#25 Christmas!

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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! Or if you celebrate something else, I hope you have an excellent holiday! Also, notice that this preference is #25. See what I did there? Anyway, this preference is all about what Christmas entails in a galaxy far far away (even if they don't actually have Christmas). Also, if the gift he gives you isn't what you want, just sub something else in.

Anakin is like a little kid on Christmas, when he can be at home. He'll jump on the bed to wake you up and tickle you until you get up. Presents first, then breakfast. The rest of the day is spent goofing off, listening to Christmas music, and basically acting like overgrown children.

This year you got Anakin a new tool for his fighter and he got you a hand carved wooden bracelet that he made himself.

Obi Wan:
Obi Wan usually wakes you on Christmas morning with a surprise. Whether it be a small gift or breakfast in bed,  it always earns him kiss and a surprise gift of your own. The rest of the day is spent cuddling by a warm fire and watching movies.

This year you got him a new belt and he got you a book of stories from different cultures.

Christmas is a big hit with the clones since it's the only day they even sort of get to relax. Fives and his brothers always have some kind of festivities going on, so you join them in playing Secret Santa, Dirty Santa (which is always interesting ), and jamming out to your favorite Christmas songs.

This year you got him a portable poker set and he got your black leather jacket.

Even though you like hanging out with Rex's fun-loving brothers, you and Rex always set aside some quiet time on Christmas for yourselves. That's when you do your gift exchange and just enjoy each other's company.

This year you got him a lock box for a few of his more personal items and he got you your own set of dog tags.

Christmas with Luke is always a fun affair. You have a nice breakfast and do your personal gift exchanges, then it's off to Han and Leia's to celebrate for the rest of the day.

This year you got him a new accessory for R2 and he got you a your favorite band's new album.

It's always you who wakes Han up on Christmas morning, and it can be a challenge. Thankfully the promise of a hearty breakfast and a steaming cup of caf is typically enough to rouse him. Breakfast always comes first, then gift exchange before Luke beings his family over. The rest of the day is spent with stories and many, many laughs.

This year you got him the parts he needed to fix the Falcon's latest problem and he got you a new blaster.

Christmas with Lando is always a romantic affair. You spend the day cuddling by the fire and just being near each other. You always get each other a somewhat..... naughty gift, along with very sweet, personal gifts. And of course, the naughty gifts get put to use later that night ;)

(I'm not listing the naughty gift,. You can come up with that on your own.) This year you got him one of those old timey shaving kits and he got you a diamond necklace  in the shape of a snowflake.

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