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AN:Between our three main characters, sino kaya sa kanilang 3 una makaka discover ng connection nila sa isat isa?
How can you say you've really move on?


Tuesday is a free day for Sarah so she just went to her unit to arrange her belongings. PJ promised to join her later to help just in case there are heavy things that needs lifting.

Bamboo called several times already that morning only to tell Asher how he misses her. Sarah told him about her bonding with PJ in Tagaytay and their hiking and boating in Taal lake.

" Wow you guys did that yesterday? When did you plan it? Bamboo ask Asher about the hiking

"Well it's actually an spur of the moment thing, PJ said we haven't done anything together since we came here, which is true kaya ayun nag punta kami". " It was so fun, ang saya saya lang talaga, the last time we hike was with Half Dome in Yosemite". Asher joyfully said

Bamboo can hear the happiness in Asher's voice while taking about her day with PJ. And he's happy for her, although he wished that they will be able to do things together like that too, well aside from the other things they do of course.

"Well, I'm glad you got a chance to do that with him, for sure you guys had fun" Bamboo told Asher

" Oh yeah , we're so used to doing this kind of stuff, we even did bungee jumping together before in Macau, and "Skydiving too in Laguna Beach " she's just so happy to tell Bamboo.

" You what? You do that dangerous stuff and your brother is allowing you? Oh oh, what other dangerous stuff does my girlfriend do that I'm not aware about. You better be careful love, I don't want you getting hurt.

Sarah suddenly becomes quite, she hasn't told Bamboo about her career in car racing before , her accident about 4 years ago, not that it matters because she promised PJ not to do it again.

And then something hit her, the 3 match box cars. She has to move on from it, from the person who gave it to her. She's sure that she's in love with Bamboo but she still feel the need for closure on Francis, even if it's just one sided, Francis never knew what she felt anyways they have never seen each other in 20 years and he probably thinks of her as a younger sister.

Bamboo and Asher talked a few more minutes then they have to say their I love you's and end the call. Both in high spirits.

Sarah just continued with arranging her collection. She had a custom made curio where she will put her match box collection, but of course the 3 closest to her heart is on the head board cabinet in her soon to be room. Tomorrow after the grand opening and blessing of BASH she decided she will stay at her unit na. PJ knows it too and he said he agree it's like a new start for her, opening of her business then moving to her new place.Sarah is excited to her new adventures.


Meanwhile after their phone conversation Bamboo can't seem to relax knowing that Asher is into dangerous sports, surprised is actually an understatement, because looking at her she looks so fragile, and naive.

Bamboo remembered asking her about her long scar at the side of her body and all she told him is that she got it from an accident. She doesn't seem to like the idea of talking about it so he didn't pushed through in questioning it, besides he is focused on doing other things that time. They are in the middle of making out so their focus is on other things. Now he wonders what else does Asher have in her sleeves that will surprise him. But then Bamboo knows nothing could change how he feels for her so he's ready.

Bamboo decided to call Alex too so he could inform him he can't make it to his invite.

PJ/Alex: Hey Francis, hey man how are you? O napatawag ka?

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