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Hi everyone! I'm so sad because it's too painful, but TENACITY has come to an end. I want to cry. I sincerely want to thank all who have read and voted and supported me in every other way since day one.

But before we move on, there's something I'd like to address. I saw comments like 'don't let her go back to him', and 'she's so weak it's frustrating'...

There's a huge difference between being mature (facing your problems head on instead of running) and being weak. One of the main themes I aimed to portray in this book was maturity-I added it in the tags.

I was not going for cliché in this book. If I was, you'd see it.

Per my surveys, (asking married couples who have been together for a long time how they're doing it) I found out that this is what people do in real life to salvage their relationships, but it doesn't mean they're letting their partners walk over them. They are the brave ones for taking the initiative and deserve loads of respect.

So, while my characters aren't real, their struggles are real, and can happen in real life. Don't let some misunderstanding split you and the one you love just because you refuse to communicate, just because you refuse to be 'weak'.

You will end up losing someone precious.

Communicate your thoughts and feelings, let them know how you feel without laying out way too many expectations on them-they're human like you. Then you make a decision based on their reaction.

Admittedly, my characters may be flawed because I'm portraying our being human and our tendency to make mistakes. But don't put them, and other people on high pedestals, calling them weak and dumb or worthless when they can't reach your freakishly high set standards.

I've said my piece, and I won't argue out anything with anyone. I really do hope that those who gave it a shot enjoyed it. If you didn't, well, you can always find another that will meet your likes.

Also, it was quite shocking to find people actually liked it, and as a result, I'm dedicating this chapter to all my readers who voted from the start of this book and up to its completion.

(Edit: Name compilation ended on May 11, 2024. Nevertheless, thanks to all readers who come after. Lots of love!)
















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