Chapter 16

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***Side note:  yes, you are going to see my love for certain spooky show come out here with certain names and descriptions.  If you know, you know!  Enjoy!***

"DEAN!  JENI!" Leia shouted when she saw them walk into Hilly's.  Throwing arms around her friends, Leia smiled wider than she had in a long time.

"Oh my God!  So good to see you girl.  We've missed you!" Jeni grasping onto Leia as if she was going to magically float away.

Dean leaned over to give Leia a peck on the cheek. "Good to see you girl.  Glad you suggested this.  Jen and I needed to get out."  He looked at Jeni with desirable eyes and then brought her into him with his arm around her neck.  They hadn't been this close in almost a year.  Jeni had called Leia several times because she needed a friend to talk to.  She thought her and Dean were going to end up in court, but they kept working at everything and managed to overcome it all.  Leia just didn't let Dean know that she knew that when he called her about Danny.  No sense in making waves where they were finally calmed.

"Well you know me.  The more the merrier.  Our table is over this way, c'mon."  Leia started to walk away from the door of the bar and lead her friends to where they would be sitting, when she heard another familiar voice. 

"Y'all couldn't wait for me?"

Leia turned around and  had a huge smile adorn her face.  "SAM!" She damn near jumped him.  even though he was about four years younger than her, they had always been great friends.  Plus, he is Dean's brother.  Although sometimes you wouldn't know it.  Sam was about six-foot-four, Dean was a little shorter, not much.  Probably about six foot, six-foot-one.  Sam had dark longer hair and greenish-brown eyes (depending on how the light hit them, while Dean was a dirty blonde and blue eyed.  "Oh my God, Sam!  Where the hell have you been?!"

He let her down as he pecked her cheek, "well, you know there's been issues with Lynn, and I have Dylan, so. . ." as he let his response dangle.

"Where is the little man anyway?  I know it's not like you can leave a three-year-old home alone?" she asked.

"He's with my parents.  They wanted me to go out too."

"Grandma Mary and Grandpa John getting some bonding time huh?  That's great.  Well, come on, we're up here,"  and Leia guided them all to the booth.

It was admittedly weird them all being together.  They hadn't been in the same room together since Leia told Danny to leave eight years ago.  It was hard on everyone because no one was going to take sides, as they shouldn't.  You're either a friend or you're not.  Choosing sides is high school bullshit.  Unless it's warranted, as in the situation with Sam and Lynn.  Lynn had just gone nuts.  Constantly following Sam as if he was hiding something, talking to people that weren't there, seeing things, she had just become delusional. And when you tried to ask her what was wrong, or if you could help her, she'd get violent.  It was only right that Sam got himself and Dylan away from her, and the rest of the group had decided that until she wanted to help herself, they had to walk away.

Amongst their conversation, which consisted of recalling old times, and tons of laughter, Leia heard the following, "Come on up Leia, it's your turn."

Mark called her to come sing.  As he handed her the microphone, you heard a cattle call yell come from Dean and Sam, while Erica and Jeni clapped for her.  "It's good to see you all together again," Mark told her as the intro to Poison's "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" played.

Leia had bittersweet feelings with performing this track.  She loved all things Poison as we know.  But while she could kick ass on the vocals to this epic tune, it would, at times, break her heart.  She felt that there was never a more perfect song for heartache.  The intro ended and she began, "We both lie silently still in the dead of the night. . ."

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