Chapter 29

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"I don't know why you're getting so irritated Laura.  I sent you the doctor's note yesterday.  I'm not staying home because I want to.  Staying home because I was told to.  And besides, it's not like I'm out all the time.  Shit, I haven't taken any sick time in two years." 

"Yeah, well, I would prefer you are here."

"Laura, the doctor is keeping me home.  Why are you being like this?"

"Just get better and get back here," Laura hung up.

"Jesus Christ.  I need to find another job," Leia started, "She is not the person I used to work with."

"Yeah what was her problem?" Jeni asked.  Leia told her the other half of the conversation, and just watched Jeni shake her head.  "Girl, yeah.  Find another place.  Or shit, go back to school. You're better than this dead end job."

"Yeah, but Erica got me in there."

"So?  Doesn't mean you have to stay.  And besides how long have you been there, and this is how you get treated?"  Jen's voice not in the mood for bullshit or extremely whimpy excuses.  "Now, let's get onto this Lacy business."

"Shit, here we go.  I should've went with Danny," Dean stated.

"Quiet you!  This is between me and Leia."  Jeni was just being sarcastic.  "So, she still thinks she's got Danny huh?"

Leia realized that Jeni was way to into trying to take this chick out.  "I guess.  He says this isn't the first time she's done this."

"No, it isn't.  It got pretty bad.  We don't know how it happened, but one day she just dropped off the planet.  We thought he was safe.  Now, well I don't like that she's, in a way, coming after you."

"Should I really be that worried?"

Dean pipped up, "No, and I'll tell you why.  Because between the two of us, Sammy, and Danny, she doesn't have a chance.  And Danny will everything he can to protect you from her.  You know that."

"And if she shows up her, I'll just beat her ass." Jeni reached over and grabbed one of Leia's crutches and started shaking it.


"Jesus Christ.  What the fuck are you doing here Lacy?" Danny was now irritated as he opened the door to leave his apartment.

"You know why I'm here baby.  Don't you think it's about time we fix this?  You can ditch the tramp and we can. . ."

"She is not a tramp.  So help me God Lacy, if you go anywhere else near her, or me., I will. . ."

"You'll what?  I know you won't come at me.  Not your style.  But I'm telling you right now, you ditch her, and come back to me, or she's going where you won't see her again until it's your time."  This all of five-foot-six, blonde annoyance had a devilish tone that Danny was not about to ignore.

"Lacy, I'm going to state this calmly, yet rather stern.  And I want you to listen, and listen well.  You and I, done.  Over.  I was never in love with you.  You got that?  You and I were a mistake, and you know this.  We agreed on that.  I don't want to see you here, at my shop, or anywhere else that I may be.  This is your only warning Lacy.  You got that?  Only one.  Now, good-bye." He turned and locked the door and walked past her, and began to travel down the stairs.


"What Lacy?"  he turned, thoroughly annoyed.

"I will win.  You are mine.  You can't get rid of me that easily."

"I already did," and he continued his descent.  He got to his truck and waited to see the little she devil leave in her car before he  began his travel back to Leia's.  "God, this bitch.  Maybe I better get that order?" he said out loud.  Then he pulled his hand out of his pocket, "at least I still have this," as he looked at a little black box, then put it back in his pocket.  He looked up and made sure that he saw Lacy drive off, and once she was well out of sight, back to Leia's he went.  The only thing he could think about the whole drive back to Leia's was Lacy's threat.  He didn't think she would really make good on what she said, but she was nuts.  And then he remembered his promise to Leia.  That he would always make sure to take care of her, and that she was safe.  He had to tell her about this.  If he didn't, he'd be breaking promises and end up paying for it. He just got the one woman he'd always wanted back, he wasn't going to do a damn thing to cause her to send him packing.


"SHE WHAT?"  Leia and Jeni shouted at the same time.  Leia continued, "What do you mean she threatened us?  I don't even. . ."

Danny cut her off as he grabbed onto her and pulled her to him.  "She isn't going to do anything.  I won't let it go that far.  I didn't want to have to, but I'm going to go for the protection order.  I don't trust her, and I told you I'd protect you."

The four friends sat and spoke of how to make sure that Leia wouldn't be alone at anytime, especially once the week was over.  "I can't believe this is happening.  How the hell did you even get with this can of crazy?" Leia inquired.

"You don't even have the time to want to hear that story," Dean started, "but there was way too much liquor involved."  Danny shoved him, in a friendly manner.  "What?  That's truth."

"Yeah, yeah. "

"Okay, we're gonna head out.  Lei, if you need anything, you call us, you understand?"

"Yes, Dean.  I will."

"And if you so much as see her, I will be over here so damn fast. . ."

"Jen," Leia got a mom tone to her, and after getting hugs from her friends, she sat back on the pull out, and watched as Danny saw them out.  Him and those damn jeans of his.  God, he's ass looked good.  And so did the rest of him.  As he turned around and walked toward her, he pulled his jacket off, and hung it up.  He had another t-shirt that hugged every muscle that it covered, making it very hard for her not to get excited.  He slid his boots off and left them at the door.  He hung up Leia's keys, and did a check on the door, even though he knew he just locked it; he was just making sure that everything was secure.  He didn't want to take any chances.  He started walking over to her, his jeans hugging his package, making Leia's eyes bug out.  As he sat down next to her, he threw his left arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him.  "Mmmm, I like this," she muttered.

Danny kissed the top of her head.  "I do to.  I'm never letting you go.  But we do need to talk about this Lacy shit.  I think I do need to go get that protection order.  This isn't the first time, and now she's putting threats on you.  I won't let her do anything to you. I promise."

"I know."  Because he looked absolutely delicious, and her hands were free, Leia began to rub him over his jeans.  She heard him hiss.  She fumbled with the button on the top of them, and he hissed again.  As she slowly go that and the zipper opened, she watched as he laid back on the pull out bed.  She slid her hand into his pants to where she was able to grab his shaft and begin to play with it.  He lifted his hips up enough to where he could push his jeans down enough to allow her to unleash the beast they housed. "Forget something this morning?" she asked as she realized he was void of boxers.

"Hmmmm," he muttered as a result of her actions, raising his head just enough to look at her, "No.  I was more concerned about getting back here," and crashed his head back into the mattress.  He felt her run her finger nails gently up and down his shaft, and then traced the rim of his brainless head with them.  "Mmmmm, you're teasing me."

"Am I?" she responded in a seductive voice.  Then she began to place small kisses on the tip of him, and every third one, she'd open her lips and wrap them on the tip just enough to let him know she was there.  Almost as if she were savoring a sucker.  "I don't think I am." She then ran her tongue down his length, then right back up it. 

She felt him reach down to the back of her head and fist her hair.  "Woman. . ." was all he could get out before he felt her lips completely consume his cock inside her mouth.

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