Chapter 26 | Birthday Surprise

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Part 26

"Lorenzi! They heard us! They're coming" Carter Michaels screamed with joy, howling at the sky when he saw helicopters. Anna smiled at the sky and screamed in relief.

Though when she got up from her position on the ground, she had given her enemy sight of her, two bullets disappeared into her chest, the shock on her face was evident when her battalion saw her go down.


Zach's hands traveled over her naked chest, her collarbone and breast, his thumb slid over the bullet scar there, Anna moved her hips against his as he kissed her skin.

Her moans became quieter as Anna felt how he touched her scars. Flashes of unwanted memories played behind her eyes as she faked her orgasm, making Zach come as well.

He captured her lips with his own, not noticing how distracted and not into it, she had become. Anna felt guilty and got off of him, laying on his chest, waiting for the time to come where they both had to go to work.


"I did something horrible" Anna admitted to Hailey with a frown. "Oh? What happened?" Hailey asked. "I faked an orgasm with Zach because he triggered some unwanted memories" Anna responded in a rushed way.

"Oh, don't beat up yourself Anna. It happens, I'm sure you and Zach will have plenty of makeup sex" Hailey retorted. The small comment made Anna smile a little in relief.

"Yeah? So it's not like a big deal?" Anna asked in relief. "Well just don't tell him" Hailey advised. Anna nodded seeing sense of her words and exhaled in relief.

"Thanks Hails, is everything ready for tonight?" Anna asked. Hailey nodded and smiled. "Oh yes, all of your ideas played out beautifully, Molly's will be perfect" Hailey gushed in excitement.

"That's great, god I can't wait to see his face" Anna laughed. The two exited the locker room and walked into the bullpen.


"Anna, can you distract Jay? Will is held up at the hospital and he might just only make it in time for the party, so he can't take Jay out" Hailey called Anna panicking.

Just an hour before the surprise party. Everyone pretended to have forgotten about Jay's birthday to make it funnier. It was safe to say that Jay was annoyed by it, but didn't say a thing.

"Of course, I'll go to his place now" Anna said and the two bid goodbye. Anna changed her direction and raced towards Jay's apartment instead.

Jay looked surprised at her when she knocked on his door and he opened. "Anna? Everything okay?" Jay asked and stepped aside, letting her in.

"Yeah, are you? You seemed a little moody today" Anna said in a teasing tone as she stepped into his apartment.

"I'm fine, I was just wrapped up in my mind" Jay said with a small laugh. Anna saw the frozen lasagna on his kitchen counter and found herself feeling sorry for Jay.

He really thought they had forgotten about his birthday, and he was gonna have a cheap shitty frozen lasagna? Not on Anna's watch.

"Hey, why don't we get some real dinner? Instead of–....that" Anna said and grimaced as she poked at the lasagna with a fork. "Okay, okay, stop it. It's edible. Stop judging me, I was lazy" Jay defended and Anna laughed.

"Well, get dressed. I'm hungry and there's no way I'm letting you eat that goo" Anna retorted. Jay found it weird that she cared so much, but nevertheless the pain in his chest disappeared for a while when he got dressed to go out with her.

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