Bleeding Out

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This was suggested to me for Obi Wan by Clieo_Whiteshadow , so here you go! The song is Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons. I would put the video in but none of them want to work.

I'm bleeding out. So if the last thing that I do is bring you down, I'll bleed out for you. So I bare my skin and I count my sins and I close my eyes and I take it in. I'm bleeding out. I'm bleeding out for you, for you.

"Y/n!" you heard Obi Wan scream, and you heard the blaster fire. You waited for the shot, but it never came. You spun around and horror crossed your features. Obi Wan was staring down at his shoulder as blood started to seep through his clothes He had taken the blaster bolt for you. Why would he do that? You two didn't even particularly like one another. You caught him just as he fell. You pulled him behind cover and called for the medics. You pressed your hands to the wound, doing your best to slow the bleeding. "You're an idiot, you know that?" you growled. "Yes, forgive my foolish actions. I'll never try to save you again," he said dryly. "Why did you do that, anyway?" you asked. "Well, Heaven forbid I should try to save the woman I love."

When the day has come that I've lost my way around and the seasons stop and hide beneath the ground, when the sky turns grey and everything is screaming, I will reach inside just to find my heart is beating.

You froze. Did he really just say what you thought he did?! You looked into his eyes and saw nothing but sincerity. It made your heart flutter. Why? And then, in the middle of the chaos, you realized something. You loved him too.

Oh, you tell me to hold on, oh, you tell me to hold on. But innocence is gone, and what was right is wrong.

Obi Wan's eyes started to close. You almost panicked. "Obi Wan, stay awake, okay? You've got to stay awake and watch my back, make sure no droids sneak up on me." He was still fading so you did the only other thing you could think of. You kissed him right on the lips. It was quick and rushed, but no less passionate. That got his attention. "I take it my feelings are returned?" he asked with a weak smile. "Of course," you said,"How could I say no to that handsome face?" It was true, he was handsome, you realized. You knew you shouldn't be thinking like that. You were a Jedi, attachment was forbidden, but it just felt so right.

'Cause I'm bleeding out, so if the last thing I do is to bring you down, I'll bleed out for you. So I bare my skin, and I count my sins, and I close my eyes, and I take it in. And I'm bleeding out, I'm bleeding out for you.

He was fading again, and you couldn't keep him awake this time. You yelled, you shook, you even slapped his face, but nothing worked. "Obi Wan Kenobi, don't you dare leave me! Not now, not after all this!" you cried. What was taking the medics so long? At this rate, he would bleed to death right there in your arms. What would his padawan do if he was gone? What would you do if he was gone?

When the hour is nigh, and hopelessness is sinking in, and the wolves will cry, to fill the night with hollering. When your eyes are red, and emptiness is all you know. With the darkness fed, I will be your scarecrow.

You could feel his heart slowing, and his breath coming more shallowly. He didn't have long left, not without medical attention. You didn't even realize it, but you had begun to cry. You couldn't lose him, not with everything that just went down. Thankfully, the medics finally showed up. They could save him. You stepped away to let them work.

You tell me to hold on, oh, you tell me to hold on. But innocence is gone, and what was right is wrong.

You prayed he would make it. Because a world without Obi Wan in it just wasn't right. You needed him.

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