#6 You Get Injured

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You were dancing around the room, singing you lungs out, nothing out of the ordinary for you. That was the case, at least, until the heel of your shoe decided to come off. Your heels weren't all that tall, and you'd never had a problem dancing in them before, but suddenly you were on the floor and your ankle was turned the wrong way. Anakin had been in the doorway and came rushing over when he saw you fall. "Y/n, are you okay?" he asked, kneeling beside you. You only groaned in response. Dang, your ankle hurt. You were almost in tears , it was causing you so much pain. "Come on, love, I'm taking you to the hospital." Anakin lifted you up and carried you out the door.

It was eventually determined that you had fractured your ankle. They put a cast on it and told you to stay off of it for a few weeks. You sighed sadly at that. You didn't like sitting still. Too much to do for that. It did make you feel a little better, though, when Anakin kissed your cast and signed it. Maybe those two weeks wouldn't be so bad if Ani was there to spend it with you.

Obi Wan:
You mentally cursed yourself for not bringing backup. You knew you shouldn't have tried to take on General Grievous by yourself. You did anyway, and now you had gotten yourself captured. You had fully expected him to kill you, like he did with most Jedi, but no, he had different plans for you. Grievous was going to use you as a hostage. Currently, you were being driven to your knees in front of a line of Republic forces, led by your lover, Obi Wan Kenobi. "Let her go, Grievous!" Obi Wan barked. Grievous let out an evil, almost sick sounding laugh. "Not until you remove your forces from this system and hand it over to the Separatists!" "You know we will not do that. This planet is not yours for the taking," Obi Wan retorted. "Perhaps you do not understand the situation, General Kenobi," said your captor. He drew his lightsaber and held it close to your neck. "Agree to my demands, or I will kill her." Obi Wan would've appeared calm to anyone who did not know him as well as you did. You could see the fear in his eyes. He wanted to rescue you, he wanted to take you in his arms and run far away with you, but he had a job to do. You both did. "We do not negotiate will terrorists, General," he said calmly. Again, Grievous laughed. "That is a shame, General Kenobi, that you would sacrifice one of your Order for one star system. I hope you were not too attached to this one!" he cackled, raising his lightsaber. You closed your eyes and prepared for death. However, the fatal swing never came. You heard the sounds of gunships and looked up. One was hovering over you, and Anakin Skywalker stood in the open door. "You won't kill any Jedi today, Grievous! Surrender!" Grievous howled in rage, seeing that he was now outnumbered. You breathed a sigh of relief, thinking you might actually get out of this one alive. That was, until you felt his blade pierce your back.

You slumped forward onto the ground as blood poured out of the wound. You thought could hear someone screaming your name, but everything seemed to be in a haze. Suddenly Obi Wan appeared, slicing through the bindings on your wrist and pulling you into his arms. "Hey, y/n, it's okay, I've got you. It's not that bad. The medics will have you patched you up in no time," he told you, brushing the hair back from your face. His voice was soothing, and your vision started to dim. "No, y/n stay with me! You have to stay awake!" You tried to do what he said, you really did,but the darkness was just too overwhelming. The medical team arrived, and Obi Wan could only watch as they took you away, praying you would survive. He didn't know what he'd do if you died.

You were standing on a ladder, attempting to fix a wing on your fighter. It had gotten hit pretty hard in the last battle. You were so focused on your fighter that you didn't notice the astromech droid careening towards your ladder. It crashed into the ladder, sending it and you hurtling towards the floor, several feet down. You took most of the impact on your left arm and you heard a sickening crack. You groaned through your gritted teeth, holding the injured arm. Everyone who had been in the vicinity came running, including your boyfriend Luke. He was instantly at your side, yelling for someone to get a doctor. "What hurts?" he asked. "Arm," you moaned. He gently lifted your injured appendage to examine it. You resisted the urge to scream. Still, tears gathered in your eyes. "I'm sorry, we'll get you fixed up, don't worry," he mumbled. You turned your head to assess the damage. Your arm was bent at an odd angle just below the elbow and that definitely wasn't where your shoulder was supposed to be. Finally, the medical team came rushing in. They loaded you up onto a stretcher, but you refused to let go of Luke's hand.

