Fives Pt. 2

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Your Disney Song:
Beauty and the Beast, Beauty and the Beast
It's true, you didn't wait long before you two dived headfirst into love. The intensity of your feelings towards one another so early on came as a surprise to both of you. Neither of you knew what you were doing at first, but you made it work. Your love is as sure and steady as can be.
Tale as old as time, true as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends, unexpectedly
Just a little change, small to say the least
Both a little scared, neither one prepared
Beauty and the beast

You like to lay smushed up together, arms wrapped around each other and legs tangled. You both like being close to one another and this gives you both a sense of security.

You were in your office, filing casualty reports. It was a long, depressing job. You sighed as you signed off on another one. You really needed a distraction right then. As if on cue, your wonderful boyfriend burst in. "Hey there Mama, look what I brought!" Fives announced happily. You looked up to see him bringing in two containers of take out. "Oh, you're my hero," you gushed, snatching away one of the containers and chewing down. You hadn't realized how hungry you were until you were presented with food. Fives laughed. "Now hold on, you'll miss the best part!" You looked up in confusion. What could be better than not having to eat military food for once? Fives held up a few packaged goodies and threw them at you. You reached up to catch them and squealed. "Fortune cookies!" "Thought you might like that," he said with a grin. "How did you get these?" you asked with surprise. "Got em planet side. There's a really great restaurant down there and I had a few extra credits." "You're fantastic," you said, hastily unwrapping the treat. You cracked it open to see the little slip of paper. You didn't buy the little bits of "wisdom" on the papers, but they were still interesting. You read this one and your jaw dropped. "Fives?" you whispered. "Will you marry me?" it read. Fives got down on one knee and held out a beautiful ring. It had a silver band with two small blue stones flanking a diamond, the colors of his armor. "I asked General Skywalker for permission to do this. I thought it would be tough, but he's a good guy. He says we're one of the best pairs he's ever seen. So, y/n, want to prove him right?" You almost couldn't speak, you were so choked up. Eventually, you found your words. "Yes I'll marry you!" you squealed. You flung yourself at him and he swept you up and pressed his forehead to yours. "Thanks. You've made me the happiest man in the galaxy," he murmured. You answered him with a kiss.

He Talks About You:
You had just returned from your honeymoon with Fives. Yes, somehow he'd swung it so that you two could get a couple of days planet side. He had gone to report back to General Skywalker and you had just dropped your stuff off in your room and were going to check on things in the med bay. You were halfway there when you heard familiar voices coming down the hall. "So, Fives, did you have a good time on your honeymoon?" General Skywalker asked, a teasing note in his voice. "Yes, sir, I definitely did," Fives replied with a laugh,"Thank you again for arranging that for us." "It was no problem at all. You're a good man, Fives, and Nurse y/l/n is a great woman. I'm happy to help." "Yeah, she is great," Fives said, ignoring the compliment paid to him,"She's the most incredible person I've ever run into. Kind, caring, beautiful, really indescribable." Skywalker chuckled. "You've got it bad, Fives. I'm happy for you." He clapped Fives on the shoulder and walked away. You chose then to make an appearance. "Really indescribable, huh?" you asked, taking your husband's arm. "Y/n? How much of that did you hear?" You laughed. "Only the good parts."

Your Baby:
You gritted your teeth as another contraction wracked your body. The medics pushed your wheelchair down the hall as fast as the possibly could. The ship rocked as another blast hit the shields and you whimpered. Of course your baby would decide to come in the middle of a battle, and with Fives down on the planet no less. He had been contacted and was doing his best to get back to the ship, but he seemed to be taking his dear sweet time. The medics wheeled you into a private hospital room, usually reserved for officers. But of course, the last thing you wanted to do was deliver your baby in front of a bunch of soldiers in a crowded ward. More for their sake than yours. The medics lifted you up and helped you into the bed. One of them moved to the foot of the bed to check how you were doing. "You're at about 6 cm right now, miss. It'll be a little while before you can start pushing. Unfortunately, we do not have the means to give you an epidural," he apologized. You groaned. This was going to be a long labor.

Turns out, it wasn't long enough. You screamed into your clenched teeth as another contraction ripped through you. The Kaminoan doctor looked up from the end of your bed. "Miss, you're fully dilated. It's time for you to start pushing." You shook your head. "No, it can't be. Fives isn't here yet." "I'm sorry ma'am, but it looks like your child isn't going to wait." The wife part of you wanted to wait, but the nurse part of you said this child was going to come on his/her own time whether you wanted it to or not. With a silent nod, you let them move you into position and waited to be told what to do.

You pushed and pushed, and pushed some more, but progress was being made very slowly. Already you were exhausted. A part of you was ready to give up, but then you got a pleasant surprise. Some genius had commed Fives when his part of the ground assault was over. The space battle still raged, so he couldn't get to you, but he fed you encouragement, and it had given you enough strength to keep going. "One last time, miss," your doctor gently instructed. You summoned up all your strength, and pushed harder than you thought you ever could. And just like that, it was over.  The doctor held up a squalling little baby and you sighed and fell against the bed. "Y/n? You still there?" Fives called. "Yeah. Fives, we have a son."

You woke up many hours later to find your husband returned, sitting on the end of your bed with a tiny blue bundle. He was so completely enamored with what was inside that you had to laugh. "You're awake!" he exclaimed. "No, really?" Both of you laughed. "I'm assuming you'd like to see our son?" he said. "YES." You eagerly stretched out your arms and Fives settled the boy into your embrace. You smiled when the little boy grabbed ahold of your finger. Then something occurred to you. "Fives, what's this kid's name? We never did officially pick one." "We were thinking about Callum, right? What about Callum Elijah? The guys could call him Cal or Eli for short," suggested Fives. "Callum Elijah," you said thoughtfully,"I like it. Little Cal it is then."

Your Song:
Would You Go With Me - Josh Turner
Within a very short time of meeting, you both knew you'd follow each other anywhere, come hell or high water. And that fact makes both of you ridiculously happy. Not only that, but you and Fives completely trust one another to take care of each other. You'll do anything for him, and he'll follow you to the ends to the universe.
If I gave you my hand, would you take it
And make me the happiest man in the world
If I told you my heart couldn't beat
One more second with without you, girl
Would you accompany me to the edge
Of the sea
Let me know if you're really a dream
I love you so, so would you go with me?

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