#19 That One Annoying Thing You Do

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He hates it when you drum your fingers. And you do it. All. The. Time. You're nervous? You drum your fingers. You're excited? You drum your fingers. You don't know what you're feeling? You drum your freaking fingers. He has to reach out and hold your hand still to get you to stop.

Obi Wan:
He hates how disorganized you are. He believes everything has a specific place it needs to go. You, on the other hand, have a habit of putting things in completely random and unrelated places. He can't find anything in your room and sometimes neither can you. It makes preparing for anything quickly nearly impossible.

He hates it when you let your hair hang in front of your face. Luke thinks your face is too beautiful to hide, yet you allow your hair to obscure it. When it's really bothering him, he'll come up behind you and pull your hair up himself. He actually does a pretty decent job too.

He hates it when you hum to yourself. He likes hearing you sing, but he just can't stand humming. It's mostly because you like to hum his favorite songs, but it's so quiet that he can't figure out what tune it is. And that reason is precisely why you do it. He's so fun to irritate.

He hates it when you put yourself down. You've never thought you were good enough for him, and he can't seem to get it through your head that you're all he's ever wanted. Every little thing you don't like about yourself is just another thing that makes him love you. It makes him sad to hear you talk about all the things you think make you less perfect.

He hates how reckless you can be. Sometimes it almost seems to him like you really don't care what happens to yourself. You never want to put other people in danger and you're always willing to make the sacrifice play. You don't do it unnecessarily but he knows that if it comes down to it you'll be the one to put yourself on the line. It makes Rex proud but at the same time it makes him worry that one day he'll really lose you.

Hello friends! So, I have question for you lovely readers. Is there anyone else you'd like to see in these preferences? I can't promise I'll do all of them but I'd at least like to know if there's anyone else you guys want me to write about.

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