#7 You Get Injured Part 2

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Just for you Clieo_Whiteshadow ! These will just be Obi Wan and Han, plus a little surprise at the end.

Obi Wan:
As soon as you reached the ship, the doctors took you into surgery. Your heart stopped a few times during the procedure, and even when you got out, they still didn't know if you would make it. Obi Wan still had duties down on the planet, but the moment they were complete, he was in your room, waiting for you to wake up. He waited for days and many times Anakin would wait with him. Today, though, Obi Wan was alone. He was beginning to lose hope that you would ever come back to him, when he heard a tiny noise. You stirred, and blinked the sleep from your eyes. The very first thing you saw was your Obi Wan at your side. "Hi honey," you said hoarsely. "Welcome back, my dear," he whispered, overjoyed that you were awake. He took your hand, and you could see tears in his eyes. You sat in silence for a long time, enjoying one another's company, until Obi Wan lifted your face to meet his. He crushed his lips to yours, not holding anything back for once. You hesitated in surprise, but quickly responded with equal passion. When you finally came up for air, you gaped at him. "Obi Wan, we could get caught!" you whisper-shouted. "I don't care," he replied, "I'm just so happy that the love of my life is still with me." You smiled up at him. "I love you too, honey."

You were staring out the window of the hospital, just like you had been doing for the past two and a half weeks. It would've been a lot shorter, but your burns had become infected. You remembered that time with a shudder. It had been living hell for you. When you weren't unconscious, you were left hanging in a fevered haze, and you could feel the burns all over your body. It was excruciating. You had wanted to die, you had wanted to let go so badly, but you kept holding on. Why? Han Solo. He stayed by your side every day during that dark time, pleading with you to keep fighting, giving you the encouragement you needed. And when it was over, he still came to see you every day. Today was no different. "Hi, doll," you heard. You turned to see him standing there with his characteristic cocky grin. "Hi, Han," you said quietly. "Hey, what's wrong with my girl?" he asked, pulling his chair up. "Nothing," you lied. Truth was, there was something bothering you. It had been worrying you since the explosion. "Come on, y/n, don't lie to me. You can tell me anything." "You'll think it's dumb." "I promise, I won't think it's dumb, now tell me." You sighed. "Fine. I was worried about what I'll look like once these burns heal. They'll scar horribly," you said, brushing the tips of your fingers over the bandages that covered the left side of your body and most of your chest. You were by no means a vain person, but you knew how bad those burns would look once they healed over. You were worried Han wouldn't want to be with a freak like you. "Sweetie, you'll still be the most gorgeous girl I've ever met. These scars just prove that you were stronger than whatever tried to beat you. Honestly, I think they make you look more beautiful," Han said, kissing your forehead. "Plus, they make you look tougher, too, and that'll help intimidate any other bounty hunters who come our way, he commented jokingly. You laughed too and placed a kiss on his lips.

And here's the surprise! Presenting........ Captain Rex!

You danced through the droids , your blaster leaving a trail of carnage behind. You could see your boyfriend, Rex, causing considerable damage of his own. He was mowing the droids down, and you felt strangely proud. Your moment was interrupted, however, when you heard a whirring, rolling, metallic sound. You whipped around to come face to face with a droideka. You steeled yourself as it put its shield up and started firing. You were doing your best to dodge every bolt and try to get past its shields, but the barrage was just too intense. Some of the blasts were beginning to get past you, and you knew you couldn't hold out much longer. Thankfully, you wouldn't have to. Rex was sneaking up behind it, weapon drawn, and he was nearly past its shields. Just when you thought you could get out unhurt, one of the droideka's blasts caught you in your lower right belly. Rex quickly stuck his gun to the droideka's head and blasted it. It sparked and stopped firing. He instantly ran and slung an arm around your waist. You put one arm around his shoulder and he helped you reach cover behind a rock formation. He sat you down and started yelling into his comlink. "Commander y/l/n is down, I repeat Commander y/l/n is down! Send medics!" Rex bent down to your level and started putting pressure on your wound. You grunted as blood oozed through his fingers. "Rex?" you whimpered. "Yeah y/n?" "I love you. Keep kicking butt for me, okay?" He instantly look up into your eyes. "Don't talk like that!" he commanded, "you're gonna live to kick butt with me, I'll make sure of it." The medics finally arrived and got to work. "I love you too," he mumbled as they started patching you up.

You were waiting in the medical bay when your rescuer appeared in the doorway. No one other than you was in the room, so he ran to you and wrapped you in his strong arms. "I knew you'd be okay," he said, kissing your hair. "Well I couldn't leave you here alone, could I?" you laughed. He smiled. "You know, I don't tell you this enough, but I love you, did you know that?" Rex asked. "I love you too Captain."

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