#1 How You Met

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Y/n = your name
Y/l/n= your last name
Y/f/n= your first name
Just saying, I don't own the picture. Enjoy the first preference, lovelies!

Anakin Skywalker:
You were one of Queen Amidala's handmaidens, and her favorite. In public of course, you two had to be reserved because of the differences in station, but in private you were best friends. So of course when Padmé had to masquerade as a handmaiden when all the Trade Federation mess started, those boundaries got to come crashing down for a little while. She even requested you to come down to Tatooine with her. The planet was almost unbearably hot, but you dealt with it so you could spend some time with your friend. The search for parts for the ship led you, Padmé, Master Qui-Gon, and Jar Jar (who was driving you insane) to the shop of a fellow named Watto. While the Jedi discussed the parts the ship needed, your attention was drawn to a boy who seemed to work for Watto, even though he couldn't have been more than 9 or 10. With blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes you'd ever seen, he was truly adorable. The boy caught your stare and walked over. "Hi," he said, "I'm Anakin. What's your name?" "I'm y/n," you answered. "Well I think you're very pretty y/n." You smiled. "Thank you Anakin."

Obi Wan Kenobi:
"Concentrate, y/n, you must concentrate!" Master Windu barked at you. You were his padawan and even though he worked you very hard, he was an excellent teacher. Currently you were trying to spin a training lightsaber in the air. Apparently it was supposed to help you in your control of the Force. You made it lift into the air and spin one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine times before you dropped it. "That was much better, y/n. You're improving," Master Windu commented. You almost glowed. It wasn't often your master gave you such praise. Just then your stomach rumbled. You blushed a little and hoped Master Windu didn't notice. Unfortunately, he did. "Hungry?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. You nodded sheepishly. "I suppose now's as good a time as any for lunch. You're dismissed. But be back by 1300 hours," your master commanded. You thanked him and nearly sprinted from the room. You made your way down to the Jedi Temple cafeteria and grabbed a tray of food. You were almost the last person to get there, so there was only one table left, and it was the one nobody wanted. It was old, uncomfortable, creaky, and it looked like it would collapse at any minute. With a sigh, you made your way over to it. You sat down, becoming uneasy when the bench seemed to sag under your weight. And you weren't even that heavy! You had just begun to eat when someone sat down across from you. Apparently you weren't the last one to show up. You looked up to see a young man about your age with short cropped brown hair, lovely blue eyes, and a friendly smile. "Hello, my name is Obi Wan Kenobi. What's your name?" You blushed and answered "My name is y/f/n y/l/n. Who's padawan are you?" you inquired. "Master Qui-Gon Jinn's. Who's are you?" "Master Windu's." "Oh wow. I bet he's tough," Obi Wan commented. "Yeah, he's tough but he's a good teacher. I wouldn't trade him for anybody. What about Master Qui-Gon? Is he a good teacher?" you ask. "Rather stubborn and somewhat reckless, but I like him. He's been very good to me." "That's wonderful," you said, and the two of you continued your meal, laughing and talking the whole time, completely forgetting the rickety bench. When it was finally time to return to training, you were a little disappointed. You kinda wanted to stay and talk to to Obi Wan some more. The two of you stood and headed for the trash bins. "Well that was nice. Thanks for letting me sit with you. You seem like a really interesting person. Do you mind if we sit together tomorrow too?" Obi Wan asked. You grinned. "Of course! Anytime you want to come sit with me, feel free! I guess it pays to be the last one to lunch sometimes," you said. Obi Wan turned to you with a mischievous grin. "Oh I was actually one of the first people in here. I just wanted to give you some company."

Luke Skywalker:
You were in the main hangar of the Rebel base on Yavin 4, prepping your X-wing for take off. You and your squadron were about to go take on the Death Star, so everything had to be in excellent shape. You were nearly ready to climb in the cockpit when someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around to see a guy, maybe 17 or 18, with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and the look of a lost puppy on his face. "Hey, uh, can I get you to help me for a moment please? I can't seem to get my fighter running," he asked. You nodded and followed him up the steps to his cockpit and leaned in. You quickly showed him which buttons to hit and suddenly the X-wing roared to life. "Hey thanks......?" he said, realizing he didn't know your name. "Y/l/n. Y/f/n y/l/n," you answered with a smile. "Well thanks y/l/n. I'm Luke Skywalker. Otherwise known as Red 2," he said with a laugh. You laughed too. "What a coincidence. I'm Red 3." Luke smiled even wider. "I guess I'll see you up there then." He put his helmet on and shut the cockpit roof. You jogged down the steps and climb into your own fighter. You really hoped Luke would survive. He seemed like a nice guy.

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