#11 Proposing

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You were waiting for Anakin to come home. He had been away for almost 3 months, and you had missed him so much. You heard the front door open and you jumped up in excitement. Anakin ran to you a pulled you into his arms. "Hello, my love," he said. "Ani! I missed you so much!" you squealed. "I missed you too. I hate leaving you for so long." "I know," you groaned, burying your face in his chest,"I never know if you're coming back." He pulled your chin up to look at him. "My love, I will always come back to you. And I want to prove that." You gasped as he got down on one knee and produced a ring. "Y/full/n, I've loved you for a long time and I promise that I'll always come back to you. I've given you my heart, so will you do me the honor of marrying me?" You quickly nodded your head as tears gathered in your eyes. You couldn't stand it anymore. You flung your arms around him and kissed him square on the mouth. He kissed back with passion. You could have stayed like that forever, but sadly, you needed oxygen. You pulled away and he smiled, slipping the ring on your finger. You loved it. It was just a diamond with a gold border around it, but it was beautiful. You loved the ring, but not as much as the person who gave it to you, and you told him so. "I love you too, y/n," Anakin said, holding you close.

Obi Wan:
You were sitting on your bed meditating when you heard the door open. "Y/n! Thank the Force you're alright!" Obi Wan exclaimed, throwing his arms around you. You looked at him in shock. It wasn't like Obi Wan to be this emotional. "What are you talking about, honey?" He looked into your eyes and all you saw was barely restrained fear and relief. "I heard your platoon got ambushed on your last mission. When I didn't hear anything from you, I thought you had been injured, or worse." "I'm fine Obi. It takes more than a few droids to bring me and my boys down," you soothed. "I'm just glad you got out unhurt," he sighed. You groaned internally. "Well, I wouldn't go that far....." He looked at you in alarm and you cast your eyes down at your hand, which was all bandaged up. "I broke it in the fight." Obi Wan gently lifted your hand to examine it, then shook his head. "You must start being more careful." "You say that every time I get hurt," you scoffed. "Then why don't you listen?" "You know I'm entirely too stubborn for that." "I think I may have to stay with you all the time to keep you from getting into trouble," Obi Wan commented. "And how are you going to do that? We are at war, remember?" "I could marry you." You laughed, and then froze when you realized he was serious. Obi Wan got down on one knee and took your hands. "Y/n, I know I don't have a ring, but I do know that I love you. Thinking you were dead was possibly the worst feeling I've ever felt. I know I could never live in a galaxy you're not a part of, so will you stay by my side forever, and be my wife?" You could feel tears welling up in your eyes. "Yes," you whispered,"I'll marry you any day."

Man, Luke was nervous. He'd been carrying the ring around for weeks, but couldn't work up the nerve to ask you to marry him. The great Jedi was scared stiff. He had a plan, he just at couldn't bring himself to carry it out. What if you said no? What if you didn't really want him? Luke was lost in these thoughts when Han bumped him. "Luke, that ring's going to tarnish if you don't hurry up and ask," he said, sliding into the pilot's seat, "Seriously, we're all tired of waiting. Light a fire under it." Leia, who had come in behind him, smacked Han upside the head, then turned to her brother. "He does have a point Luke. I don't understand why you're so afraid to ask." "I just keep wondering what she'll say. What if she doesn't want to get married? What if-" Leia put a hand up to silence him. "She won't say no. We all know how much she loves you. Y/n will be thrilled!" Luke looked up at his sister. "You really think so?" "I know so." Luke jumped up in joy. "Alright, I'm going to ask her! Right now!" "You do that, Luke. Good luck," Han called.

You were resting in your quarters when R2 came skidding in. He rolled right up to you and started beeping like crazy. "What's up R2?" you asked. He beeped some more,his holo projector turned on, and a storage compartment opened. The holo was of Luke. "Y/n," he started, "When we met, I knew you were different. You were special, and no, I'm not just talking about your Force abilities. I knew right away that you were beautiful and completely amazing. I knew I had to make you mine. I never expected that to happen, but somehow, it did. I've held you for several years now, but now, I want to make us a little more permanent. Y/full/n, I love you, more than anything," the holo said. But then another voice joined in. Luke had come in and he reached into R2's compartment. "Will you marry me?" he and the holo asked together. You jumped up and started laughing. "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!" you squealed. You crushed your lips to his. Luke was somewhat surprised at first, but quickly responded. There were no happier people in the galaxy at that moment.

