Chapter 30: That Poor Delivery Guy

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🎶 right where you left me - bonus track — Taylor Swift 🎶

On Tuesday after our last class of the day, I walked up to my classmate Pierre.
"Hey! Uh... do you want to grab some lunch together?" I asked him and he shot me a smile. He was very handsome, classic French guy.
"Hi Clara! Yeah, you know some good places around here? I still haven't discovered much except for the cafeteria... and that wasn't a hit" he chuckled and I grinned. Nice too, check.
"We could drive into the city, I know a good authentic Catalan restaurant there" I replied and he nodded eagerly. He packed up his stuff and we walked to the metro station together, getting to know each other better. I couldn't ask him straight out to come to my brother's girlfriend's birthday dinner, that would be weird as hell.

We arrived at Las Ramblas and I guided us through the streets while making small talk and learned he was from Toulouse but had chosen to study in Spain rather than in his home country as his grandmother was Spanish and he wanted to learn the language to connect with that part of his heritage.

We had arrived at the restaurant and after we had ordered, I tested the waters.
"So, have you found some friends already?" I asked and smiled friendly.
"Yeah, I'd say I'm happy in that aspect after two months now, but I'm always open to new friendships, so thanks for asking me to lunch" he replied and smiled back.
"Sure! Oh... by the way, I just remembered that my brother's girlfriend is celebrating her birthday on Sunday, maybe you want to come along? Lots of new, friendly Spaniards to get to know!" I said, faking an exaggerated enthusiasm but he bought it.
"How nice! Yeah, I'd love to come! That's really nice of you, Clara!" he said, but suddenly my phone started ringing.
"Sorry" I mumbled as I scrambled through my purse, trying to find it. When I saw the caller I immediately declined. Of course Fermín just had to call now. He was going to be either full of bullshit excuses or acting like nothing had happened - no way I was playing his game.
"You sure you don't want to pick up? It's really no problem" Pierre asked, but I quickly shook my head.
"It's this annoying guy I'm currently rejecting" I said nonchalantly and raised my eyebrows.

After finishing eating and chatting for a while longer, we paid and left the restaurant, ready to part ways after saying goodbye.
"Let's meet up at the Provença metro station on Sunday, I'll text you the time" I said as we kissed each other's cheeks.
"Perfect! Can't wait!" he said and smiled. Did I feel bad that I was using him? No, men played girls all the time, it was my turn once too. And I hadn't told him it was a date anyways so he didn't need to get his hopes up. He was nice and I definitely think we could be friends so it wasn't all a lie...

When I was on the metro back home, I saw that Fermín had tried calling me 5 more times but apparently hadn't cared enough to text. Idiot. When I got back to my flat, I sat down to do my homework and get some studying done for an upcoming test, but decided to stop at 8pm as my head was exploding. I quickly opened up Uber Eats and ordered some sushi before switching on the TV and continuing to watch some true crime docuseries on Netlix. My heart ached a bit when I saw the Beckham documentary in my "Continue watching" list as the memories of me watching it with Fermín came back.

But I concentrated on the murder mystery that was being explained, however I completely startled when I heard some knocking on my door. I quickly stood up, thinking it was going to be the delivery guy, but then I stopped in my tracks. He would have rang downstairs too. Maybe it had been open? I checked my app, but saw that he was still 20 minutes away. No, this could only be Fermín. Like hell I was going to open up for him - hopefully he'd go away before my sushi came.

"Clara!! I know you're in there, I saw your light burning outside!!" he shouted and banged on my door. I didn't reply and then he called me, at which I obviously didn't pick up - when would he get the memo to leave me alone?

Fermín ⚽️
Are you ok?
I'm outside your door, please open up
Are you under the shower?
Clara!!! Open up!!!!!

Unfortunately, my delivery guy was nearing my apartment building, but I hadn't gotten any new messages or calls, nor had I heard knocking, so I really hoped that he'd gone away. The downstairs bell rang and I quickly opened the buzzer, waiting for him to knock upstairs, which he did after a minute or so.

I opened up the door and to my dismay, I saw Fermín standing there too.
"Here you go, is this guy here looking for you?" the guy asked as he handed me over my food.
"Yeah, he's my stalker" I just replied pushing a 2€ coin into his hands to give him as a tip.
"WHAT?! I am NOT her stalker, we are... we are dating!" Fermín stammered at the guy.
"That's exactly what a stalker would say" I said and raised my eyebrows. "Thanks and sorry... about that" I said and waved my hand at Fermín before slamming the door shut.

"CLARA!! STOP BEING CHILDISH!!! OPEN THE HELL UP NOW!!" Fermín shouted, banging at my door.
"Dude, if you don't stop, I'm going to call the police" I heard the delivery guy say and smirked. I only heard some cursing and angry shouting but apparently that really got him going. Doubts started rising in me: was I really being childish? Should I have talked to him? Was bringing Pierre along on Sunday just to make him jealous a basic bitch move?

No. I needed him to acknowledge my worth and that he had messed up. Just because I'd been friends with him since forever didn't mean that I was going to give him a free pass for his shitty behaviour. I actually couldn't wait for Sunday.

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