They ended up having to snap your shoulder back into place. You almost broke poor Luke's hand, you were gripping it so tightly. The doctors gave you the strongest pain meds they had and sent you back to your room to rest. You let Luke carry you back to your quarters. He put you in bed and sat down on the side. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Tired. In pain," you sighed. "I'm sorry, beautiful," he said, kissing your forehead,"I hope you feel better soon." He started to get up, but you grabbed his sleeve with your good hand. "Stay?" you pleaded. He couldn't resist you. "Of course." He snuggled up to you and you finally fell asleep in his embrace.

You loved Han Solo, you really did, but sometimes that price on his head was extremely annoying. You, Han, and Chewie were currently in the middle of a firefight, courtesy of the aforementioned bounty. "Han!" you screamed. The bounty hunters had you pinned down behind some crates in the hangar. "Hang on!" he yelled back. he and Chewbacca killed the two shooting at you. You were about to head their way when a massive explosion went off behind you. It threw you into the air and pain radiated throughout your body. It was so intense that you passed out before you even hit the ground.

"Y/N!" Han shouted as he watched you soar through the air. He kicked himself for not realizing the remaining bounty hunters had thermal detonators. He and Chewie rushed to your side to inspect the damage. It wasn't good. You were unconscious and very badly burned. Plus, there was blood running down the side of your face, so you must have hit your head. "Chewie, cover us!" he ordered, slinging you over his shoulder. Chewie nodded and started firing at the remaining hunters. The three of you made a break for the Falcon. Thankfully, everyone made it and Chewie slammed the button to close the door. Once it was shut Chewie ran to start the ship and Han ran you to their makeshift medical bay. He laid you on the bunk and started peeling your scorched clothing off. Now was not the time for modesty. You only moaned a little, not quite coming back to consciousness. Han wanted to cry, your burns looked so bad, not to mention the head wound. He wasn't sure their meager medical supplies could cut it. He did what he could for you, cleaning and bandaging your wounds, but he knew they had to find a medical facility of some kind, and fast.

Lando had taken you to an exotic planet for your 3rd anniversary. You were on a nature trail, enjoying the pleasant walk through the purple and orange trees, when you came across the most adorable animal you'd ever seen. Its pale blue fur, big eyes, tiny feet, button nose, and a little round body made you want to pick it up and squeeze it. Its tall ears twitched when it saw you walk up. It hopped a little closer and sniffed you. It seemed pretty friendly, and its fur looked so soft, so you tried to pet it. You knew better than to pet a wild animal you knew nothing about, but its cuteness had entranced you. You reached out to touch it, and it sank its teeth into your hand. You helped and pulled your hand away. You ran to Lando, who was a few feet away, observing some birds. "Lando....." you whined, holding your injured hand. "What happened sweetheart?" he asked, examining your hand. "Some animal bit me." He poked at the wound and you whimpered. It was really starting to hurt. "Come on, I'll take you back to the resort," Lando said.

By the time you reached the resort, your had had turned bright red and swelled up to twice its normal size. It was throbbing and you were trying not to cry. Lando led you to the resort's infirmary. The nurse took one look at your hand and gave you a knowing look. She led you two to a bed and went to go find something for your poor hand. "You get yourself into the darnedest situations, you know that?" Lando said once you say down. "Trust me, I know," you groaned. You winced when you accidentally moved your hand. "Does it hurt that much?" he asked. "Yes. I knew I shouldn't have to touched that stupid thing." Just then,the nurse came back with a tube of cream. She slathered it all over your hand, and the cooling sensation in produced made you sigh in relief. By the time she was done, the swelling had already gone down a little bit. You thanked her and she left. "Better?" Lando asked. "Much."

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