Chapter 47

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Dear Diary,

I believe this will be my last entry as I'm pretty sure I'm finally where I want and need to be with my life.  I started this as a means to see if my life would get better.  And, let's face it, as records of some REALLY hot ass sex hook ups.  But, I must say, my life did get better. Danny coming back into my life when he did just sent me into a whirlwind of everything.

Now that Lacy is out of the way, we can concentrate on us.  Which has been a long time coming.  Thirteen years coming!  But who cares how long it took.  We're here now.  And our friends all found out yesterday when we had them over for the usual Saturday bon fire.  And it was amazing.

The bunch of us sat around the fire.  It was the normal attendance.  Tommy and Andrea, Dean and Jeni, Sam and Erica with Dylan, and of course Danny and I.  I'm still amazed that Erica and Sam are making this work.  It does make me happy.  They both deserve to be happy.  We were having our usual Saturday night, a bunch of different snack style food, drinks, music and laughter.  Then of course, leave it to Dean to notice the smallest thing.

"Leia, you haven't had a beer all night.  How the fuck does that happen?"

I was going to respond, but Danny had to be the one to do it.  "Well, I guess now is as good of a time as any to say something.  Tommy, can you turn the music down?  I want everyone to hear everything I have to say."

"On it,"  Tommy reached back and turned the volume down and then readjusted himself in his seat.

"Thanks man," Danny grabbed my hand and pulled me to just about the middle of the patio.  "So, the reason why Leia hasn't had a beer all night is because, well, somethings are just far more important that than."

Being complete smartasses, Sam and Dean, at the same time, "Name one."

Danny looked at me and gave a quick nod, and I spoke to my friends.  "I'm pregnant."  Suddenly, the only thing you could hear was the crackle of the fire.  No one said a word.  I was never so scared.  But so what.  If our friends couldn't be happy for us, that was on them.  The morning after the shit  with Lacy, Danny ran out super early to get me a test following our talk the night before when I told him it was a possibility.  Can I just say, three minutes can be a long, LONG time.  Jesus.  But when it came up unmistakenly positive, Danny could not  have been happier.  I spoke to my friends again, "Did y'all hear me?"

Erica chimed in.  "Uh, yeah.  We heard you.  We're just, um, well. . ."  

"Well what Ere?" I asked.

"Shocked.  I mean, not that we don't want this for you, just surprised."  Erica had her jealous tone about her that she got whenever I got something that she didn't.  Why did she have to do this now? Eh, why should I care.  I need to think about myself for a change.

"Don't listen to her Lei.  This is FANTASTIC news.  And we are happy for the both of you."  Jeni had tear coming down her face as she walked over to me to hug me and Danny.

"Well you lucky son of a bitch, you beat us to it.  Good job."  Dean was being, well, Dean.  He got a hand shake in and then the big man's hug.  

Tommy, Andrea, and Sam all made similar comments.  I wasn't about to let Erica's jealousness ruin my night.  And if that wasn't enough for her to get jealous over, well she certainly wasn't happy with what happened after this announcement.  I mean, I had no clue this part was coming.   I was taken COMPLETELY by surprise.

"Thank you, thank you," Danny began, "Ere, I hope you can find some way to be happy for us.  Especially after what I'm about to do."

"What you're about to do?" Erica asked with caution.  Everyone sat back down.

Danny whipped around and faced me instead of being side by side with me.  He actually took his ball cap off and let his locks frame his face.  I saw a sparkle in his eyes that I have never seen in them before.  Not even two days ago when he found out that he was going to be a dad.  I couldn't help but ask him what was going on.  Then he began to speak.  "Leia, we have had one of the most ridiculous relationships anyone can imagine.  There is so much of it I wish I could change.  But at the same time, things that happened was how our story was supposed to be written.  And when I showed up on your doorstep a few months ago, I honestly did not think we would be where we are now.  I thought for sure it would be a swift kick to the balls and a "so long asshole" from you.  But it wasn't."  He paused for moment as he heard the others laughing at his account of what he thought he was going to get from me when I found him at my door.  I even heard Jeni remark something to Dean about keeping his mouth shut (because you know, he had to be Dean and give some sarcastic comment, which I  don't think anyone really would have minded) to which he did.  Then Danny started up again.  "I know I had to fight for you.  I had to prove how much I truly and honestly love you.  And I deserved every ounce of questioning and doubt that anyone that knows us, and knows our story had.  Hell, I'm standing here right now wondering how in the hell I got so lucky to have gotten you to see how much I love you.  How much I've always loved you.  I'm trying to figure out how I got lucky enough to have you tell me that we're going to be bringing a new life into this crazy world."  He paused again.  And as I looked him in the eyes, I could see them filling with tears.  He was smiling, so I knew he was happy.  

I started to choke up myself, I'm sure part of it due to hormones running through my system as if it were the Kentucky Derby.  I tried to speak, "Danny, I. . ." but he cut me off.

"Don't say anything babe.  Let me get this all out," he let the tears in his eyes slowly fall, "And now," he took a deep breath to help calm him down, "I'm hoping I get lucky enough to hear an answer to a question I should have asked you years ago."

I watched as he reached into the right pocket of his jeans, and he began to lower himself in front of me.  I heard Sam holler, "OH SHIT YES!"  Then I heard everyone else, Erica included, shout "SHUT UP!"  which was followed up by laughter.

"Leia Michelle Davison, I have loved you since I was eighteen years old.  I'm going to love you when I'm eighty.  And I'm going to love you for all the years in between now and then, and even after."  He had pulled a black box from his  pocket and opened it up for me to see.  In it was a beautiful white gold ring, the main setting being a heart with one diamond in the center.  I couldn't believe it.  It was something I had seen in a jewelry store when we were kids and I said I liked it because it was different.  "But what I need to know is, will you be my wife?"

Once again, it went horrifically silent in our back yard.  I was so stunned.  I honestly did not see this coming.  I mean, yeah okay I'm pregnant, but that didn't mean we had to get married.  And me being me, I came back with, "Danny, how long have you had that ring?"

He didn't even hesitate in his answer, "Since you picked it out."

What the hell was I supposed to say?  It was the same ring I picked out, this fucker.  I can't believe him.  I just cried, with a smile on face and nodded yes violently.  I took a breath to try and calm myself, and I got a out a very crackled, "yes!"

"There it is!" hollered Tommy.  And the rest of the bunch began their whistles and screams. 

 Meanwhile, Danny just got up off his knee, put his hands on my waist, looked into my eyes, while I looped my arms around his neck and he said, "I love you," kissed me, then put a hand on my belly and said, "And I love you too."

I guess keeping this diary was the smart thing to do after all.  I got the love of my life back.  And finally, we get to have our happy ending that we've always wanted.

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