Chapter 32

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"Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Today is the seventh day of the first lunar month, February 17th 2021. We are here to hold the launch ceremony of the online drama Folding Paper."

The microphone amplified Pei Shaoze's voice. In the quiet venue, only his voice rang out clearly.

"Folding Paper is a school-themed online drama invested and produced by the Tianxuan Group. I am personally serving as the producer. The original novel has a high popularity on the Internet and is about the growth of several teenagers in high school..."

"This investment in Folding Paper is a trial for the Tianxuan Group to enter the online drama market. I am honored to invite Director Liu Xueyi, Screenwriter Xu Moran and the original author Lemongrass to join the crew. During the filming process, we will try our best to strive for excellence. We refuse a rough production and strive to shoot a high quality online drama, presenting the most authentic and beautiful student days to everyone..."

Pei Shaoze's speech was like flowing water without the slightest stutter.

The alpha's voice was low and pleasant. This gave people a particularly good impression. Unlike many leaders who read a bunch of fake lines when speaking. Pei Shaoze didn't hold a speech in his hands. He held the microphone and stared straight at the reporters in front of him. He spoke fluently and enunciated clearly. He gave a brief introduction of the novel and the crew and spoke almost no nonsense.

Pei Shaoyan stood in the audience, his eyes dull. Was this man really his brother? His brother who didn't do business every day and only knew how to go on holiday with his friends to race cars, drinking and clubbing? Since when had his big brother become so stable? In the face of so many media reporters, he spoke for five minutes without a speech or stage fright?

Pei Shaoyan's shock in the audience was beyond description. In the past when he was poor in his studies, he would comfort himself by saying 'What is there to be afraid of? My older brother is worse than me.' If he fooled around in school with his friends, he would think that his big brother was also like this. What did it matter if his grades were bad? He had the Pei family. Even if the sky collapsed, there was his big brother above him.

Now today, looking at Pei Shaoze who was calmly talking on the stage, Pei Shaoyan suddenly felt that he was really bad in comparison. If he stood on the stage, he would only be able to say 'I wish the crew a smooth start' at most.

Pei Shaoze seemed completely reborn. He was no longer the son who could cause his father a headache.

Pei Shaoyan frowned in a complicated mood, his mind messed up.

"Finally, I wish every success for the filming of Folding Paper and I also wish all the guests present the best in the new year. Thank you!" Pei Shaoze simply ended his speech and handed the microphone back to the host.

There was thunderous applause.

This was especially the case for the experienced media reporters. Everyone had participated in many opening ceremonies and heard the speeches of many producers and leaders. It had to be said that President Pei's speech today was simple and neat, without dragging anything out. A few important points were clearly started. It was impressive that Tianxuan's new CEO had such a demeanor at a young age.

Under the stage, Cheng Xia was clapping particularly hard! He felt that President Pei was the best boss he had ever seen. Standing on the stage, President Pei could instantly stabilize the audience and he was very handsome when speaking. Cheng Xia was even a bit proud in his heart. He was really lucky to sign to Tianxuan and meet such a good boss.

Pei Shaoze walked down from the podium and sat on the empty seat right next to Cheng Xia. Cheng Xia glanced at him, smiled and actively greeted him. "President Pei."

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