#16 First Kiss

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Clieo_Whiteshadow I know you were looking forward to this one, so here you go.

You were sitting on the railing of Padmé's lake house, staring out the water. There was a lot on your mind, and you needed some time to sort things out. The threat to Padmé's life, Cordé's death, the seemingly impending war, and other things. As if in response to your thoughts, the cause of those "other things" came to join you. "Hello," Anakin Skywalker said. "Hi." He'd changed so much from the last time you saw one another. You'd half expected the little boy from Tatooine to show up, but you couldn't have been farther off. He' d gotten older, in both body and mind. And he was inspiring some very odd feelings in you. "You seemed troubled," he commented. "Did I?" you said absentmindedly. "What's weighing on that fascinating mind of yours?" he inquired. "Nothing of importance," you mumbled. "You know, Jedi can tell when people are lying," he warned, lifting your chin to look him in the eyes. You stared into those blue orbs for what felt like an eternity. You saw something there, some kind of emotion, but you couldn't quite place it. Then, a thought flashed across your mind, and you were shocked to realize what you saw in his crystal eyes. Without warning, Anakin's lips were on yours. You didn't know how to respond at first, but soon you found yourself kissing back. Every thought that had been whirling through your mind vanished. It felt like your lips were two pieces of a puzzle, fitting together perfectly. It was over too quickly in your opinion, but then the reality of what had just done came crashing down on you. You stepped back, then turned and fled, not stopping even when Anakin called out to you. You sank down buy the wall in your bedroom. You realized you'd seen in Anakin's eyes. You had seen love.

Obi Wan:
You sat bolt upright in bed, panting, sweat and tears rolling down your face. You had another nightmare. You got them every now and then, and they were always the same thing. Mace Windu was not your first master. You had been apprenticed to a younger Jedi Knight, Lydia Lennox. Sadly, while on a diplomatic mission, the building you two had been in was bombed by terrorists. You could only watch as your master burned to death while trying to get other people out of the building. That memory had haunted you ever since. You were trying to compose yourself when you heard a soft knocking on the door. "Y/n? It's Obi Wan," said the voice on the other side. "It's unlocked," you answered hoarsely. Obi Wan stepped quietly inside and came to sit on your bed. The lights of the city outside filtered through your window, illuminating your tear streaked face. "I heard sounds from your room. Did you have a nightmare?" he asked gently. You nodded, not quite able to form words. "About Master Lennox?" Again, you nodded. He just put an arm around your shoulders and slid up on the bed next to you. You buried your head in his shoulder. Somehow, he always knew when you were in distress and would come and comfort you. You two stayed like that for a long time. His hands strayed into your hair, twisting and combing through it. You looked up to find Obi Wan seemingly lost in thought. He finally noticed your gaze on him and looked down into your eyes. Slowly, his fingers eased their way from your hair to your face as he stroked your face. Neither of you noticed the gap between you gradually disappearing. And then, your lips met. The kiss was slow and sweet, and you savored every moment of it. But, it seemed like all too soon it was over. "I'll see you in the morning," Obi Wan whispered. He kissed your hair and then slipped out into the silent halls of the Jedi Temple.

"Can you feel that?" You were helping Luke test his new robotic hand. "Yeah, works like a charm," he answered. "We'll see about that. Try doing some different motions with your fingers," you instructed. He started wiggling and twirling his new appendages. "You look exhausted," he commented. "I'm fine. Worry about yourself." "You've been working yourself to death since Cloud City. What's up y/n?" Somehow his cybernetic hand had found your flesh and blood one and was now rubbing circles onto the back of your hand. "Luke what are you doing?" you asked. "I'm helping you relax," he said, "Is it working?" You bit your lip. It was definitely having an interesting effect on you. Luke gently pulled you to him and pressed his lips to yours. Surprisingly, you found yourself kissing back. His lips were soft and warm, and molded to yours perfectly. You were so lost in each other that neither of you realized when Leia came in. She just smiled and quietly backed out of the room. Finally.

