Chapter 23 | Tension

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Part 23

Inspired by season 2 episode 13 on Chicago Fire.

Anna was doing some paperwork at her desk, she sat in silence as did the others. Jay was peaking up at her every five minutes. Anna didn't mind it, she was burying herself in the paperwork, almost too busy to notice it.

Suddenly every electrical thing in the house shut off, lights turned off and darkness filled the district. "What the hell" Anna cursed along with the others.

"Someone, find out what's going on" Voight called out in the dark. "There's no power, no heat. Tonight is gonna be busy" Kim called out as she ran up the stairs.

Anna's phone started ringing a few hours later. She glanced at the screen and saw 'Kelley Severide' flash across the screen. Anna stood up and went into the hall.


"Anna, hi. I'm sorry to bother you in this blackout, but we just had a guy in the firehouse trying to kill a guy we brought in from an incident we responded to" Kelley said.

"Okay, I'll come over." Anna said.

Anna arrived at the firehouse with Jay, who insisted she did not go alone. "Hey, we're looking for Kelley Severide and Chief Boden" Jay spoke up.

The woman took them to the Chief and to Kelley who hugged Anna. "It's a madhouse out there, trust me" Anna said.

"We're calling in every off-duty officer we've got. The looting two blocks from here is out of control" Jay told them as Casey walked in.

"We understand"

"We've got an informant inside the Keeler family. A bunch of bad egg bruisers that cause mayhem on the South Side. Apparently Kelley went toe to toe with Vince Keeler about an hour ago" Anna said and Kelley nodded.

"All right, well, Vince is the worst of the bunch. Twice called up on murder charges, but the cases didn't make. He did a stint in Cook County for assault and battery for breaking a guy's jaw, but that's the only case that ever stuck" Anna told them.

"Great" Kelley exhaled in annoyance. "I got word from a CI that Vince came back huffing and puffing that he's gonna kill a fireman tonight" Jay added.

"I'll take my chances" Kelley retorted. "All the same, I'm gonna have an officer parked outside" Anna said.

"Thank you" Boden said, looking at Kelley. "Of course, you all have our numbers. If anything jumps off, call us" Anna said looking at all three men sternly.

"Now, which one's the kid that he went after?" Jay asked. "There" Boden said and looked at a guy in a yellow jacket. "All right, we're gonna take him back to the district with us, for safety concerns" Anna added and everyone nodded.

"All right, we're gonna head out. It's gonna be a long night" Jay commented. "Be safe, don't go looking for trouble, Severide" Anna said as she said goodbye to him.

"I'm gonna do my best" Kelley said and saluted her. Anna shook her head a little and let Jay take the guy with them. "I'll see you guys" Anna called out to Gabby, Stella and Sylvie.

The three waved at her and Jay took the guy to the car and put him in the backseat. "You ready to go?" Jay asked her and she nodded her head before getting into the passenger seat.

"Woah– Jay, I just lost service. The phones are dead too" Anna told him. "That's not good"

"Sarge, you got ears?" Anna said as she tried the radio. All she heard was scrambling noises. "We're down" Anna said, Jay looked at her, both not liking the feeling of this.

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