#18 That One Annoying Thing He Does

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How about that picture? I should be ashamed for posting it, but I'm not. It's just too funny 😂

You hate it when he puts his feet on the couch while he's still got his boots on. Yes, he's a Jedi General and deserves to put his feet up one in a while, but that also comes with a lot of dirt and grime that you don't want on your furniture. But you know what's worse than his dirty boots? The smell when he takes them off. You've got a special closet just for his shoes so you don't have to smell the stench.

Obi Wan:
You hate it when he's too uptight. Yes, Jedi are supposed to be reserved, but that doesn't mean every waking minute of every day. When you think he's being too serious, you usually sit on his lap, kissing him and doing silly things until you can coax a smile out of the Jedi Master.

You hate it when he steals all the blankets. You guess it's because he grew up on desert planet and everything else feels cool to him. Still, it drives you insane. You'll wake up in the middle of the night to find all the covers on his side. Sometime you think he does it on purpose you you'll have to cuddle up to him.

You hate it when he gets cocky. Well, you sort of have a love-hate relationship with that. Sometimes it's a bit of a turn on, but sometimes it make you want to throttle the life out of him. He can't be the best at everything!

You hate how wrapped up in his work he can get. Between working with the Rebels and managing Cloud City, he occasionally forgets to spend time with you. When that happens, you usually ignore him until he figures it out and makes sure you feel like a princess.

You hate it when he snores. Thankfully he doesn't do it every night, but when he does, the only comparable sound is a chainsaw. You try burying your head under the pillow to block out the noise, but if that doesn't work, you smack him with it until he wakes up.

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