Chapter 24

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The Earth and time seemed to stand still.  Danny wasn't moving, and neither was Leia.  In one way, she was happy because she didn't have to move.  On the other hand, that growl that came out of Danny's mouth bothered her to no end.  "Danny?  What's going on?"

"Fucking bitch," he stopped, "not you.  Come on, let's get in the house."  He was demanding and irritated.

"Danny, what is that note about?" Leia demanded.  When he didn't answer right away, Leia could sense something was not right.  "You know who left it, don't you?"  She sat down on the pull out bed.

"Yeah, I do."  His tone was angry.  He didn't need this right now.  He was finally getting back what he wanted more than anything, and this bullshit had to start.

"Well, you want to fill me in?  It's not every day I come home to something like that."  He wouldn't say anything.  He was just pacing at the foot of the bed.  "Danny!"

He stopped, and looked directly at Leia.  He knew that look.  It was one of sadness, anger, and disbelief all in one.  He'd only seen that look on her one other time, and that was when she threw him out for talking to another woman. He wasn't about to let that happen again.  He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and tipped his head back.  Lifting his hands to his waist, he exhaled, brought his head down, and looked Leia in the eyes.  "Lei, I lied to you once.  And I've paid for it for the last eight years.  I'm not about to have that happen again."

In her brain she was thinking, "oh no.  What the FUCK did he do now?"  Her mouth opened and, "Danny, what are you talking about?  You're starting to scare me," came out.

He sat down next to her on the bed.  "No, no, nothing like that.  But I'm not going to not tell you the whole story with this.  Do you remember when I told you a couple weeks ago that I had been engaged to another girl?"  Leia nodded.  "And you remember I told you the night we got engaged, we were in bed, and I called her you.  That was about three years ago."

"I know. Dean told me the time frame."  She was getting worried.

"Well, we tried to work it out for about six months.  Obviously, that didn't happen.  She moved out.  And honestly, I was happy when she did.  I was just fooling myself.  I was never in love with her.  I was just trying to. . ." he stopped, feeling himself choke up, ". . .trying to forget you, and how I fucked us up.  Anyhow, I didn't hear from her after she left."

"Well, that's good, isn't it?" 

"In some cases.  Not hearing from you hurt like hell.  Not hearing from Lacy, didn't bother me a bit.  Then about three or four months after she moved out, I started getting weird letters, notes on my door, on my truck.  Then the phone calls started.  She even showed up at the shop.  It caused a lot of problems.  Went on for a couple months.  Then one day, it just stopped.  I haven't had any problems for a little over a year.  And now, it would seem, she's starting up again.  I must be getting paid back for the hell I put you through."

Leia didn't know what to say.  "Have you been with anyone else when nothing was happening?"

Danny just shook his head no.  "I get where you're going with this but, I wasn't with anyone when she started her craziness the first time.  So, rules that out.  But I'm going to tell you, when she got crazy, she got crazy.  I'm talking like Lynn crazy."

"Oh damn."  Leia was getting nervous.

"Leia, I won't let her do anything to me.  To you.  Or to us.  You got that.  I won't let it happen.  You know I'll protect you.  I mean, I have a black eye to prove it."

She giggled, "That you do.  But this different.  This isn't some creep in a bar. She came to my house."

"I know.  But you gotta know, I didn't know this was going to happen, Lei, I swear."

"I know hun.  But if she's Lynn crazy, I think we need to make a report."

Danny agreed, and then he pulled Leia to him.  "Lei, I promise to get us through this.  Let's get someone out here, and then once we deal with that, I'll run over to mom's and get some stuff."

"Mom's?  You're still at your mom's?

"Well, yeah.  I know I can be on my own.  I can more than afford it.  But I didn't want to be alone.  Having my own space without you was just not something I wanted.  So I stayed.  I told you, even though, I'm the one that screwed up, losing you, biggest mistake of my life.  But I refuse to make that mistake again."

She knew he was telling her the truth.  But a part of her was still scared.  First, she still wasn't sure how to trust him, and now, a crazy ex?  She still hadn't made up her mind about him.  This wasn't playing too well in his favor.  She made the call however, and a short time later, she and Danny were talking to the cops about Lacy.  They said if Danny wouldn't be long, they would stay parked out front until he got back.  After that, they advised that he get a restraining order, that way, he could put Leia on it as a protected person. 

"I should only be gone forty-five minutes to an hour.  I'm just going to run home, get some stuff, and then I'll be back," Danny told her.

"Stuff?  What stuff?"

"Clothes, personal items.  I need to go get clothes if I'm going to stay here and take care of you this week."

"But Danny, I. . ."

"No buts.  I told you.  You're not going to be alone while you're hurt.  And I'm really not leaving you alone now with Lacy's crazy ass popping back up."  The look he gave her was telling her to try and defy him, she wasn't going to win.  "Do you want me to go out through the front door, or the garage?"

"The garage.  Lock the door behind you.  Take my keys.  They're. . ."

"By the door, I see them.  You stay on this bed.  I don't want you getting up and moving around for anything, especially while I'm gone.  Unless you have to pee.  Yeah, I beat you to it, smartass."  He shot her a smile.  "Do you need food or drink before I leave?"

"Um, sure.  Cherry Coke would be great.  There's some in the fridge."

Danny walked into the kitchen, grabbed the can out of the fridge and brought it to her.  He smiled down at her.  His eyes were suddenly full of light, that it seemed to shimmer off the scruff he had on his face.  When he placed his lips on her forehead, she felt that spark that she knew with him all too well.  And she didn't want to stop what she was feeling for him.  But every time she started to weaken when it came to him, something else happened.  She didn't know if she was supposed to take these as signs that maybe she shouldn't go down this road again.  Or maybe he was right.  He was just being put through hell for all the hurt he had put her through, and now it was his time to pay the piper.  Whatever the reason, she was grateful he was there.  "Thank you."

"You're welcome.  Now, I'm going to go.  And I mean it, stay put.  And whatever you do, do NOT answer that door.  I don't trust this bitch.  I promise, I will try to hurry.  Maybe I should call Dean or Sammy to come sit with you?"

"Would you go.  I'll be fine.  Besides, let the crazy bitch show up here.  I've got these!"  She started swinging one of her crutches around like a sword.

"Okay, okay.  I'm going.  I'll be back soon.  I love you."

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