Bonus Chapter 5: A Stroke of Fate

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🎶 Angels - 2004 Mix — Robbie Williams 🎶

14th February 2027

"Hey you" I whispered as I hugged Fermín from the back as he was sitting on the sofa, watching some highlights from his last game against Dortmund.
"Hey... You look... wow, beautiful as always" he said as he stood up to look at me.
"You look quite smart yourself, Mr Lopez" I chuckled and put my hands on the back of his neck to pull him closer. "Maybe we can just stay in..." I whispered and began to kiss his neck.
"No, no! We've never celebrated Valentine's Day properly - either you had a test the next day or I was playing. We're going out tonight" he said, a bit too agitatedly maybe, but he was probably just very excited. I sighed and walked over to our closet to pull out a warm coat, Germany was bitterly cold.

We rode the elevator downstairs to the very sleek black Audi Bayern had given Fermín as a company car. We lived in a beautiful penthouse in the city in walking distance from uni, so we still only had one car that my boyfriend only needed to get to training and back. During last summer, I transferred to the International University in Munich and was set to finish my last two years here. Surprisingly, we had settled in very well here in Bavaria and our German was getting better with each day. Fermín was playing a great season under Xabi and Bayern was sitting comfortably on top of the table, still in the run for the Champions League and the Cup.

"Hopefully everything worked out with the reservation. I did it in German" my boyfriend told me, nervously tapping his hand on the steering wheel at a red light.
"I'm sure it'll be fine. And even if it didn't, they'll surely still offer their best table to the hat-trick scorer of last week's Der Klassiker" I chuckled, but he only grinned weirdly. We arrived at the Olympia Tower and rode the elevator upstairs to the restaurant with a view over Munich, where we were immediately greeted very friendly and led to a table. Fermín was recognised by some, but Germans were usually very respectful and left him alone tonight, seeing that he was very obviously on a Valentine's date.

"Jamal suggested to take the veal filet" Fermín told me.
"Well then, I'll trust him" I chuckled. Jamal had become one of Fermin's closest friends here, which had started with a great connection on the pitch and with time, they found many common interests. They were close in age and I had also come to like him a lot, he was an incredibly laid-back and funny guy. We ordered an appetiser and the main course before handing the waiter back over our menus.

"You remember our first date?" Fermín asked and I had to giggle at the memory.
"How could I ever forget! You were so nervous" I giggled.
"And like always, you kept me in check and took over for me. I'll forever be grateful for you to do that. You are the biggest gift I got from life" he said and took my hand to plant a kiss on it. Suddenly, his phone rang and he quickly checked to see who it was.
"Juan Antonio" he said when he saw my questioning face.
"You can pick up, he's your brother. He knows we're out, it could be important" I told him.
"Nah, he's probably just chuffed if to wear the blue or white sweatshirt for his date" he chuckled and I smiled too.

"Anyways, back to you. Are you happy? You know, with Munich and everything... It's not how we expected things to go..." he asked.
"I'm very happy. Uni is also good, just three more semesters. Oh, we're going on a study trip to Hamburg in two weeks, I've put it in our shared calendar" I told him happily.
"Do you feel lonely?" he asked.
"No. You're around very often for your circumstances and I've found some friends at uni-" I started, but his phone started ringing again.
"That boy needs to grow up!" he huffed when he took out his phone before putting it away again.
"Still your brother?" I asked and he nodded, rolling his eyes.

But then I heard my phone ringing too and when I saw that it still was Juan Antonio, I picked up, even though I knew Fermín would be annoyed.
"Hello? Juanito, we're out-" I started, hoping to end the call soon again, but I heard sobs on the other end of the line.
"Clara... Mum and Dad..." he sniffled and my hands started sweating.
"Mum and Dad what?!" I asked agitatedly and Fermín's expression quickly shifted to a preoccupied one.
"They... they... were... in... an... accident" he sobbed and my phone slipped out of my hands onto the floor.


Burying Fermin's parents was hard, especially since it was the middle of the season and he couldn't take a whole lot of time off. He played his first game back a day after the funeral, Bayern winning and he even delivered an assist. However, he was completely destroyed and I was afraid of what was going on in his mind. He cried himself to sleep for weeks and we hadn't had sex since the day before Valentine's Day. It was the end of April now.

My Mum was visiting these days, and I hoped that she could help bring his spark back, I couldn't bear to see him like this anymore. It was hard for me too, to lose my godmother and basically my second pair of parents. Lola had always understood me on such a deeper level than my own mother and knowing that I would never be able to talk to her again, broke my heart too.

 Lola had always understood me on such a deeper level than my own mother and knowing that I would never be able to talk to her again, broke my heart too

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📍 München
clara_1106 Special visit from Mami 💞

pablogavi She can come visit me in Barcelona anytime too 😍
Replying to pablogavi:
clara_1106 🥴🥴🥴
_ferminlopez ❤️
carlos_1106 👑 & 🐷 😘😘😘😘

My mum and Fermín had gone out for a walk while I was bent over my books studying for my Structural Calculation exam - it was my most hated subject, but thankfully after this semester I would be done with this course. I was heavily engrossed in an equation, when I felt a kiss on my cheek and I immediately recognised my boyfriend. I turned around to smile at him.
"You look so pretty when you're concentrated" he mumbled, leaving kisses from behind my ear down my neck.
"Fermín! My mum is here!" I hissed, softly laughing.
"No, she's not. She took the car and drove to IKEA to buy some stuff. I doubt she'll be back... in the next six hours" he chuckled.

"I have to finish this..." I whined as he started opening the buttons of my blouse from behind.
"You can finish it later..." he whispered and peeled off the shirt from my body.
"No. I had to wait two and a half months, you can wait ten more minutes. Here, take my calculator and tell me the outcome of this equation" I told him and he slumped down next to me, taking the calculator from my hands. I quickly looked at him, but I looked again when I saw it.

"Your smile is back" I said, looking at him adoringly.
"Me and your mum had a great talk and... I realised that losing Mum and Dad will always hurt, but... in the end, when I think of my future it's you and my kids who I see, not them. It's sad to say this but... in the end it's life. You are everything for me: past, present and future. Until I take my last breath." he replied and smiled before leaning in and caressing my cheek.

Teenage Dream • Fermín LopezWhere stories live. Discover now