You two were in a firefight. Again. You really needed to have a talk with Han about ticking people off. "Okay Hotshot, how do you plan to get us out of this one?!" you yelled across the bar to him. You popped up and blasted an Ithorian away. "I'm working on it!" he shouted back. "Well work faster! I can't hold these guys off forever!" Chewbacca roared in agreement. As if to prove your point, a blaster bolt hit the bar close to your head, sending wood splinters everywhere. You shot back at your attacker, but he got behind cover too quickly. Blast it. "Han, we need a plan now," you implored. "Hang on, I'm coming over there! Cover me!" You laid down a blanket of bolts as he dashed out from his hiding place. He slid down beside you behind the bar, and you sat down and glared at him. "This is a fine mess you've gotten us into," you growled. "Hey, this is not my fault!" Han protested. "You're the one who got involved with Jabba!" He didn't have anything to say to that. You two kept shooting for what seemed like hours, but in reality was only a few minutes. It didn't seem like you two were going to get out this one, and you mentioned that to Han. He quietly agreed, but then he did something incredible. "Y/n, if we get out of this, will you marry me?" he blurted. You froze and gaped at him. "Han, is this really the time?!" you whisper-shouted. "I'm serious y/n!" You groaned. He had terrible timing. "Fine! I'll marry you!"

Needless to say, you all got out alive. As you were walking away, you linked an arm with his. "So Hotshot," you said with a smirk,"Where do you want to have the wedding?" He laughed and you ran for the ship. You could hear the sirens getting closer and you really didn't want to go to prison before you got married.

When you got home from work, all you wanted to do was sleep. It had been a rough night, and you just wanted to forget about it. You trudged you way throught yours and Lando's shared apartment to the bedroom. He was already in bed, doing something on his datapad. "Hi sweetheart," he called. You grunted in response, grabbing your clothes and dragging yourself to the shower. When you emerged several minutes later, you simply flopped face first onto the bed. Lando just laughed at you. "Poor thing. Did you have a rough night?" You mumbled your assent into the pillow. "Come on. Sleep will do you good." You moaned and rolled over onto your back, sliding under the covers. He laughed at your antics again, and reached out to turn the lamp off. You tried to sleep, but there was this weird glow on your face. You opened your eyes, and gasped. You were definitely awake now. There were glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling that spelled out,"Will you marry me?" You heard a chuckle next to you. "Well, y/n, what do you say?" Lando propped himself up on one arm and held out a beautiful diamond ring. "Yes!" you screamed, tackling him back onto the bed. You planted your lips on his in a heated kiss. Lando smiled into your lips and gently slipped the ring onto your finger. Tonight was an awesome night.

You had just come home from Suu and Cut Lawquane's house. You and Rex had become very good friends with them since you'd moved to Saleucami, and Rex helped Cut in the fields. You figured that's where he'd be all day, so you went to visit with Suu. With two kids and another on the way, there was always something you could help her with. You stepped into the house and shut the door behind you. "Rex?" you called. No answer. That was odd. It was almost dark, you thought he'd be home by now. Then you noticed the note on the table. Meet me at our spot at sunset. It was almost sunset, so you immediately set out. Your special spot was a large tree that sat out in the middle of one of the fields with a small, blue spring underneath it. Normally you would take your time getting there, since it was such a pleasant walk, but you hadn't seen Rex all day. You got to the tree, but there was no Rex. You sighed and sat down at the base of the tree. There was a soft breeze blowing and the spring was babbling. It was peaceful. But then you heard a noise. A sort of rustling noise. You looked over and there was a piece of paper inside a hollow in the tree. You reached inside and read the note. Marry me, it read. You heard footsteps behind you and whirled around. Rex stepped out fro behind the tree and got down on one knee. "Would you like to try to take on this life together, y/n?" he asked, producing a little bronze ring. "I know it isn't much, but I wanted to get you something," he said sheepishly. Tears pooled in your eyes and you going yourself at him. "Yes, I'll marry you, Rex." Rex held you tight, and promised he'd never let you go, no matter what.

OMG I'M SO SORRY I DROPPED OFF THE END OF THE EARTH. I went to camp for a week and we weren't supposed to have our phones out at all. I didn't know that so I didn't get to warn you ahead of time. But seriously though, I come back and I have 200 reads! Thanks so much guys!!!

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