Chapter 21: Something's Buzzing

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🎶 Sex, Drugs, Etc. — Beach Weather 🎶

We had laid down in my bed by now after I had built a pillow fortress between us, using every single pillow I possessed. However, I had seen him laying down shirtless, only wearing his boxers, and the thought of that kept me awake. And so I laid there, staring at the ceiling, hoping to fall asleep at some point.

"It was also the best night of my life" I heard him whisper. What the hell? Was he alluding to the conversation we had just had in his car? I was contemplating if I should ignore him or if I should say something. But it was too late, he had sat up and lurked over to my side, busting me that I was still awake.
"Um..." he mumbled, quickly laying back down. I decided to be brave and moved away one pillow at the top so that I could see his face, which quickly turned to me.

"Cuckoo" I chuckled and he softly laughed too.
"Are you ok?" he asked me.
"What do you mean?" I asked back.
"You know... after that guy... in the club" he muttered.
"I'm ok. You were there" I replied quietly.
He scoffed. "Yeah, this time... But the next time maybe I'm not."
"Maybe you just have to be with me all the time" I whispered with a courage that I didn't know was hidden inside me.
"Maybe I should" he answered and put his hand on my cheek. My breathing was shaking after his words, what was going to happen next?
"Good night Clara" he said, his eyes closed now, but his hand still touching my face.
I didn't want to turn around and break contact so I just stayed like that and hoped to eventually drift off to sleep somehow, which I thankfully did.

When I woke up the next morning, everything in my bed was a mess. The pillows were scattered all over and Fermín was spooning me from behind, his arms wrapped around me and our legs tangled together. How the hell did we end up like this? I thought this stuff only happened in movies. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Something hard was poking my ass and my nightgown had ridden up, leaving me naked underneath.

But I didn't want to lose contact, everything about this felt good. And... right, in some way. I felt him shuffling behind me now and he coughed a few times. I took this as an excuse to shuffle away from him and open my eyes to look at him. The loss of contact left something burning in me. Hell, I'd have to take care of myself later.
"Um... good... good morning" he stammered as he turned around to take his phone from the nightstand.
"Morning. Sleep well?" I asked him as I stood up to walk to the kitchen.
"Like a baby" he replied and sent me a smile that was to die for.
"Want some breakfast? Will be ready in a few minutes... You could use them to calm down. And don't think about jerking off in my bed" I threatened him and he turned bright red.

I walked out and started preparing an oatmeal for him and an avocado toast for me.
"You just know everything" he said as he walked in, looking at his place at the table where a coffee was waiting for him next to his breakfast.
"I've known you all your life" I simply replied.
"And you're still bearing with me..." he chuckled.
"The Pope will make me Saint for that" I said, pointing my fork at him.
"Mhm. Maybe we don't tell him about the part where your naked ass was rubbing on me all night" he said and I was ready to throw that fork into his eye. He expected something coming and quickly ducked, while l tried to find something less dangerous than a fork. I settled on my napkin and hit him with that.
"Maybe it was you being a creep while I was sleeping!" I shot back and he just laughed.

When we finished up, he had finally managed to call my brother about his house keys. We said goodbye and after he left, I walked back to my bedroom, throwing myself on my bed. While laying there, I recalled the feeling of his dick hard against my body and closed my eyes, feeling the heat between my legs. I stood up and looked for my vibrator that was hidden in one of my closet's drawers.

To start off easily, I switched it on on the lowest intensity and placed it on my clit. My hand wandered to my nipple, pinching it and the feeling grew more intense. I switched on the next level and pushed the device a bit lower, starting to build up a knot in my stomach. A moan escaped my lips, but that wasn't the only sound I heard. My doorbell was ringing and I groaned loudly. Who the hell was this now? I quickly shoved the very wet vibrator into my nightstand drawer and walked to the door putting on my bathrobe on the way. If it was a neighbour I didn't need him to see my stiff nipples.

I flung the door open to see Fermín again.
"What the hell do you want?" I groaned, pissed that it was him who ruined my masturbation session.
"Whoa, were you working out? You look... wound up. Anyways, I must have forgotten my wallet" he said and brushed past me, walking to my bedroom. He looked around the bed and then crouched down on the floor to check if it had landed underneath it. Then, his hand wandered to the nightstand's drawer's knob and I shrieked out loud.
"Not there!" I shouted, but it was too late, he had opened the drawer.

He froze, having seen what was inside and I just buried my head in my hands, fuck this was so embarrassing.
"You could have just said something" he chuckled and I walked over to shut the drawer and place myself in front of it so that he wouldn't get any ideas to take it out and feeling that it had just been used. This also meant now standing in front of him and he looked down at me.
"Your cheeks are flushed, you were out of breath when you opened the door..." he said, connecting the dots, while he was just inches away from me. We stared into each other's eyes and I gulped.

Suddenly, I felt his fingers grazing over my thigh and I let out a shaky breath.
"Should I take care of it?" he whispered as he leaned into my ear. I nodded, too shy to speak. I ran the tip of my nose over his neck, to show him some more consent, I really didn't want to say anything right now. In a swift motion, he pushed me against the wall, his hand tracing the inside of my thigh. My body responded by wrapping my leg around him, while I was lightly pulling his hair for some steadiness.

His fingers finally arrived at my sensitive area and he groaned into my neck.
"Fuck Clara... you're so wet" he said as his fingers were playing at my entrance. Finally, he put a finger inside me and I let out a moan. After a few pumps, he added a second one and the sensation was amazing. The knot from before finally came back and continued building up in my stomach. His other hand wandered down to my breast, pinching and twisting my nipple over my nightgown, letting even louder moans come out of my mouth. As he noticed me getting closer, the hand wandered down from my breast to my clit, adding some more intensity and I came on him, moaning his name.

He slowly let me down again and cupped my cheek as I was recomposing myself.
"Um... thanks... Can I... help you too?" I asked shyly. He chuckled and put his front on mine.
"I'm more than happy" he said, kissing my neck before turning around.
"Oh! Found it!" he exclaimed as he saw his wallet on the floor in the corner. "Oh... and... I'll be taking this with me. So that when you're in need you'll have to resort to calling me" he added as he opened the drawer and took out the vibrator.

He started walking to the door and I ran after him, shouting a loud "No!" but he just turned around with an amused look on his face.
"I'll give it back to you if you tell me that it's more satisfying than me" he said with a challenging look. I contemplated lying, but just stayed silent instead.
"Thought so" he chuckled as he opened the door to walk outside and shutting it again behind him.

Teenage Dream • Fermín LopezWhere stories live. Discover now