#4 What Turns Him On

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When you dance. You almost always have some kind of music on, and you may just randomly start dancing around the room to it. Ani loves the way you move, so sometimes he finds it very difficult to restrain himself.

Obi Wan:
When you take control. He loves watching you command your troops. Your authoritative voice and the way you demand respect drives him nearly insane.

When you start fixing something. You're very mechanically inclined, so Han will often ask you for help on the Millennium Falcon. He can't resist you when you've got grease smudges on your face and tools in your hands.

When you fight. There's nothing sexier in the galaxy to him than when you've got a blaster in your hand or your fist planted on somebody's face. It's his pleasure to help you cool off afterwards ( wink wink ).

When you wear his clothes. Yes, it's a little inconvenient for him when all his shirts are in your laundry, but he doesn't mind. Honestly, he prefers them on you. Or on the floor ;)

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