Chapter 41

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Leia looked out her bedroom window before heading downstairs.  She didn't see any cars on the street or in her driveway, so she wasn't sure who would be at the door at this time of day in the middle of the week.  And she knew it wasn't Danny as he was at the shop.  When she got down the stairs, the doorbell rang again, and she shouted, "Okay, okay, I'm coming.  Keep you shirt on!"  She walked up to the door and looked through the freshly installed peep hole.  After the events of Saturday night, Danny didn't trust Lacy to stay away from Leia's home.  But he knew she couldn't be held prisoner in her own home on her day off, so he put one in, for exactly this reason.  Thankfully, it was Erica.

"What are you doing here?  Shouldn't you be at work?"  Leia asked as she let her friend in the house.

"I took a day off.  Laura's pissing me off. I needed a mental health day."

"I get that."

"I haven't heard from you since Saturday.  Is everything okay?"

"Well, that depends on what you mean by everything."

Erica's eyes started to close tightly and her lips come firmly together as if she was about to explode, "Leia?" she asked in a mom-like tone.

"Oh, no.  Danny and I are fine.  Really fine.  Believe it or not, even being at work with him yesterday, I didn't see him much so I think this will all be fine.  And I saw his Mom Sunday.  She is beyond happy that I'm back."

"So then, what is it?"

"It's this Lacy bitch.  She came by here after y'all had left and destroyed the fuck out of his truck.  Smashed window.  Spray paint.  Only good part is that I got to meet my neighbor next door."

"Who, the one with the goatee?"

"Yeah, him.  Tommy.  He's a biker guy too."  Leia noticed Erica's face get excited.  "Oh no you don't.  Don't you dare do that to Sam.  Especially when he seems crazy about you, and his son has taken a liking to you."  This is the type of thing Leia was afraid of with Erica.

"I'm not doing anything.  I like being with Sam.  And Dylan.  Honestly, I'd be more afraid of what Dean would do to me if I fucked up with Sam."

"He'll kill you.  Plain and simple.  So will Jeni.  And so will I."

"Well there won't be any of that.  I'm happy and have no intention of trying to fuck this shit up.  So how far does Lacy have to go before she gets busted?"

Leia clued Erica in on the protection order, that was granted and served on the little bitch earlier that morning.  It put her a bit at ease, but she doesn't know if this really will help anything for Danny when it comes to Lacy.  "This shit part is because we didn't see her spray or smash his truck, he can't even go after her for the repairs.  Such bullshit.  And he's staying here again because of the truck.  Which, I don't mind.  Hell, it's great not going to bed alone anymore.  He just hates that this is the reason why he's staying here.  I told him it wasn't a big deal.  He said he would have rather it been because we needed to move things forward and be living together again for want and need of our relationship. Not because his ex-crazy bitch damaged his truck."  

"I get that," Erica said, "but hey, he should be happy.  He's here.  I mean, you didn't have to let him back into your life.  And Lei, I know I've been against it the last couple weeks.  And I'm sorry.  After what he said Saturday night, explaining that first kiss.  Girl, keep him.  If y'all made it this far, well shit, I was fucking wrong.  You are supposed to be together."


"You seem to have healed up fairly well," the doctor began, "I would still do your exercises and mind the weight on your foot for a bit more, just to be safe, but you're for sure able to put more on it now that you were a couple weeks ago.  Do you need any refills or work notes?"

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