#24 Cute Daddy Moments

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Merry early Christmas! I know a bunch of you had requests and I haven't even finished with Fives, but I promise I'll get it done. I've had this one in the works for a long time and I really needed to get it done. Also I've seen The Force Awakens twice already and it is WONDERFUL.

You were playing with Alix, waiting on Anakin to get home. He'd called and said he was on Coruscant, and he'd get to stay for a while. He didn't explain why, but you didn't care much. He'd been gone for 3 months, and you really wanted to see him. You also wanted him to spend some time with Alix. She barely knew her father, and you wanted to change that. An hour went by, then two, then three, and you were beginning to think that your husband wasn't going to come home. Alix yawned and you sighed. "Come on, baby girl, time for bed." You scooped her up and were about to put her to bed when you heard the front door unlock. Anakin tiredly stepped through, sporting a sling on his arm. "Hello, love. Sorry I'm late. It took me forever to get out of the Temple," he said. "Ani! What happened?" you burst out. "Well, there was this thing with a starfighter, and I'm out of the field until it heals." You groaned internally. Leave it to Anakin to crash his fighter. Just then, Alix wiggled in your arms and you gently set her down. "Say hi to daddy Alix," you crooned. You tried to disguise your worry. It had been a long time since she'd seen Anakin. Would she even recognize him? She simply set off across the floor, and didn't stop until she was at her fathers pants' leg. "Hi baby," he said. She reached up her arms to be picked up. He happily obliged. She gave him a curious look. "Da.... Dada?" she asked. Your jaw dropped and so did Anakin's. Alix's first word. You could see the tears in his eyes. "Yes sweetheart, Dada," he encouraged. Alix, apparently satisfied with that answer, curled up against his chest and closed her eyes. "Dada," she sighed as she fell asleep. Both you and Anakin could've whooped for joy. But there was a sleeping infant that did not need to be woken, so you two put her to bed. Once that was done, Anakin pulled you into his arms. "I think that was the happiest moment of my life," he murmured. You laughed and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I'm glad."

Obi Wan:
You were walking back towards your house when you heard your children scream inside the house. You instantly ran to see what was wrong, hand on the lightsaber you still carried with you. You practically flew to the door, and then saw the cause of your twins' shrieks. Obi Wan was down on all fours, chasing them around the room. "Rawr, I'm a krayt dragon and I'm going to get you!" he growled. Malia and Maxon squealed and ran to the other side of the room. You laughed quietly and continued to watch, not wanting to disturb the scene unfolding in front of you. Of course, your babies saw Mommy. "Mama, save us!" they cried. How could you say no to such cute faces? "Don't worry, I'll save you!" you laughed, swiftly crossing the floor. "I guess I'll have to get you too!" Obi Wan declared, before tackling you. He pinned you to the floor and was about to tickle you when two small children tackled him. "Not our mama!" Maxon yelled. The play fighting continued well into the afternoon, until it was time for dinner.

You were exhausted when you got home from the market. It had taken you all day to get your business done and you didn't come home until after dark. You expected Rex to have put Rowan to bed and be waiting on you when you got home, but there was no one to be found when you entered the house. There was, however, a light on in the living room. You silently entered the room and smiled at what you saw. Rex was sprawled out on the couch with Rowan on his chest, both sound asleep. The lamp was still on so you knew it wasn't intentional. You were about to leave them alone when Rex stirred. "Y/n?" he called out groggily. "Good morning, sleeping beauty. Or should I say good evening?" you laughed. "What time is it?" he asked. "Time to go to bed. Although, I kind of hate to disturb you two. You just looked so darn cute." He looked down at the still sleeping baby on his chest. "Maybe. Not sure if it's worth the backache in the morning though." He gently eased Rowan onto his shoulder as he did. "C'mon kiddo, it's past our bedtime."

You were sitting at the desk in your quarters doing reports while Fives and Callum were playing on the floor behind you. You turned around just in time to see Cal take off across the room, trip, and smack right into a table. Cal fell back on his bottom and blinked, trying to decide if he was hurt. He decided that he was and started screaming. You got up to go get him but Fives beat you there. You weren't exactly sure how he would handle this. Clones weren't exactly known for their gentleness. To your pleasant surprise, he quickly scooped Cal into his arms. "You're okay, buddy. It's not that bad. It doesn't hurt that much. Hey, we're clone troopers, aren't we? Do we cry about boo boos?" Cal sniffled and shook his head. "That's right. And why don't we cry?" Cal's frown turned into a big grin. "Cause clone troopers are the toughest people ever!" he yelled. "Good job! Now let's go get you patched up," Fives said, high fiving Cal and going to get an ice pack.

"Are you ready Caden?" you asked your four year old son. "Yes!" he answered enthusiastically. One of his friends was having a costume party for his birthday and Caden and you had worked very hard on his costume. "Can we go show Daddy before we go?" he pleaded. "Of course!" Caden grabbed your hand and dragged you down the hall to the living room where Luke was. "Hey, Luke, Caden wants to show you his costume," you called. Luke smiled and put down his datapad. "Alright, let's see it." Caden walked out in front of Luke, his mini Jedi robes flowing around him. He even had a replica of Luke's lightsaber. "Daddy, I'm you!" Caden announced, his smile stretching from ear to ear. Luke absolutely beamed. "That's awesome buddy! But, why'd you pick me? You could've been Kyle or Kyp, they're pretty cool." Caden frowned. "But Dad, you're the coolest Jedi ever!" Somehow Luke's smile got even wider and he pulled his son into a hug. "Thank you Caden."

You were bouncing Isla on your lap while Han was working on the Falcon. Levi had already been put down for his nap, but Isla just wouldn't go to sleep. She was too interested in watching her dad and Chewie work on the ship.  "She asleep yet?" Han asked, not taking his attention away from his task. "No. She's stubborn, just like her father," you answered. "I can think of worse things she could've inherited from me." "I can't," you muttered under your breath. Isla kept watching her dad, and started babbling like crazy. "Now what's got her so excited?" Han wondered, finally tearing his attention away from his ship.  "Fa..... Fa....." Isla forced out, trying to make a word. Her first word, to be precise. Han jumped down from his perch and practically ran over to you. "What's she trying to say?" he asked. "I'm not sure," you admitted, "Maybe father?" Han grinned. "Is that what you want to say? Father?" Isla kept trying to get the word out and finally she did. "Falcon." You swore you'd never seen Han so excited.

"Y/n!" Lando called. "What?" you yelled back. "Can you come get Daxton? I have to go to work but every time I try to put him down he starts crying." You sighed deeply and put your laundry down. You walked into your living room and the sight thee made your heart melt. Daxton was clinging to his dad, face buried in Lando's shirt. "C'mere Dax. Daddy's gotta go to work. Let's play with Mama for a while." Daxton peeked out at you but didn't budge. "We can finger paint if you want," you offered. You knew he wouldn't turn that down. Sure enough, Daxton slowly leaned out towards you and you took him from Lando. "Thank you," he said, kissing your forehead. "No problem. Now get going," you teased. Lando turned and was nearly out the door when Daxton wiggled to get down. That was strange. He usually loved to be held, so much that it was difficult trying to teach him to walk. You set him down and he used your leg to pull himself up. And then, with small, faltering steps, Daxton started to walk towards his dad. You shouted Lando's name and he whipped around. A huge smile lit up his face when he saw his son toddle up to him and stretch his arms up for a hug. "You did it little man! Your first steps!" Lando shouted, sweeping Daxton up.

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