Chapter 3

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Dear Diary,

Holy shit!  Tonight was ridiculously crazy.  But in a GREAT way.  I'm still shaky from it.  How am I still up at 4:00 in the morning?  Easy.  Joseph.  I think he may have broken me.  I haven't had a night like this since. . .gosh, Danny.  And that was years ago.  That's not to say that everyone since Danny was no good.  I just, I can't remember a night like this since him.

Joseph was so wonderful.  I got to his house, and he was waiting at the door, and greeted me with a "hey sexy."  I have to admit, I blushed a bit.  He let me in and started talking to me.  Making mention that he hoped I wasn't freaked out by the fact the back door of his house led right into his bedroom.  It was a little weird, but hey.  Who am I to judge?  I still had my jacket on too.  I had dressed kinda slutty and I wanted to get a feel for this guy before I let him see what I was wearing.  Yeah, so he had already seen my tits because of the picture I sent him.  So what?  They're just boobs.  And besides, he had sent me that dick pic, so it was only fair.

Anyway, we sat down on his bed and were just talking with the tv on for background noise.  You could tell we were both nervous about this meeting.  He complimented my hair and eyes.  He's blonde, but has kinda of buzz cut.   His eyes though.  OMG.  Baby blues like I have NEVER seen (sorry Joey-Joe.  But someone beat you out in that department).  I luuuuuuuuv this man's eyes.  I got so lost in them.

We were talking about our work.  He's a plumber and an Army Vet.  So for sure, a man's man.  I told him about my accounting job that I despise, but it's a paycheck and better than retail.  And it did get me out of my parent's house, so I suppose it's not that bad.  I can't remember what I said next, but then he asked if I minded if he kissed me.  "I thought you'd never ask," is what I said.  So cheesy, I know.  But hey.  This is me here.  He leaned in and gently pressed his lips onto mine.  It was a soft, gentle kiss but wow.  I felt an electricity spark in it that made me tingle all over.

He backed away and said he enjoyed it.  Then he moved up to the head of his bed, while facing the tv, and invited me to join him.  I scooted up next to him and he spoke, " You can lay down if you're more comfortable."  I said okay, and that I just needed to take my boots off first.  I felt him watch me as I stood at the side of the bed, unzipping the inside of my boots so that I could push them off, and scrunch the black dress socks I was wearing down around my ankles.  It was as if he was burning a hole in me he was so fixated on watching me.  All I was doing was taking my boots off.  He spoke again, "you know, you can take your jacket off.  Stay awhile."  He wasn't being a jerk, he was being sincere, soft, inviting.  It was nice.  I told him I was a little chilly and wanted to keep it on for now, for which he understood.  Truth of the matter was, I was terrified to take it off in fear he'd take one look me since the lace was see-through on my hoodie, and tell me to get the fuck out.  Instead he just told me to keep it on until I was comfortable.  With that, I scooted up next to him on his right, and he put his arm around me, while I propped my head on his chest.

Oh did it feel good to have a human pillow.  Admittedly, he is a little shorter than I (maybe two inches), but he is so warm and cuddly.  I felt so safe with him.  We were still talking about life, and past experiences with relationships.  He told me the best thing to come out of his failed marriage was his daughter, that he wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.  He also said that he is very picky about who he allows her to meet.  "This website dating thing is all new to me," he stated, "I don't know who is going to be real and who is going to be crazy.  My daughter has enough crazy to deal with because of her mother.  I don't need her introduced to any more.  So, when I feel there is nothing to fear, then I will let people meet her.  I have to keep her safe."  He went on to apologize as to if I thought he was saying that I was crazy.  I reassured him I did not take it that way, and that I fully agreed with him on his view point.  It made perfect sense.  Then I felt something.  I looked down, and he had turned inward toward me and had his left hand running up my inner thigh, lightly squeezing it the closer north he got.  He must have sensed I was getting nervous because he stopped and then apologized to me.  I was beginning to think this was just his M.O. for getting women to do what he wanted, except that when I giggled, he said, "No, really.  I'm sorry.  I sometimes go way to quick.  I just honestly haven't been with anyone in a long time.  I'm not normally this forward with someone on the first date."  Well that took me by surprise.  He was considering this a date.  I suddenly felt like a damn tramp for what I had on under my jacket.  I told him I hadn't been with anyone in almost five years, so if anyone understood the sudden urge, it was me.  "Five years?  I don't believe that.  You're too sexy and beautiful to have not had any attention in that long."  I reassured him it had been almost that long, and that was part of why I was trying the online dating thing.  "Wow.  Well, I can't make any promises other than I'll only react how you want me to."  I told him that was fair.  Then his phone rang.  Ugh.  But he took care of it.  "Sorry about that.  My brother.  Wanted to know what I was doing.  I only told him I had company.  He doesn't need to know everything I do."  I giggled a little bit, but in the back of my mind, I couldn't help but think it was a planned phone call.  You know the kind.  When someone has a blind date, and they tell someone to call them to see if it's going good or bad, and if it's bad, they can make something up so that party can get the hell outta there.  But for some reason, I was able to let that thought leave my mind, and before I knew it, I was sitting up and removing my jacket so Joseph could see that aside from my mini skirt, I was only in a bra and the lace hoodie.  When he saw me, he swallowed, took a breath and said, "I take it you're not chilly anymore?"  I shook my head no.  I don't know what came over me.  I just had this rush of needing to feel a man's touch, a man's kiss, a man wherever he wanted to be in me, and Joseph had been so open and honest with me in just a the couple hours we were talking that I wanted him.  I leaned in and I kissed him.  OMG, it felt so good.  And I swear, I don't know what in the world came over me, it was like someone flipped a switch and I became a porn queen.  We were sitting on the bed kissing, and I grabbed his left arm and placed his hand under my skirt so he could rub me, which he did as he pulled the fabric of my thong out of the way.  He broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes.  God damn those icy blue pools of his, I'm getting chills just thinking of them.  "Are you sure?" he asked me with such sincerity, I was very comfortable with saying yes.

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