#21 He Walks In On You Naked

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You had just gotten out of the shower. Humming to yourself, you grabbed your underwear off the floor. You'd only just gotten it on when Anakin came into the bathroom. "Hey, I just needed to get the..... Whoa," he said, eyes roving over your body. "Anakin!" you scolded, blushing furiously, "Don't you know how to knock?" He didn't say anything, only continuing to gape. "Anakin!!!!!" He snapped out of his trance. "I'm sorry y/n I'll go," he apologized, turning to leave, "But I must say, that is a very good look on you my love." You threw your towel at him and he finally left.

Obi Wan:
You had just returned to your room from training with your Padawan. It had gotten a bit rough and you'd ended up with a hole in your pants. You slid them off and sighed as you examined the hole. It was pretty big, and you didn't feel like fixing it right then. Though you didn't like to admit it, your eager student had really tired you out and it was late. You could hear sleep beckoning, so you let your hair down and were about to crawl into bed. Pants could wait until morning. You had just pulled the sheet down when you heard your door slide open. You whipped around and saw Obi Wan standing there. You'd forgotten you'd given him the lock code to your quarters. He stared for a moment , taking in the smooth curves of your toned legs, then quickly realized what he was doing. "I'll see you in the morning then?" he managed to say. "Goodnight Obi Wan," you said tiredly. He took the hint and left, leaving you to your pants-less slumber.

You winced as you peeled your shirt off. That blasted nexu had raked its claws down your back and there were several deep gashes there now. You gingerly unhooked your now mostly shredded bra and allowed it to fall to the floor. You examined the wounds in the mirror and grimaced. They were ugly, and in a place where you couldn't clean or bandage them. What were you going to do? Just then, your door slid open to reveal your boyfriend Luke. You immediately slapped your arms over your bare breasts. "Hello y/n, what- oh," he choked, noticing your exposed state, "I'll just, uh, come back later. Sorry." He started to leave but you stopped him. "Wait, I could use your help....."

You stepped into the shower, enjoying the heat of the water. Bath time was one of your favorite things. The shower was one of the few places you could truly be alone. You thought you heard the door open and shut while you were washing your hair, but you eventually dismissed it. No one was dumb enough to disturb you while you were in the shower. You finished up and dried off. But when you noticed that your clothes were missing, underwear and all. So that had been someone coming in while you were bathing. You growled under your breath and wrapped towel around you. You headed for the bedroom and of course, there stood Han, taunting you with the confiscated garments. "Looking for these, doll face?" "Han, you-!"

You returned from the gym, hot and sweaty. You'd done an extra intense workout today and your clothes were pasted to your body with sweat. You entered your shared room with Lando and closed the door. You'd just pulled your tank top off when you heard a voice behind you. "Well hello to you to sweetheart," Lando drawled, eying you up and down. You immediately turned red and threw your arms over your chest, even though you had a sports bra on. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at work!" you squeaked. "What, I can't come back early to see my favorite girl? I'll probably be doing that more often if I get to see this when I get home," he said, swiftly sliding over and pulling you to him. You just blushed harder.

You swore under your breath as you took off your drenched clothing. Someone had thought it would be funny to pull the old "bucket of water over the doorway" trick and you had been their unlucky victim. You mentally promised to court martial the heck out of whoever did it. The water had soaked through your underwear, so you had to take everything off. And as soon as you did, poor Rex had to walk in on you. Both of you froze, neither knowing what to do. Rex stuttered an incoherent apology and practically ran from the room. You just cursed yourself for forgetting to lock your door and silently laughed at the Captain. He'd probably never even seen a naked woman before.

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