Chapter 62

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Act 7 was over but the audience couldn't tear themselves away from the plot immediately. Cheng Xia's crying had been too realistic. This type of depressed crying was more moving than shouts. Zhou Yan stood in the corner and her eyes were wet. She couldn't believe that the young man who just acted was a newcomer!

The one-week closed training allowed him to make such big progress? Perhaps this was the so-called 'understanding' and 'talent'. It was the same training classes but Cheng Xia immediately understood and quickly applied them better than the newcomers of the same period as him.

Zhou Yan took a deep breath and stared at the young man in the middle in a complicated manner.

Cheng Xia adjusted for a moment before he freed himself from the plot. Then he turned and bowed to Director Zhu. "I have finished my performance. Thank you, Teachers."

Zhu Zheng didn't know what to say. This young man had been too involved in the acting just now so he was brought in. It wasn't easy to perform to this level in the absence of items and the set, not to mention this young man was a newcomer. Everything was surprising from the position of the entry, the details of his performance and the final infectious crying scene, and the trembling of forcibly suppressed emotions.

Director Zhu hadn't looked good earlier. He thought that after Shu Yue withdrew from the circle, Pei Shaoze had casually sent an omega actor from Tianxuan. He didn't expect the newcomer sent by President Pei to be so strong!

Director Zhu looked at Cheng Xia with a warmer attitude. "Cheng Xia, can you tell me what you were thinking about when you were crying?"

Cheng Xia hadn't wiped away all his tears and his voice was still a bit choked up. "I thought about my own relatives. If one day I go home and find my parents lying in a pool of blood and dismembered, I would be very broken..."

Zhu Zheng exchanged a look with the deputy director and screenwriter.

The easiest and most effective way to find emotions was through association. However, few actors could do this. Some people thought it was too much. They lost control during the performance and it was common for them to forget their lines. It was the most difficult thing to find the feelings through association, integrate the association with the character, and clearly remember the content you want to perform.

However, Cheng Xia did it.

After watching the chaotic crying and howling all day, Director Zhu's ears were about to be numb from these alphas. Cheng Xia's performance was like a breath of fresh air. The silent, suppressed cry of pain was the effect Zhu Zheng wanted the most.

Zhu Zheng joked. "You're a very talented actor. Wipe your tears away first. Otherwise, if you go out then other people will think I scolded you until you cried."

The deputy director and screenwriter laughed. Cheng Xia smiled with embarrassment. Zhou Yan hurried forward to hand him a tissue. Cheng Xia wiped away his tears. His eyes were red but he was very sunny and lovely. Zhu Zheng couldn't believe that an omega could play the alpha trainee police officer without the slightest sense of violation. Zhu Zheng nodded with relief and said, "Go back. We will discuss it and notify you as soon as there is a result."

Cheng Xia bowed to them. "Thank you, Director Zhu. Thank you, teachers."

He followed Zhou Yan and left.

Zhou Yan took him back to the door of the lounge and gave him a thumbs up. "Cheng Xia, you were really amazing just now." As an agent, she was very proud. It didn't matter if Cheng Xia was selected this time. With his talent and age, he would definitely have a bright future. Cheng Xia might become the most popular star she ever looked after.

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