This is Us

550 26 17

"She's all yours, take your time"


Bamboo took his time in the shower. He needed a long one. After he's done he went out to check on Asher who is now sleeping soundly again and with her shirt on all ready. Well good for him otherwise he might need another shower.

He could have easily taken her earlier, she was willing, he knows it, but he tried to control himself. He wanted her so much but he can't, he won't. He wanted to have it on their wedding night. So as long as he can he will try to just make do with cold showers. It's gonna be so hard specially that Asher is so beautiful.

It's only pass 3am. He can just go up to his unit. He lives in the same building as her, but she doesn't know yet. So he decided to just sleep beside her. He went to the bed lies beside her and went to sleep.

The rays of the sun is into his face so he was awakened. He looked at clock it's only 7:00 am.
Bamboo smiled at the sight that Asher is sleeping beside him, naka unan ito sa kanya, at ang isang paa ay naka dantay sa katawan nya.
He could get used to this scene every morning.


Fast forward 3weeks after.

Bamboo and Asher has been busy the past 3 weeks. He on his commitments and Asher on Bash. The restaurant is picking up because of good reviews and recommendations from people who tried them.

The two barely have time to be together alone. They just make do with phone calls and messages and sometimes dinner dates and movies in Asher's unit. Well even if they could actually be alone, PJ seems to be always on the guard.

Bamboo is missing Asher so much. Well he wants to spend time with her "alone " but it seems to be impossible the last 3 weeks. Well aside from the fact that they are busy, PJ is on the tail. Bamboo feels that PJ is doing it on purpose, not letting a chance for the two to be alone for a long time.

Actually PJ is doing it on purpose. Why? Because he is aware that Bamboo is sleeping in Asher's unit and that they actually live in the same building.

The morning after Bash grand opening when they found out that Francis is Asher's boyfriend, he went to Asher's unit to talk to her. She gave him a spare key so he just went inside. PJ was surprised to see Bamboo and Asher inside her bedroom. Well he was relieved to find out that Bamboo is still in his jeans and shirt and Asher is in her usual sleeping clothes, shirt and shorts. Both peacefully sleeping.

PJ worries for Asher, he knows that she has been in love with Bamboo as Francis for the longest time and now in love with him as Bamboo, so he is afraid that she's that vulnerable. He can sense that Francis love his sister but if ever he gets her pregnant it can be a different matter because it's a lifelong commitment and that PJ is not sure if Bamboo is ready. So with whatever he can do, he tries to avoid them being cozy and alone for a long period of time. Call him conservative but it's his sister future and happiness at stake.

PJ called Bamboo one time to ask him to join them for lunch.

PJ: Hey Francis, would you like to join us for lunch tomorrow. I have a surprise for Sarah. One of her closest friend Sam is in town. She doesn't know yet. He's only here for a week and I'm pretty sure Sarah will be glad to see him. He had helped her so much during her therapy after her accident. Well that is if you're interested.

B: sure man, I'd like that. We'll meet you tomorrow.

After the phone conversation with PJ, Bamboo started thinking about that friend of Asher. PJ said HE , that means it's a guy and for sure he wants to meet any guy friends Asher have. Well hindi pa man he feels jealous already knowing this guy was with Asher at an important time of her life.

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