You were in a bar, and for once it wasn't a gross scumbag hitting on you. This guy was actually pretty nice, and very handsome. He'd bought you a drink and everything. "So, uh, listen. I know we just met and all but could I have your number? You seem pretty cool." You thought for a second and gave your assent. Maybe you actually had a shot with someone who wasn't disgusting. You scribbled your number down and gave it to the guy. He beamed and shoved it in his pocket. Just then, one of your favorite songs came on and your companion noticed. "You like this song, huh? Come on, we can dance." He had just started to lead you to the dance floor when a familiar face cut in. "Actually pal, we have to go. Nice meeting you though," Han interrupted, forcing a grin. He dragged you away, you protesting all the while. When you got outside, you ripped your hand out of his. "What was that Han?" you hissed. "Come on, y/n, that guy was bad news," he responded. "Bad news? He was totally sweet! And you had to go and drag me away! What's your deal?" you yelled. "Maybe I just don't want to see my girl with another guy!" he burst out. You froze. "What?" Without warning, he smashed his lips to yours. It took you a moment to figure out what just happened, but when you did, you melted into him. You'd always had feelings for Han but never dreamed they were returned. You'd have stayed like that forever but you needed air. When you pulled away you both smiled at one another. "Understand now?" Han asked. "Oh yes," you said with a smirk. "Good. Now let's get out of here. I got us another job." He took your hand and headed for the ship.

"Lando, where are we going?" you giggled. He was leading you somewhere with his hands over your eyes. "Somewhere great, I promise! Don't you trust me?" he asked in mock offense. "Of course I trust you babe, but I'm a curious person!" He chuckled at that. "Just another minute and we'll be there." True to his word, it wasn't much longer before you stopped. "Ready?" he asked. You sensed the excitement in his voice. You nodded quickly. "Okay. One, two, three!" He snatched his hands away and you gasped. You were on a balcony near the top of Cloud City, staring out at a beautiful view of Bespin just before sunset. There was a table and chairs, complete with your favorite meal and a bottle of wine. "Oh Lando this is wonderful!" you squealed. He merely laughed and pulled your chair out for you. You sat down and he took the seat across from you. The meal was incredible and you found yourself falling even harder for the awesome man in front of you. You happened to look out at the sky and the view took your breath away. It was finally sunset and the sky was painted in a variety of spectacular pinks, reds, and oranges. Mesmerized by its beauty, you stood and leaned on the railing. Lando joined you and you just stood in silence for a while. "Gorgeous, isn't it?" you finally said. Lando laughed a bit. "Not as gorgeous as you." You laughed at his cheesiness and he wrapped an arm around your waist. You looked up and he had a strange look on his face. "Lando, baby, what are you-" his lips had captured yours before you could finish. The kiss took you by surprise, but you found yourself kissing back. It was slow and sweet, just like him, and you loved every second of it.

"Come on, y/n you can do this," Rex encouraged. You had to learn how to walk again after the crash, and Rex had offered to help you. Each step was slow, awkward, and painful. "Ugh, Rex can we please stop for today? My leg is hurting and it's not like I'm making any progress anyway," you complained. "Yes, you are making progress! You've already done better than yesterday. Just walk to me and we'll call it quits, ok?" You sighed and nodded. "Fine. I don't believe you, but fine." You started his way but he stopped you. "Without the cane," he instructed. You gaped at him. He was halfway across the room! You could barely make it six feet without the cane. But you also saw the look in his eyes, the look of a clone captain. Rex wasn't letting you out of this until you could do it. You muttered under your breath and sat the cane aside. With hesitant steps, you began hobbling towards him. It took a tremendous amount of willpower for you to put one foot in front of the other, but you were just too stubborn to quit. And then you looked up, and Rex was right there. "You did it y/n!" he shouted, grinning from ear to ear. You couldn't believe it. You had walked across the room with no help. You smiled and he picked you up and spun you around the room. And then, without warning, Rex kissed you. It took you a second to process what was happening, and by the time you put the pieces together, Rex was already pulling away. "I'm sorry, Commander. That was totally out of line," he stuttered. You just pulled his lips back to yours. This time it was his turn to be shocked. When you finally came up for air, you smirked at him. "No need for apologies Captain. I quite enjoyed that. We should do it again sometime." He grinned back at you. "Sir yes sir," he answered, scooping you up bridal style and carrying you back to your hospital room.

Guys: I'm going to be totally honest with you. I've had no inspiration and very little motivation for the past two weeks. I'm sorry for disappearing again, but if anybody has ideas, please, tell me.

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