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All of their lives are gonna changed ✨

Collins and John are hanging out at his house....... they are just watching TV.....

John:... Collins have you been posting on yours and Carla's YouTube channel....

Collins:.. yeah it's really taking off.....


Collins:.. I'm anniversary of meeting carla is coming up we are gonna be dating for 9 years..... and I think it's time to propose.....

John:.. yeah I think it's time too like I talked to nessa and roni about it and they think so too.....

Collins:.. yeah I told Devan about it.....

John:..oh did you tell him when he's coming back....

Collins:..no.... but he's been saying that he missed nessa and their anniversary is coming up too..... it's on the 25th which is in a couple weeks.... but he's been saying he's gonna come back to surprise her and he's gonna stay and he's thinking about propose to nessa........

John:..no way.....

Collins:.. yeah.... but he said he's not gonna propose when he's comes back he's going to plan it.....

John:..wow.... and you also going to plan to propose to carla....

Collins:.. yeah........ like it's gonna be so bada*****

John:.. it's goes to be.....

Few days later..... Nessa decided to post on their channel.....

Nessa:...hey guys it's Vanessa and today I gonna answer your guys questions about my life let's get into the video.... first question is when is devan coming back.....um he's not coming until in couple of weeks and I do miss him...so next question is how long have you been dating Devan for....6 years and our anniversary is coming up soon and the 25th and we're gonna be dating for 7 years next question is do you want kids if so how many kids do you want....um not any time soon but I do want kids and I want 2 just 2 for now and I do have a girl but I do know that devan wants a boy first but not any time soon..... next question is do you want to have your own dog besides your dog tiger....um yeah I been thinking about it....so yes.... last and final question is would you ever start your own channel..... um yeah I really want too... but not now so that is the end of this video if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channel bye you guys.....(ended the video)....

The next part is coming up soon ❤️......

their lives are gonna change or is it ❤️🤔(Merrell twins & Key Brothers)❤️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