#15 Minor Mishaps

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You were in the kitchen when you heard the yell. "Ow!" Anakin yelped. You quickly made your way back to the nursery where he had been playing with Alix. You found the two sitting on the floor and Anakin rubbing his eye. "What happened here?" you asked. "Alix and I were playing with a ball and she hit me in the eye with it," he answered, "Kid's got an arm." You had to fight hard to smother a snicker. Imagine Anakin Skywalker, the hero with no fear, getting a black eye from a little girl who's not even two yet. "Come on, Ani, let's go get you an ice pack," you sighed, scooping up little Alix, "And you can figure out how to explain to Obi Wan and the rest of the Jedi why you have a black eye."

Obi Wan:
For once there was no crisis in the galaxy demanding your immediate attention. Since neither you nor Obi Wan had anything to do, you decided to have a sparring session. It started off well enough, you two were pretty evenly matched. But something was bound to happen. You had intended to kick him in the stomach; that was not what happened. Your foot sailed into a very sensitive area. His face turned an array of colors in a matter of seconds; white, then red, bordering on purple. He doubled over, hands on knees. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" you squeaked, hands flying to your mouth, "Are you ok? Do you want me to go get you some ice?" "No no, I just..... need..... a moment," he choked out, "We have got to work on your aim."

As per usual, you and Luke were working on your fighters. Not really talking, just focusing on your work and enjoying each other's company. Everything was going smoothly, until you heard the clatter of metal and a shout. You looked down to see screwdriver on the ground and Luke nursing a growing goose egg on his head. You sighed, putting down your welder, and slid down the ladder. "For a Jedi," you said, removing your goggles, "You can sure be a dipstick. Let's go get that bump checked out." He nodded and took your hand, allowing you to lead him to the infirmary.

It was the middle of the night, or at least what you thought was night since you were currently in space, when you woke up to Han getting out of bed. It didn't bother you, so you rolled over to go back to sleep. You were almost asleep when you heard a bang and a swear. You groaned, flipped on the light, and hopped out of bed. You found Han in the bathroom trying to stem the flow of blood from his nose. "What'd you do this time?" you asked groggily. "Not sayin. Hand me that towel will you?" It was then that you noticed the slight dent and the bloody spot on the door. "Did you seriously run into the door? Why didn't you turn the light on Hotshot?" "Are you just going to stand there and let me bleed to death?" Han snapped. You scoffed and handed him the hand towel. "You're an idiot." "I'm your idiot, doll."

For some reason, you thought it would be a good idea to let your wonderful husband fix dinner with you. Lando was by no means stupid, but in the kitchen, he definitely was. You'd assigned him a relatively easy task, chopping some vegetables, but even that found a way to go wrong. You heard him yelp and call your name. He'd cut his finger with the knife. You sighed and grabbed a rag, pressing it to the bleeding appendage. "I think I'm leaving the cooking to you, y/n," he laughed. "Good, because I'm never letting you back in here again," you teased, pecking him on the lips.

"Rex, that had better not have been a curse word I just heard come out of your mouth!" you yelled across the house. "I just stubbed my freakin toe!" he shouted back. "I don't care if you broke your leg! You'd better not be cussing when we have a toddler in the house!" You heard muttering from the back of your house and Rowan tugged on your pants leg. "We no say bad words. Bad words get in trouble," she said seriously in her cute little baby lisp. "That's right sweetheart. We don't say dirty words. Dirty words get your mouth washed out with soap," you answered, picking her up and tapping her button nose. "No sympathy from my family," Rex fake grumbled, kissing both you and your daughter. "Nope, none at all," you responded. Rowan wiggled in your arms and grabbed a bottle of dish soap. "Wash mouth now?" You and Rex nearly fell down laughing.

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