Chapter 27 | Support Team

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Part 27

Inspired by season 6 episode 2 part 1

Anna got a call in the morning, both her and Zach stirred, it was supposed to be her day off. Nevertheless when she saw it was Kelley Severide calling her, she answered immediately.

"Anna, there was a fire. Jay's dad was in it, he was there and he was freaking out. We got him out but it didn't look too good. Apparently his father didn't make it" Kelley informed her.

Anna's heart dropped in her chest and her hand flew to her mouth. "Thank you for calling me, Severide" Anna said before hanging up.

"What's wrong?" Zach asked. "I have to go to work. It's urgent, Jay apparently lost his dad in a fire, there's a case going on and I have to be in it" Anna said as she hurried to get dressed.

"What? Can't the team handle it? Wouldn't they have called you if they needed you?" Zach asked with a not so understanding tone.

"Zach, I have to be there. It was Jay's father, he's going through hell right now" Anna scoffed when she secured her gun. "Anna, I'm sure he has plenty of support from the team. Just come back to bed–""--Are you serious?" Anna scoffed, shocked.

"What? They would have called you if they needed you, Anna. Jay is a grown up, he can handle himself" Zach said with a scoff.

"Wow. I'm gonna go before I say something I might regret later" Anna retorted before walking out of the bedroom. "There you go, running off to Jay again. It's always him, you know I see the way he looks at you" Zach called out, following Anna.

"Excuse me?" Anna gasped. "Jay is grieving. What is wrong with you? He needs his team, someone got his father killed and you're trying to make it about jealousy?" Anna half shouted in disbelief.

"Anna, that man is doing everything he can to interrupt our time together! It's always a case, he's always calling you–""--But he didn't call me, Zach. Severide did" Anna cut him off.

"Exactly even your friends knows that you'll run off after him" Zach made a low blow and Anna stood shocked by his words. Zach sighed realizing how low he'd gone.

"I'm going to work. Enjoy your day off" Was all Anna was able to say as calmly as she could. She slammed Zach's apartment door after her and raced off, going straight to the hospital.

"Anna" Voight nodded her way when she stormed in, she nodded his way and continued when she saw Jay. "Jay, I just heard about your father, I'm so sorry" Anna said and touched his arm.

"Thanks" Was all Jay said. It didn't look like he'd accept a hug, so Anna didn't try. "Are you gonna take some time with your family?" Anna softly asked.

"It's not what you think, Anna. Me and my dad had a complicated relationship. We didn't really see eye to eye. I'm not proud of it. It's the truth. Five other people died in that fire. I want to help" Jay said and Anna nodded her head.

"Okay, Platt's briefing everyone in the parking lot, I met her on the way in" Anna said and Jay nodded, his eyes were awfully wide, as if he was trying to remain strong, drown the feelings. The grief, but his eyes were red and he looked fragile.

"Jane Doe. Approximately 20 years old. 5'4", fled Chicago Med less than 60 minutes ago. She exited the west rear door and was last seen headed north on foot. She is believed to be all alone and hurt, so we have to move fast. Populorum, you and Henry are on public transport–"

"Hey, you wanna take north?" Jay called out to Anna, "Yeah, sure". Anna didn't mention his father or anything, she remained quiet, which is what Jay knew she would.

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