Bonus Chapter 1: Summer People

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🎶 Electric Love — BØRNS 🎶

18th July 2024

"Clara! Fermín is here!" my mum shouted from downstairs and I quickly grabbed my beach bag before rushing down.
"Where are the sandwiches I prepared?" I asked frantically as I opened up the fridge and rummaged around.
"STOP GOING THROUGH MY KITCHEN LIKE A RACCOON!" Mum shouted and I quickly closed the fridge again. "They're here" she said and pointed at the kitchen island where my small package was wrapped up.
"Sorry Mum. Gotta go, byeeeee" I said as I pressed a kiss on her cheek and hurried outside.
"Don't forget the barbecue tonight!" she shouted but I was already halfway out the door that I didn't bother replying. Not like she hadn't reminded me a billion times about it since my arrival back home two weeks ago.

And there he was, leaning against his shiny black BMW: my boyfriend, Fermín Lopez.
"Ah" I sighed. "Every time I see you, I ask myself how I got so lucky" I giggled as I walked into his embrace.
"And every time I see you, my heart beats uncontrollably. Remind me to never have you around for medicals, or I'd get expelled from any team" he chuckled and I put my lips on his. We were kissing for a bit, when we suddenly heard someone shouting at us.
"Stop it! There are little kids around here! You should get married before you do vulgarities like this! And after that, you should only do that in your bedroom!" old Mrs Ramirez shouted from across the street.
"Sorry Mrs Ramirez! I will put a ring on it, don't worry! And then I'll put lots of babies into her! In our bedroom! Maybe also the kitchen sometimes!" he shouted back and my jaw dropped while I started laughing. We loosened our embrace and got into the car. Before driving off, Fermín made sure to wave at Mrs Ramirez who was still eyeing us angrily.

"Lots of babies? We haven't talked about that yet!" I challenged him as we drove down to the beach in Huelva.
"Don't you want to multiply our good looks by having kids?" he asked and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Of course! But you just basically announced to the whole village that we're starting a family - you know how many questions I will get about that tonight?" I asked him.
"Well, you are the girlfriend of the town's superstar, you will get tons of questions anyways" he said with a smug grin and I slapped his arm.

We finally arrived down in Huelva and walked down to our spot at the beach, where I already saw my brother and his girlfriend.
"Finally! Why am I getting messages from my ex-classmates about you being pregnant?" he asked and showed me his phone.
"See what you started!" I huffed at Fermín and slapped his arm again.
"Mrs Ramirez caught us kissing and I calmed her down by reassuring her that I'll marry Clarita and have a bunch of kids with her" my boyfriend explained as he laid out our towels in the sand.
"You failed to clarify that this will happen some day" I said through gritted teeth.

"Why are you so sure that I won't propose in front of everyone tonight at the barbecue?" he chuckled and I was ready to slap his arm again.
"Dude, if you pull off a scene like that you're the cringiest man alive and I'll end our friendship" Carlito said and rolled his eyes.
"Don't worry, I'll ask for your blessing first" Fermín said and ruffled through his hair. My brother quickly stood up and the boys chased each other into the water where they were now playing around and chatting to each other.

"Lots of marriage talk already" El teased me as I laid down next to her. Yes, my brother had started dating my now-best friend a month ago or so and they couldn't be happier. I wasn't happy in the beginning that my brother was dating a friend of mine after the fiasco with Fati - I had grown so close with her over the four years they had been together and from one day to the other, not only he had lost her, but I did too. I just didn't want that to happen with El, but after a long talk with Carlito in which he talked to me about his feelings, I couldn't hold a grudge against them anymore. They were a good match, even though she was completely different from Fati - but that was probably a good thing.

Teenage Dream • Fermín LopezWhere stories live. Discover now