Chapter 29 | Void

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Part 29

Anna and Zach went on like nothing had happened, Zach didn't want to lose her and Anna didn't have the energy to deal with Zach's jealous moment with Jay.

Nevertheless she was doing everything she could to put distance between her and Jay.

He was calling her at different hours of the day, as if he was trying to find out when she had the time, but he slowly realized she was indeed ignoring him, not just busy.

He was getting ready to go back to work but Jay knew he had his work cut out for him. His team had suffered his drive to catch his father's killer.

Anna had suffered the most, he'd said horrible things to her. Done horrible things to her, god he'd thrown her parents' in her face, he'd used personal knowledge against her.

He'd used her trust against her.

Jay felt horrible and wanted nothing more but to get a chance to talk to her. He wanted her attention, he wanted her to make her laugh and forget about it all.

Everything that he'd done to her. It dawned on him that Hailey had almost taken a shot at Jay and Anna— Jay hadn't realized how close it was because Anna had been in the line of fire, not Jay.

If Hailey had pulled the trigger and not stopped in time, it was Anna who would've gotten her head blown off.

That's why Anna had been so furious, Jay had made her stare down the barrel of her friend's gun.

And he had been too blinded by rage to see the danger he had put Anna in, and the danger he made Hailey put Anna in.

Anna woke up to her phone buzzing once again a call from Jay. Zach noticed and immediately pulled Anna back around onto her back, hovering over her.

"Morning" Anna said in a sleepy tone. "Morning" Zach responded by pushing his hips into hers.

Zach wanted Anna's attention, he wanted her away from Jay. Anna hadn't told everything about what had happened on that case but Zach saw the mess she had become after those 36 hours.

So partly because he wanted to protect her but also because his own jealousy was blinding him. He knew it was a matter of time before Anna would cave and answer one of Jay's many calls.

So he did everything he could to make sure it wasn't today. He began to kiss down her neck and Anna's attention was on Zach instantly.

Dismissing the phone call from Jay.

But somehow Anna had gotten her eyes on the time and her eyes widened. "Oh damn, I gotta get to work, I'm sorry" Anna hurried out.

Zach knew the drill and watched as she got dressed in a hurry and then left his apartment.

Anna hurried down the street but quickly caught chatter on the two-way about a new case. So Anna stopped there instead, knowing the team was either there or were on the way.

"What happened?" Hank asked when he walked up to Anna who was first on scene. "Pop caught a bullet to the throat. Carlos Coto. He's the owner" Anna said.

Suddenly a third voice joined the room. "Waitress said two guys showed up, told everybody to hit the floor and then they started shooting," Jay said, standing next to Anna, who didn't dare to look at him.

Voight wasn't surprised by his presence, so Anna had been left out of that information. "She make an ID?" Voight asked. "No they wore masks"

"Hey, this witness said the robbers grabbed a hostage on the way out, a woman" Kim added. "Did you get a description?"

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