Missing You

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Bamboo is in his unit, he's been very busy, his schedule is loaded and even though he's having personal problem he's a professional so he attends to all his commitments as needed. But it can be seen that he's not in his best element.

Pancho suggested that he takes a break but he doesn't want too, he will just miss Asher more if he's home and alone like he is now.

Bamboo can't help but think about what he and PJ talked about earlier, the possibility of Asher being in the US with Sam.

If so, why Sam, he can't help but really feel threatened with him. He knows that he is in love still with his wife and he can very well take this opportunity, but he still believe in the love that Asher have for him, that she will eventually listen to his explanation.

He misses his wife so much, he haven't had a good sleep for a long time.


Asher hasn't been feeling very well, she's been under a lot of stress lately, she thinks she's ready to talk to Bamboo soon, she already talked to a lawyer about the possibility of annulment, but this time she's not sure if it's what she wants. She loves Bamboo still, but she doesn't know if she can trust him again, she's confused and is making her feel sick already.

Sam is a little worried about Asher, she's having a lot dizzy spells lately and is often not feeling well. He is bound to Chicago in 8 days for a training and he's not comfortable leaving Asher alone in his house. He's thinking of calling PJ already so she will be with someone.
Well Asher's safety is more important this time, Asher will understand him.

Asher and Sam is waking on the park one afternoon, Asher told Sam about her plan of filing for an annulment.

"Ash, are you sure you want to do that? Honestly I think you guys should talk first and try resolving your issue." Sam said, "besides try hearing him out first, you could be making a big decision that is baseless, I'm your friend and I'm saying you're being stubborn this time."

" You're supposed to fight for your marriage, fight for your man and not lose him to another woman Ash, you're a fighter in so many ways, a badass on sports but how come your giving up this easy on your marriage? If there is one fight you should be fighting for, this is it, it's your fight for happiness Ash, its your marriage. Sam continued, Asher is just listening.

After their walk, Asher just went to the room she's using in Sam's house. She's been thinking about what Sam had just said. Is she gonna give up on their vows ? How hard could it be for her to forgive and forget? She knows she loves Bamboo still and maybe that love can overcome all her hurt, she's always been a fighter in so many things and Sam is right, why is she giving up on something she's supposed to fight till the end for, her marriage.

Asher tried to remember everything that morning, all the details she could remember, and she realized that Sam could be right, that Bamboo has an explanation, she remembers that Solenn woman going out in towel but she's all made up, hair and make up done, she doesn't looks like she just came out of shower or just finished having sex at all. Well that's a very uncompromising situation and if Bamboo has an explanation then maybe, just maybe they can be fixed. And Bamboo better have an explanation for his constant secret talks with Pancho.

Asher can't help but cry and cry, now she realized that she should take this head on and not run away from it, she should fight for her marriage. She's happy having Sam, who has been a real friend and reminded her of her vows. She's decided, she's gonna go home now to his husband and hear him out.

Asher excited about her decision went over to knock on Sam's room, she will thank him for enlightening her on things. When Sam opened his door he saw a different Asher, she seems happier than she is earlier.

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