Chapter 92

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Cheng Xia's estrus lasted a whole week. Pei Shaoze had taken care of him carefully and tenderly. The beautiful island became their intimate place without any outsiders disturbing them. Cheng Xia listened to the sound of the waves while falling asleep in Pei Shaoze's arms every day. Under the influence of the pheromones, his mind was always confused. He thought in a daze that he would never be tired of being with Brother Pei like this.

It wasn't until seven days passed that Cheng Xia finally regained his energy.

After being marked again, his body was full of the smell of Pei Shaoze's pheromones. Cheng Xia no longer used orange perfume to cover up the smell. He and Pei Shaoze had a public wedding and everyone knew they were a couple. It was normal for him to have the smell of his alpha on his body.

Cheng Xia stared out the window and was excited. "The weather is so good today. Can we go out for a stroll?"

During this period of time, he almost never left the villa and he was suffocating. Pei Shaoze knew he wanted to play so they changed clothes and went to the beach. In order to prevent Cheng Xia from getting sunburned, Pei Shaoze thoughtfully prepared sunscreen for him to apply and rented a parasol.

The two of them sat under the parasol with the sea breeze blowing, watching the sea in a very comfortable mood. Cheng Xia stared at the sea in a daze. His estrus had lasted seven days. According to his knowledge of physiology, omegas had a 90% probability of getting pregnant in this special period. If this was the case, wasn't their baby already formed?

Pei Shaoze saw that Cheng Xia was in a daze and pulled this person into his arms, whispering, "What are you thinking?"

Cheng Xia returned to his senses and spoke seriously, "I'm thinking that if we really have a child, I hope he looks like you and has a personality like you, growing up to become a fine alpha."

Pei Shaoze smiled and said softly, "I think one that looks like you is cuter."

Cheng Xia hurriedly shook his head. "No, I was very naughty as a child and often fought against alphas. My parents couldn't control me."

Pei Shaoze thought of a little Cheng Xia rolling up his sleeves to fight with others and still felt it was very cute. "That's not bad. It's better for children to be lively, unlike me who was bored as a child and had few friends around."

Cheng Xia didn't know about Pei Shaoze's childhood and couldn't help wondering, "What did you do when you were young?"

Pei Shaoze thought about it. "Most of the time, I did homework."

Cheng Xia, "......"

Wasn't this really lonely? Cheng Xia gently held Pei Shaoze's hand. "There is me in the future and you won't be alone."

Pei Shaoze's heart warmed as he held Cheng Xia's hand tightly.


The one-month honeymoon period passed quickly. Cheng Xia might be full of reluctance but he returned to Rong City on time with Pei Shaoze.

Zhou Yan knew that Cheng Xia and President Pei just got married publicly and would be stuck together like glue, so she pushed off all the recent unimportant jobs leaving only some relatively simple interviews, magazine photos, etc. Therefore, Cheng Xia's work was very easy after returning to Rong City. Every night, he could get back to the Binjiang Villa and meet Pei Shaoze who went home after getting off work.

The two men were like ordinary husbands. They were busy during the day and went home to eat, chat and watch TV at night.

It was soon the end of April. A month had passed since the honeymoon period. Cheng Xia went to the hospital for an examination in a nervous mood, personally accompanied by Pei Shaoze.

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