Against All Odds

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So here's what I'm going to do. I love music, so every now and then I'm going to do a one shot based off of a song. This one is based on Against All Odds by Phil Collins (yeah I love older music) and our man is going be Anakin Skywalker. Oh, and these stories aren't going to line up with the preferences. Different back stories and such. Enjoy!

Anakin's POV

How can I just let you walk away, just let you leave without a trace? When I stand here taking every breath with you? You're the only one who really knew me at all.

"If I promise to stay here with you, do you promise not to hurt him and let him go?" y/n blurts. We got ourselves captured, and Count Dooku intends to keep us and test us to see who would make a better apprentice. He plans to overthrow Darth Sidious, and use one of us to do it. He thinks for a moment, then nods. "I accept your offer. But if you attempt to escape or try to contact the Republic in any way, you'll both be killed." "No, y/n!" I shout. I can't let her do this. Dooku will torture her, brainwash her, make her into something she's not. And if he decides she isn't what he wants......I can't allow that. "I don't have a choice Anakin," she says. "Yes you do! We can get out of this together!" I yell, struggling to get free. The droids holding me level their blasters. "Anakin, listen to me! There is no other way out! I'm giving you a chance to live! Don't waste it," she begs. I can't believe it. I may never see the girl I love ever again. I've never opened up to anyone like I did her. She's been my best friend for years. We told each other everything. But there was one thing I didn't tell her. I never said "I love you."

How can you just walk away from me, when all I can do is watch you leave? 'Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain, and even shared the tears. You're the only one who really knew me at all.

I can only watch in horror as Dooku's droids close in on y/n. It feels like a part of my soul is dying. We've gone through everything together. She held me when Master Qui Gon died, and she bandaged my first lightsaber wound. We became Jedi Knights together, and now I'm just supposed to let her go? All our greatest memories were made together, and I have to leave her behind?

So take a look at me now. Well, there's just an empty space. And there's nothing here to remind me, just the memory of your face.

The droids wrestle me away and into a cell. I just flop down on the hard bunk and stare at the ceiling. Y/n is gone. It feels like there's a hole in my chest, one that only she can fill. I try to close my eyes and sleep, but the sight of y/n's terrified face takes over my mind. My heart breaks even more. How could I have let this happen to her?

Take a look at me now. Well there's just an empty space. And you coming back to me is against all odds, and that's what I've got to face.

For once Dooku kept his word. He returned me to the Republic, and ever since I've been trying to find y/n. I barely eat, barely sleep. Nearly every waking moment is dedicated to searching for her. Most people say it's not healthy, but I really don't care. The only people who seem to understand are Obi Wan and Rex. Obi Wan knows how much she means to me and Rex is loyal to her to a fault, like a brother. They're doing all they can to help me. We're going to find her. I'll save her, if it's the last thing I do.

I wish I could just make you turn around, turn around and see me cry. There's so much I need to say to you, so many reasons why. You're the only one who really knew me at all.

Obi Wan makes me go back to my quarters to rest when he finds me asleep on a console in the intelligence room. I try to sleep, but y/n fills every corner of my mind. I replay the day she was taken over and over again. I know she couldn't see, but there were tears in my eyes when she left. I can't help but wonder what she would've done if she could see. Maybe she wouldn't have given herself up so easily. The "what ifs" start eating away at my heart. I wish I had told her my feelings. I wish I had screamed them out as she left. Maybe she would be here with me now, or maybe we would both be dead at the hand of Count Dooku. Either way, we would be together, and I could be complete. She's the other half of my soul, I just know it.

So take a look at me now, well there's just an empty space. And there's nothing left here to remind me, just the memory of your face.

I can't sleep, no mater what I do. I take a walk around the ship, hoping to clear my head. Somehow, I end up at y/n's room. It shouldn't surprise me. I always used to come to her room when there was something on my mind. Y/n could always help me sort my thoughts. I open the door to her room and a blast of cool air hits me in the face. I guess her room hasn't been opened since the last time she was here. I walk inside and its immediately obvious that she hasn't been here in a while. It's cold and bare. Jedi don't have many personal possessions, so of course the room is sparse, but with her in here it always felt warm and inviting. It felt like home, almost. Now it feels like what it really is, just an empty barrack, and nearly no hint that y/n was ever here.

Now take a look at me now, 'cause there's just an empty space. But to wait for you, is all I can do and that's what I've got to face.

We found her. Almost a month later, and we finally found where Dooku has y/n stashed. Obi Wan, Rex, and I are headed to her coordinates to get her back. The Twilight is fast, but not fast enough for me. I need her with me now. I need to tell her my feelings. I need to let out those feelings I've kept bottled up for years. I'll never have peace until I see her alive, in my arms.

Take a good look at me now, 'cause I'll still be standing here. And you coming back to me is against all odds. It's the chance I've got to take.

I know chances are slim that y/n is still alive, but I hold on to the sliver of hope that she might be. I have to, it's what keeps me fighting. The guard droids are no match for me, not when they're between me and my love. Their pieces clatter at my feet as I race through the halls. Hang on y/n, I'm coming for you.

Take a look at me now.

I fling a door open, and there she is. Fear takes over me. Y/n is laying on the ground, beaten and bloody, and for one terrifying moment, I think she's dead, that I failed, that I've lost her. But then she opens her eyes and looks directly at me. "I knew you'd find me," she croaks. I gently bend down and lift her into my arms. "Of course. I'm never leaving your side, never again."

Hope I didn't hurt your feels too bad!

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