#17 Loss

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These are going to be somewhat out of their normal order. I just had a really good idea for Rex and I know I'll forget it if I don't write it down.

You woke up and realized that you were alone in your bed. Where was Anakin? then you noticed that the door to the balcony was open. You threw the covers off and padded out to the balcony. Sure enough, there was Anakin, staring out at the city lights. "Go back to bed my love," he said, not turning around to look at you, "I'll be there in a minute." You could tell by the crack in his voice that he'd been crying. Ignoring his statement, you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist. "Ani, what's wrong?" He sighed. "I can't hide anything from you, can I?" You shook your head. "I had another nightmare about my mother," he said quietly. You had been there when he brought his mother's body back, been there at her funeral. He'd told you about what he'd done to the Sand People too. Your heart broke for him. "Oh Ani," you sighed sadly and wrapped your arms around him tighter. He stood in your embrace for a little while, then gently pried your arms off. He turned around so you were face to face and looked deep into your eyes. "Y/n, I promise, I'm never going to allow anything to happen to you. You're mine, and I'm going to protect you, for as long as I live," he said. You smiled up at him and answered, "I know you won't."

You and Rex had just gone into town for a few hours. There were supplies you needed and plus you and Rex just had to get out on your own for a little while. You took Rowan to the Lawquanes' to play with their kids for a little while. She loved her "cousins" so you had no problem leaving her under their care whilst you were out. The two of you strolled through the market, holding hands and enjoying the pretty day. It was only a somewhat busy day, but there were still plenty of people. Enough people that you didn't notice the man following the two of you, thermal detonator in hand. Rex did, however. "Y/n, get down!" he shouted. He didn't yell in time. An explosion rocked the market. Both you and Rex went soaring. Screams erupted from the crowd. Rex was for the most part unhurt, but you had disappeared. Rex tried to fight the mad rush of people attempting to get away, but to no avail. They pushed him farther and farther away. He could see unmoving bodies over the people's heads and panic welled up in him. Please, let her be okay. Rex finally was able to push and shove his way through the crowd until he could get to the exact spot where the bomb went off. The sight there sucked the air from his lungs. There were many bodies around, but he only cared about one. Your still, bloody form was laid facedown on the pavement. The rest of Rex's actions were performed in a haze. He knelt beside your prone body, checked for a pulse. Finding none, he silently lifted you up and carried you away, for the last time.

Cut and Suu were already waiting at the door with Rowan when Rex arrived. He rushed from his speeder to embrace the tiny girl. He scooped her up and crushed her to his chest. Cut and Suu already knew what happened, so they left Rex and Rowan to themselves. And, for the first time in a long, long time, Rex cried.

Obi Wan:
You were in your quarters when you heard the knock. That in itself was unusual. Anyone who would bother to visit your room has permission to come right in. You stretched out with the Force to see the visitor's intentions. The wave of grief nearly knocked you off your feet. It also let you know the identity of the person outside. You rushed to open the door. "Ahsoka? What's wrong?" you asked, gently guiding her inside. "Mas-.....Master..... Master Ke-..." The poor girl couldn't even get her words out. "Easy, little one, take your time," you soothed. Ahsoka took a few deep breaths to calm herself, then said in a monotone voice, "Master Kenobi is dead." She burst into tears again, and time froze. "How?" you heard yourself ask. She related the tale of the bounty hunter, Rako Hardeen, and how he'd ambushed and attacked her, Obi Wan, and Anakin. "Master Skywalker is with the Council, and he sent me to tell you," she said,"He knows how close you were." "Does he now?" you thought bitterly. "Thank you for telling me Ahsoka. I know how hard this must be for you. I hate that you had to see that," you consoled. "Thank you Master. I have to report back to Anakin now." You hugged her and walked the padawan to the door. As soon as she was gone, you locked the door and crumpled to the floor. Tears began flowing like rivers down your face. Harsh sobs escaped your mouth. How could this have happened? Wasn't he just eating breakfast with you this morning? Weren't you just stealing a moment together in his room? Didn't he just tell you he loved you? All of that was gone now. But one question kept bothering you: why didn't you feel his death in the Force?

