#23 Song Themed

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I'm back and OMG 1.74 K reads!?!?!?! Thanks so much guys! Anyway, here's the deal. I'm going to pick a song for our main men and write a little fic loosely based on it. I know I already do that, butthese will be shorter.

I Don't Want to Miss a Thing- Aerosmith
Anakin quietly walked into your shared apartment, being careful not to make a sound. He had just gotten back from a mission, and it was ridiculously late at night. You were already asleep probably, and Anakin was looking forward to joining you. He was bone-tired. He quietly crept into the bedroom and changed clothes. Just as he'd suspected, you were already fast asleep. He smiled and crawled into bed beside you. Looking at your sleeping face, all of a sudden he wasn't tired anymore. Anakin realized just how long he'd been away. It has been too long since he'd seen your beautiful face. Now he didn't want to go to sleep, because he'd be missing out on seeing you. And Anakin didn't want to miss a thing.

Obi Wan:
Shut Up and Dance- Walk the Moon
You had tracked the bounty hunter to a nightclub in Coruscant's underworld. Obi Wan stood next to you, scanning the club. "Do you see him?" you asked in a low tone. "No, but I sense that he is here," he answered, "Come on." You set off across the club, watching each of the faces closely. Unfortunately, none of the faces around the perimeter of the club were your man. The only place left to look was the dance floor. "Care for a dance, Obi Wan?" you asked innocently. He looked at you, bewildered. "Y/n, you know I don't dance. Not that I'd be opposed to it, but I simply don't know how. It's not-" He was rambling again. "Obi Wan?" "Yes?" "Shut up and dance with me." You grabbed him and dragged him to the dance floor.

Renegade- Styx
"Well, this is it for me," you thought dryly. You had been captured by the Separatists and now you were on your way to be executed. The droids led you to a large room where a cloaked figure faced a hologram. "It seems one of your own has stumbled into our clutches," the hooded person said. You could see that they were talking to several of the Jedi. Great, they're going to broadcast this all over the Net, so everybody can see my failure. Perfect.
The figure removed their hood to reveal none other than Asajj Ventress. She walked over to you and gave you a condescending glare. "Ah, y/n y/l/n, the renegade who had it made, retrieved for a bounty. It's amazing what people will do for money, isn't it?" "Just get this over with," you growled. She smirked. "As you wish." She raised her lightsaber and you braced yourself. The swing never came. Instead, Anakin Skywalker and several clones came bursting in. He quickly went after Ventress and a familiar figure came and removed your binders. "Y/n, are you alright?" he asked breathlessly. "I'm fine Rex. The only thing that's hurt is my pride." He had to laugh as he handed you a blaster. "Feel like taking out some clankers?" "Always."

The Longest Time- Billy Joel
It was just you and Luke laying on a blanket, staring up at the stars. Neither of you had spoken in a very long time. Not that you necessarily needed to, but there was something weighing on your mind. "Luke?" "Hmmm?" he answered, declining to open his eyes. "Do you think we'll last?" you asked bluntly. That caught his attention. He propped himself up onto his elbow and gave you a concerned look. "Of course. Why would you ask?" You sighed. "It's just, I forgot how nice romance is. I don't want to lose it." Luke chuckled a little and pulled you on top of him. "My dear, you'll never have to worry about losing my love. I intend to hold you for the longest time."

My Front Porch Looking In- Lonestar
You stood on the balcony staring out at the view before you. Coruscant was truly an amazing sight at night. You drank in the bright lights stretching out as far as the eye could see and the warm breeze drifting in. Your nightgown billowed around your feet and you sighed contentedly. Just then, you felt a pair of arms wind around your waist. "Pretty neat?, huh?" Han said. "It's incredible. I've never seen anything quite like it," you admitted. You stood together for a while longer before you pried yourself out of his embrace and went back inside. "Are you coming to bed?" you called back. Han just leaned on the doorframe and laughed. "What?" He grinned at you. "You know, Coruscant at night is pretty nice, but it'll never beat the view from my front porch looking in."

Time is Love- Josh Turner
Lando impatiently waited for the meeting to end. Sometimes being the administrator of an entire city could be a real drag. He wanted to get home and see you, because you'd been gone for a week and had just at gotten home, but no, this guy had to drone on forever, didn't he? As soon as the man finished, Lando got up to leave. "Mr. Calrissian? Where are you going?" the man called. "Home," Lando answered simply. The man gave him a frown. "But sir, we have much more to discuss." Lando repressed an irritated sigh. "I'm sure my assistants can fill me in tomorrow." "But you need to be here now," the man continued to protest,"There decisions that need to be made." "I'm sure they can wIt one more day. Listen, right now I've got a girl who's waiting on me and right now she's where I need to be. Time is love, so I gottta run." With that, Lando quickly exited the room. He couldn't wait to see you.

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