#3 You're Pregnant

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You're married in all of these, btw.

"Y/n? Padmé called, she said I needed to come home right away. What's going on? Is something wrong? Are you ok?" gushed your breathless husband. He had just come running in the door to find you sitting on the couch with your hands folded in your lap. "Ani, I'm fine. Everything's fine," you reassured. "Then why did you need me here in such a hurry?" he asked, sitting down next to you. You grabbed his hands. "I have some news," you said slowly. Anakin looked into your eyes. "It's okay, my love, you can tell me anything." You took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Anakin, I'm pregnant." He blinked, trying to process what he'd been told. When the your news finally clicked in his brain, a smile slowly spread across his face. "This- this is wonderful! I'm going to be a father." Anakin laughed quietly and pulled you into his arms. "I love you," he whispered in your ear, and then he leaned down to your tummy and said, "And I love you too." You relaxed into his arms. "We love you too, Ani."

Obi Wan:
You walked into your quarters to find your husband waiting on you. "Hello, my dear!" he said, sweeping you into his arms. "Obi Wan! I wasn't expecting you to be home until tomorrow!" you squealed. "My mission ended earlier than anticipated, so I got to come home for a while," he explained,"I tried to call and tell you, but you didn't pick up." "Oh, I'm sorry," you said,"I was at the doctor's office." Obi Wan looked at you in mild alarm. "Are you sick? And why a doctor's office instead of the healers?" You sighed. Truth was, you had been feeling sick since the last you'd spent some..... alone time with Obi Wan. "No, honey, I'm not sick. I'm pregnant." Your husband's eyes grew as wide as dinner plates and his jaw dropped. He didn't say anything for a long time. "Obi Wan, say something, please," you begged. He managed to shut his gaping mouth and pulled you into his chest tightly. You buried your face in his chest and started to cry. "What are we going to do? We're not even supposed to married...." you wept. Obi Wan lifted your chin and looked you in the eyes. "We'll figure this out, my dear. I promise," he said, rubbing circles on your back. And somehow, it made you feel better. You could get through anything if Obi Wan Kenobi was at your side.

You had to resist the urge to squeal when you saw the test results. Positive. You were pregnant. You had wanted a little baby of your own ever since Leia and Han had their twins, Jacen and Jaina. You and Luke had tried for so long, and now you were finally having one of your own! You almost sprinted out of the bathroom and into the Millennium Falcon's common area. Everyone was there. Leia was bouncing her twins on her lap, Han and Chewie were playing Sabbaac, and Luke was meditating. "Luke!" you squealed. He instantly snapped of his trance. "What is it, beautiful?" "We did it, Luke, we did it!" You were practically jumping up and down you were so excited. "Slow down, y/n, what did we do?" "I'm pregnant!" you exclaimed. Luke froze for a moment, and then he was just as excited as you. "We're going to be parents!" he yelled, sweeping you up into his arms bridal style. He spun you around and kissed you on the lips. Han, Leia, and Chewie, who had been watching the spectacle, cheered and applauded. "Way to go Luke!" Han said, slapping him on the back. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" Chewbacca roared in excitement. Leia exclaimed. "Thanks Han, thanks Leia, thanks Chewie," Luke said. He held you tighter. "I love you so, so much y/n," he whispered in your ear. "I love you more, handsome."

You quietly sat down on the edge of the compartment in the Falcon's floor. Han was down in it, working on the hyperdrive. He didn't look up at you, just kept welding his piece of machinery. "Han," you said. "Hand me that hydrospanner, will you?" he asked. You did as he requested, and he went back to work. "Han," you called again. He didn't answer. "Hey Hotshot!" you yelled. Your husband still didn't answer you. "Boba Fett snuck on board and now he's gonna kill us. Luke and Leia died. The Empire's cruisers are after us. I'm pregnant. An asteroid hit the Falcon." Han looked up at that one. "A what hit my ship?!" You glared at him. "Seriously? I tell you your best friends are dead and there's a mercenary here to kill us and all you're worried about is the ship?" He jumped out of the hole and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I'm sorry, Doll. I'll pay attention to you now. But, how much, if any, of that was true?" "Just the pregnant part," you said, biting your lip. It took Han a minute to process that. He looked down at you. "You mean there's a baby? In there?" he asked, pointing at your tummy. "Yes, dear, that's what pregnant means," you answered patiently. Without warning, Han started to laugh. "I'm gonna be a dad!" he shouted, sweeping you up, "Chewie, I'm gonna be a dad!" Chewbacca roared something back, and you gathered it meant something along the lines of "Heard you the first time, idiot. Congratulations."

You stepped out of the bathroom, pregnancy test in hand. Lando was already sitting on your bed, waiting. "Well?" he asked. "I don't know, we've still got to wait five minutes for it to tell us," you answered sitting down next to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist and you put your head his shoulder. "You know I'm going to be crazy excited if it's positive, right?" he told you. You giggled and nodded. "Me too." You two waited out the five minutes in silence, until the little pink plus sign popped up. "Does that mean what I think it means?" Lando inquired. "Yes. Baby, we're going to parents!" You squealed. He laughed out loud and pulled you into his lap. He smothered you in kisses. You also laughed and held on to him. You couldn't even begin to express how happy you were. Lando planted on more kiss on your lips, lifted you off his lap, stood up, and offered you his arm. "Shall we go call the others, my lady?" You took his arm and grinned. "We shall."

Sorry that took so long! I've been sick, plus I have to work three days a week. But now I'm back and I hope you enjoyed!

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