The noises of the party faded out as you walked towards the bonfire and the solitary man standing next to it. You slid silently up beside him and watched the figure inside the fire burn. The irony of the situation did not escape you. You were mourning the death of Darth Vader, the man who killed your family. But he did spare you then, and he saved you and Luke from the Emperor now. He at least deserved a decent funeral. You mourned more so for Luke's sake than Vader's though. You gently slipped an arm around his waist and he mechanically put an arm around your shoulders. "I'm sorry Luke," you said quietly. He buried his face in your hair. "I wish I could've saved him," he mumbled. "But Luke you did," you protested,"You brought your father back from the Dark side. He died a good man, and that was because of you." Luke lifted his head to look you in the eyes. "You're right, y/n. I'm just glad he saved you, the most important thing in my life." "I'm glad he saved both of us." You kissed him softly. "Now come on. You're missing one heck of a party." You grabbed him by the hand and towed him towards the others. He was quickly enveloped in hugs, slaps on the back, and cheers. You laughed and glanced back at the pyre for a second. And, just for a moment, you thought you saw a shimmering figure standing beside it. Take good care of my boy. "I will."

Just looked at my views and I have 666 O.O

"Chewie!" Han yelled across the ship. An annoyed sounding growl floated back. "You seen y/n?" Chewbacca told him that no he hadn't seen you, and that he didn't think you'd come out of your room at all that morning, not even for breakfast. That caught Han's attention. You never missed a meal, not even breakfast. "I'm going to go check on her." He walked down the hall and knocked on your door. "Hey doll face, you in there?" he called. He heard sniffling and shuffling, then a "Go away Han." It sounded like you were crying. "Sweetheart what's the matter?" "Nothing, now go away." Han resisted the urge to sigh in frustration. You were dang stubborn when you wanted to be. "Y/n I'm gonna sit out here until you open up this door and tell me what the deal is. You're gonna feel real bad when I waste away and die because you wouldn't open the door and let me help you." He heard footsteps and the door slid open to reveal a red and puffy faced you. You turned away and went to your bunk. "You're a real pain in the neck, did you know that?" you growled. "I know," Han answered, sitting beside you on the bunk, "Now what's all this about? What's bothering my girl?" You silently handed him a photograph. "They died 10 years ago today," you said quietly, and then the tears started to fall again. It was a photo of you and your twin older siblings, Dominic and Alaina. Your parents died when you were tiny, so they had raised you. Their deaths crushed you. Every year their death anniversary was tough on you. "Oh," was all Han could say. What could he say? Sorry for your loss? It just sounded so empty. Your tears turned into sobs once more, so Han did the only thing he could do: he held you close and let you cry into his shoulder, until you cried yourself to sleep.

You raced into the hospital, Lando not far behind. You had gotten a call from a friend of your mother's, saying that your mom had had a heart attack, that she was in the hospital and the doctors weren't sure if she was going to make it. You flew to your mother's room, just as the doctor was coming out. You were almost afraid to ask. You hit your knees when he answered you. She was gone. Your mom was gone. They couldn't save her in time. You wept like never before. And Lando, your incredible husband knelt beside you in the hall and put his arms around you. "Shhhh, y/n, it'll be alright," he soothed, "She's in a better place now." "But I want her here with me!" you wept, "What I am I going to do now?" "Well, a very wise man once said "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." (That's a Robert Frost quote, by the way.) It might feel like the world has stopped turning, and it might feel like that for a long time, but we've just got to keep going. And sweetheart, I know I can replace your mom, but remember, I'm always here for you too." Even though you were still heartbroken, Lando's words made you feel just a little better. How lucky you were to still have him.

I'm backkkkk!!!!! School is killing me, how about anybody else? Also, I need ideas. Please, please, send me ideas.

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