#20 His First Thoughts

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Who's Watto talking to? Oh, I've never seen those people before. And look at that girl with them! Is she an angel? I've never seen one but I hear they're pretty. She's really pretty. I'm going to go talk to her.

Obi Wan:
Poor girl. She has to sit alone because she showed up late. Wait, no she doesn't! I can go sit with her. Yes, that's a good idea. But perhaps she doesn't want company. I don't want to intrude. But, she is rather good looking..... Oh, what have I got to lose?

Stupid X-wing. It shouldn't be this hard to operate, right? Or maybe I'm just an idiot. Is there anyone to help...... Hello, who's that? What is a girl like that doing in a place like this? Doesn't she belong on the front of a magazine somewhere? Hey, she's a pilot! Maybe I can get her help......

What is that noise? I swear if someone's making me ship live mynocks again...... Oh my god there's a woman in this crate! I did not sign up for human trafficking. Poor kid. But, it seems like this one's got some fire in her, and she's certainly a looker. Maybe she'll want to hang around a while.

Uh oh, Damsel in distress across the bar. I'll handle this. A beautiful woman like her doesn't deserve to get manhandled like that. I've been here a time or two and I've never seen a kinder lady. I might have to introduce myself when this is all over.

I should be in the field with my men, not confined to this stupid bed. And why is this woman laughing at me? This very.... beautiful woman. Well, I guess it could be worse. I could be stuck here without a pretty girl to talk to.

Sorry if it sucks, I just wanted to give you guys another chapter!

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