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After their stay in The Farm, Bamboo and Asher ia back in Manila. They have a 2 more weeks before their European trip. They are gonna try a lot of things together.

Actually Bamboo wanted to try things that Asher likes to do, so they plan to do skydiving, bungee jumping, rappelling and some other stuffs she loves to do. Well it's gonna be their honeymoon too, so they will be there for two weeks.

Bamboo already have some commitments to finish before he leaves so he's a little busy. Asher is busy too with Bash. But they always make time for each other, and for one another.

Fast Forward 2 weeks after.

They went to Paris, Italy, And Switzerland for their 2 weeks Europe vacation. They went bungee jumping and skydiving in Interlaken Switzerland, it was an experience for Bamboo who's not into dangerous sports. It was his first time but not for Asher. She already did bungee jumping in Macau with PJ and sky diving in California. They rode the cable up to go to Matterhorn in Mount Zermat in Switzerland, they stayed a 2 nights on one of the hotels there. It's views is amazing.

Bamboo was amazed at how adventurous his wife can be. Walang ka arte arte sa katawan. Then they had romantic gondola rides at night in Venice Italy since their hotel is near St. Mark's square. They enjoyed the views, and romantic walks in Paris. Bamboo even reserved a very special dinner in Le Jules Verne in Eiffel Tower.

Their trip was sort of enjoying and discovering about one another. Aside from good food, good adventure, lovely and romantic sceneries that they saw, of course there were lots of great love making. Good thing they are not on a tour group because otherwise they will never be able to make it on their coach bus time schedule. Why? because very often they wake up late because they spend the night making love or they make love still after waking up.

During their two weeks rendezvous in Europe, they have become closer and more connected with one another. Asher is not that shy anymore with Bamboo like she used to when they are love making.

They've talked about babies too. Asher is not on pills and Bamboo don't use rubber.

That two weeks trip they had was something they really enjoyed and they planned of doing more of that again.


After their Europe trip it was back to busy schedule for the newlyweds. Asher with Bash and Bamboo with his commitments and shows and recordings.

One commitment that Bamboo already had even before he met Asher is a commercial for a men's cologne, where he have to be with a co-endorser, a former fling of him the model Solenn Heuseff. He's a little worried that old news about them may surface and be used to promote the product. He's thinking of telling Asher about her so as to avoid conflict later on.

Fast Forward: 3 weeks after their Europe trip

Bamboo woke up and found Asher not in the bed with him. He found a note saying she went for a jog and that she's gonna grab some freshly baked bread from Bash. Bamboo is not a morning person but since he married Asher, he usually wakes up early to join her for breakfast.

He checked the time it's only 6:20 am, and since Asher is still out jogging he just stayed in the bed. He saw his boxers on the couch and Asher's lingerie.Well those were all over the place last night. He smiled when he remembered how they made love last night. Well all the time they make love is always special but last night is something different.

Bamboo was surprised that it was his wife who initiated it. Well, he wanted her too but she was the first to initiate and that made him really excited. She's been a little jealous lately that is why he always makes sure to assure her how much he loves her. Even PJ said she's a little moody lately which is unusual for her.

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