Fives Pt. 1

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So, I know I said that I was going to post that other story, but there's a slight issue with that. And by slight, I mean serious. Basically, I can't find it. So, as a sort of apology, I thought you might enjoy the addition of a new character. So I added Fives, because he's awesome! Also, for the purposes of this book, we're going to assume he's not dead (I'm so sorry if I spoiled that for you).

How You Met:
You were a nurse on board the Resolute. The battle had ended a few hours ago and most of the wounded were either just getting out of surgery or comfortably settled in. Or at least, as comfortable as one could be on a battleship. You scurried about, tending to the battered soldiers' needs as they arose. You were so busy that you didn't notice the ARC trooper's entrance until he tapped you on the shoulder. You whipped around, almost irritated at first that someone had disturbed your work. That was, until you caught the kind brown eyes gazing down at you. "Well, you look a little too healthy to be in here," you said with a smirk. He grinned back. "Maybe so. I'm here to see one of my brothers. Got a bit banged up planet side, thought I'd see how he's doing. I'd hoped you could tell me where to find him." You openly smiled at the clone's thoughtfulness. "That's very kind of you. What's your brother's name? I'll see if I can find him." "CT-21-0408," the clone spouted off. You frowned. "I asked for his name, not his number." The clone was visibly surprised, but not too surprised to answer. "Echo. His name's Echo." You punched the name into your data pad and the record popped up. "Ah, ARC Trooper Echo. Room 503. Down the hall, 1st door on the right," you instructed. "Thank you Nurse...." he trailed off, waiting for your name. "Y/l/n." "Well, thank you, Nurse y/l/n." Then he turned on his heel and strode off towards his brother's room.

It was later that night and you were making your final rounds before going off duty. You stopped at your final room and the door slid open to reveal the clone from earlier laughing with his brother. You really didn't want to interrupt them, but you knew you had to. "I'm sorry troopers, but visiting hours are almost over. You can come back tomorrow," you said. The soldier immediately stood up. "Yes ma'am. Won't be the same in our quarters without you, Echo," he told his friend. "Yeah, I might actually get some sleep without your snoring," the one called Echo teased. The other man rolled his eyes and left. You turned to the man in the bed. "Echo, do you need anything before I go?" you inquired. "No ma'am, I'll be fine. Thank you though," he answered respectfully. You nodded and slid out of the room, turning the lights off as you left. The other soldier was waiting for you outside. "Hello again trooper. Need something?" you greeted. "I just wanted to thank you, for taking such good care of my brothers," he answered. You smiled. Yours was often a thankless job. "Thank you for keeping the people of the Republic safe," you responded. "But without fine people like you, we wouldn't be around long enough to do our jobs," he retorted. You couldn't help but blush. "I'd like to properly thank you, Nurse y/l/n," he continued, "Would you like to join me in the mess hall for a hot cup of caf?" Somehow, you smiled even wider. "I'd like that...." You waited for his name. "ARC Trooper CT-5555. My friends call me Fives," he answered. You took his arm. "Call me y/n."

Fives: Hero
He is a hero in your eyes. He defends the Republic, his General, his brothers, but most importantly, he defends you. How much more heroic can you get?

You: Mama
Obviously, the clones don't really know what it feels like to have parents. But he imagines that you'd be a good one. You're loving, and you take good care of everyone around you.

You're Pregnant:
You were pacing inside your office, wondering what the heck you were going to do. You had just found out that you were pregnant and were trying to figure out how to tell Fives. "We're in the middle of a war for God's sakes," you thought,"This is no time to have a baby." You were so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you didn't hear the door slide open. Fives snuck up and grabbed you from behind. He tickled your ribs and you couldn't help but laugh. "Fives, Fives stop!" you gasped out. He laughed and turned you around to face him, placing his hands on your hips. "Hey, Mama. How's my favorite girl today?" he asked, kissing you sweetly on the lips. "I'm fine," you said a little too quickly. He cocked an eyebrow and you groaned internally. "Uh huh. Is that why you were pacing like a nervous wreck when I came in?" You pushed him off and turned away. "Y/n? Seriously, what's up?" he asked, genuinely concerned. He pulled you back to him. "Does it have something to do with you being sick all this week?" The tears that had been threatening to fall earlier flowed down your cheeks. You pressed your forehead to the chest plate of his armor. "Yes," you groaned,"I'm pregnant." "What? Say that again," he said in disbelief. "I'm pregnant!" you burst out. He froze for a moment, but then the biggest, goofiest grin spread across his face. "I'm gonna be a dad!" he shouted, sweeping you off your feet and spinning around the room. "You, you're happy?" you asked shocked. "Of course! It was a miracle we got permission to get married, but now we're going to have a kid too? This is fantastic!" he shouted,"I mean yes, we're still in a war but I'm gonna be a dad! It's wonderful!" He was as excited as a child on Christmas morning, and you felt the weight lift from your shoulders. You smiled and took his hand. "You're right. I was stupid to be so worried. Wanna go tell your brothers?" He practically dragged you out of the room.

What Turns Him On:
When you wear tight fitting clothes. Yes, he knows it might be shallow, but you're always wearing scrubs, and they cover up that glorious body of yours. Fives loves to see your curves.

What Turns You On:
You love it when he picks you up. Whether he's grandly sweeping you off your feet or a simple piggy back ride, you love the closeness.

You Get Injured:
It wasn't supposed to be an eventful day. The Resolute was only in orbit around the planet, waiting on fresh supplies. You were doing inventory in the supply room, making a list of things that needed replenishing. There was a strange jolt on the ship, but you paid it no mind. At least, until the emergency sirens fired and your frantic husband came skidding in. "Y/N!!!!" he yelled, not realizing you were in the closet. You poked your head out. "In here!" He sprinted over and grabbed you. "Come on, we have to get out of here!" He started towing you out before you could even process what was going on. "Fives, what's happening?" you shouted over the wailing sirens. "We've been boarded by droids! I'm taking you somewhere safe!" You wanted to ask him to stay with you, but he was a soldier. He had to go back. You kept running for what felt like forever. There were a few places where you two had to skirt battles, but Fives did a good job of keeping you away from most of the serious fighting. Or, until the end. Without warning, something nearby exploded, and the world went dark.

When you came to, everything was hazy and there was a great pressure on your back and leg. As the fog around your mind began to clear, you realized you were laying on your belly with a pile of rubble sitting on your back. The greatest pain seemed to come from your leg though. You groaned and tried to wiggle out, but the debris was just too heavy. "Fives!" you cried out. "Y/n!" you heard him call and the sound of shifting metal. Soon enough, he was crouching in front of you. "Take my hands!" he ordered. You grabbed ahold of him and he pulled as hard as he could. You started to slide out until your leg got caught. You screamed and he stopped. "Y/n, listen to me. There's a steel beam pinning your leg down. I'm going to try to lift it up, but you're going to have to shimmy out. Can you do that?" You nodded your head in assent and he moved around to the beam. He wrapped his arms around it, and with a great heave, lifted it off your leg. With all your strength, you dragged yourself out from under it. Your rib cage cried out in protest and so did you. Once you were safely out of the way, you flipped onto your back and he dropped the girder. Tears were now freely streaming down your face and you were sobbing in pain. Fives knelt down and took your hand. "Hey, shhh, you'll be alright, ok? I'm calling for a medic." He called. They told him they couldn't spare anyone from battle. You would have to hold out until the droid army was defeated. Fives sighed and turned to you. You were barely conscious. At least this wouldn't hurt so much if you weren't awake. He grabbed you under the arms and dragged you into a small alcove. He then drew his blaster and got ready to protect you from any droids who might stop by.

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