Chapter 30

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There was the soft prelude and then the melody of Chen Yijun's new song, Memory Fragments gradually entered his ears.

This song was a campus song and the style was very soft. The prelude used a lot of guitars, harmonica and other elements. The composition was personally done by Chen Yijun and the music was soothing. Along with the rustling of paper, it brought people instantly to that simple and youthful campus time.

In the MV, students in black and white school uniforms stood neatly on the playground. A red banner that said '100th Anniversary Celebration' was hung in front of the school. Chen Yijun wore a neat suit and skirt as she went back to her alma mater to participate in the celebration. Suddenly, there was the sound of leather shoes against the ground behind her. She turned her head back with a smile—

The camera zoomed in and she met a pair of dark, clear eyes.

Cheng Xia remembered that while filming, the makeup artist deliberately made Cheng Xia look mature in order to show the scene of 'reunion after many years.' Cheng Xia was placed in a suit, shirt, tie and his hairstyle was also as close as possible to a 'white-collar worker.' It had to be said that makeup and styling could really change a person. Cheng Yiming and Jiang Qiong almost didn't recognize their son.

The adult version of Cheng Xia was too handsome!

The camera directly zoomed in on the face and the magnified face was free of blemishes while the facial features were delicately carved. In the scene, Cheng Xia seemed to recognize Chen Yijun and he smiled gently at her.

"Turn over the dusty memories, meet you again in my dreams..."

Chen Yijun sung the first lyrics in a soft voice. The scene of the MV suddenly changed. In the hazy dream, she seemed to have traveled back to her high school era and she saw the male god she secretly liked.

Cheng Xia in a school uniform was youthful and immature with a bright and sunny smile. He read in the library with a very serious expression. He ran on the basketball court and had a clean shooting posture. He answered questions in the study room, occasionally thinking with the pen against his forehead when he couldn't do a certain question. He was walking through the campus with his schoolbag, the sunlight shining through the leaves onto his face...

The scenes in the MV changed again and again like messy fragments of memory.

Chen Yijun passed by the corridor and heard the sound of the piano. She stood on tiptoe and looked in. The teenager was sitting in front of the piano and playing the black and white keys earnestly. The camera gradually zoomed in. These white and slender fingers seemed capable of magic as they danced lightly on the keys. The notes flowed slowly into her ears and there was heavy snow outside the window. The entire world seemed quiet and only his piano melody remained.

The cameras interlaced and Cheng Xia's side profile as he played the piano was as beautiful as a painting under the rendering of the highlights and filters.

"Remember the quietness of the starry night after the evening self-study, remember the youthful you waiting at the school gates, remember that winter, the notes you played floating in the air like snow falling in my heart..."

Chen Yijun's lyrics perfectly blended with the MV.

During the filming, Cheng Xia didn't feel anything special. Then after editing, the gentle singing of the goddess matched with the beautiful scenes in the MV. Even Cheng Xia was involuntarily brought into these warm yet bitter memories.

Chen Yijun's clear singing was very contagious and the MV was beautifully processed. In just a few minutes, it was a complete short story. Cheng Xia seemed to really feel the throbbing first love of youth as well as the helplessness and regret once they met again as adults.

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