I know where we're going," and she pulled out and headed towards her place.

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