Chapter 2 | Princesa

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Part 2

Anna showed up at the address, she was out in the open for anyone to take a shot at her. She knew it, yet she promised her deceased partner to do what it took.

Three SUV's rolled up and Anna stood unfazed as they exited the car. The killer was in her sight, she would have finished it right here and then, but she did want to live after taking them down.

"Camilla Diaz" Isaiah called out. He was dressed in a nice suit, his dreadlocks swung as he walked towards her. "Isaiah Demico," Anna acknowledged.

"You are a mystery, your beauty entices me, tell me why you want to do business with me" He said and smirked. His gold teeth showed and Anna shuddered under his gaze.

"I have a business going with over fifteen under me who deals on the streets. My supplier just got snatched by the cops, so I need a new supplier, are you him?" Anna retorted with a smirk as she tried to match him.

"Mmhh, tell me more" He said and motioned for her to approach him.


"Who is this woman you're talking about?" Jay asked his partner, Hailey explained what Trudy had told them this morning. None of them knew if they should be worried or contact Antonio, so they kept quiet and waited for any more clues to come up, so far no crimes were related to it, so they didn't bother doing much more.


Anna was taken to a nightclub where Isaiah took her to the back room. They went over the terms of the deal, and even though Isaiah insisted on sealing the deal with a quick fuck– Anna declined.

Fresh memories of her night with Jay Halstead flashed in her mind. She also had no intentions of sleeping with her partner's killer.

"Let me take you back," Isaiah offered. Anna hummed and smiled in appreciation. "Thank you"

"Oh please, it's the least I can do" He said and stood up. Anna clenched her jaw but followed him silently.

Anna sat anxiously in the car, she fought herself to not let it show. Isaiah watched her like a hungry lion who hadn't been fed for years.

"Are you married, princesa?" Isaiah asked her. "Yes, I'm happily taken" She responded.

"Oh, what a shame. I'm sure we would've been perfect together" Isaiah said. "Well, unless you have female parts, I'm not so sure" Anna said with a smirk.

Isaiah ah'ed as he understood that Camilla Diaz was a lesbian. Only to get him off her back though...

"Still a shame," He said with a smirk. Isaiah stopped at a hotel, he stepped out of the car with her even though she insisted that he didn't need to.

He wouldn't let her go so easily. "I will text you an address with the amount you need" He leaned into her ear and said, he brushed her hair away from her neck and traced his lips on her skin.

"You truly are a beauty, princesa" He said and inhaled her scent. Anna clenched her jaw and calmed her shit, otherwise people would die. "I'm gonna go inside now" She said and fake smiled at him as she pulled away.

"Goodnight, princesa. Sweet dreams" Isaiah said, he bowed her head slightly and fuck did she wish she could've just blown his brains out.

"Goodnight" She called out and hurried into her hotel. Once she had made it safely back to her hotel room, she took a long shower, washing every trace of Isaiah off of her.

She shuddered in disgust when she exited her bathroom in a robe. She kept thinking about Jay, she told him last night that she was not into one-nighters, so she was interested in him keeping her company for the time that she was in Chicago.

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