#8 Rex Catch Up

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How You Met:
You closed your eyes and tried to sleep in the uncomfortable hospital bed. It was the only thing you could do other than lie there and be in pain. The doctors wouldn't even let you sit up. Of course, just as you were drifting off, the hospital staff started making a racket. You kept your eyes closed, but you could hear them moving closer to you. They stopped at the bed next to yours in the ward. You heard the sound of someone settling on to the bed and grunting in pain. The doctors and nurses made sure that person was okay before they left, land they gave the new patient the same instructions they had given to you. "Rest. Don't strain yourself in any way. Call us if you need anything." You could hear the person huff in irritation as the doctors and nurses left. You chuckled. So they had to endure the same punishment as you. Poor soul. They were in for the most boring few weeks of their life. "What are you laughing at?" asked the gruff voice next to you. "You. You're in for the time of your life buddy. They don't let you do squat here," you answered. "Could be worse," the voice said, "I could be stuck here with no one to talk to." You laughed out loud at that. "That's true. So what are you in for?" you asked, finally turning to look at him. He was a clone, you could tell, but unlike the others, he had extremely short blonde hair. It almost made him look bald. "Got shot in the chest," he said, gesturing to the large bandage on his bare chest. You tried hard not to stare, but dang he was cut. "If that's the case, you're lucky to be here then." "Eh," he shrugged,"I've been shot before." "You don't build up an immunity to blaster bolts," you snorted. "You still get used to them though. Why are you here?" he inquired. You flinched. You kinda hoped he wouldn't ask. It wasn't a fond memory. "My gunship got shot down. Killed most of the people on board. The rest of us almost didn't make it either." You shudders at the memory of the fiery crash, the chunks of metal that buried themselves in your leg and ribcage. "Sorry. Didn't mean to bring up bad memories," the clone apologized. "It's fine." You two laid there in silence for a while. "I never got your name," you said suddenly. "It's Rex," he answered," Captain Rex. What's yours?" "Y/n l/n, Commander on board the Liberty." Rex grinned. "Then I guess I'll see you in the morning, y/n," he said with a cheeky grin. "Night Rex," you replied sleepily as the nurses turned out the lights in the ward.

Rex: Tough Guy
He acts like he's all big and bad sometimes, but you know he's really just a big ol' teddy bear.
You: Sunshine
You light up his life, just like a ray of sunshine.

You're Pregnant:
You sighed deeply when you saw the test results. Positive. You were expecting. Brilliant. It wasn't that you didn't want a child, you just didn't know what to do with one. The Clone Wars were over, but since the Republic became the Empire, you two had to go into hiding. Rex had a friend, a former clone army deserter who had a wife and kids of his own now, who offered you sanctuary with him in the fields of Saleucami. It was nice, but it was still a hard life for a child to grow up in. You came out of the bathroom and found Rex just coming in from the fields. He was hot and sweaty, and his shirt clung to his muscled chest. You really wanted to grab him and kiss the life out of him, but you shook the thought from your head. It was distracting you from the task at hand. "Rex?" you called. "Yeah, sunshine?" "I-I have something to tell you," you stuttered. "It's alright, y/n, you can tell me," he soothed. You took his big hands in your smaller ones. "I'm pregnant." In an instant you were in his arms. "That's great! I'm going to be a dad!" he swung you around, and you laughed. "I'm glad you're happy," you said with a smile. "Happy? How could I not be happy? We're going to have a little baby of our own!" he shouted happily. You smiled even wider and pressed your lips to his. "I love you, Tough Guy," you said when you pulled away. He grinned back. "I love you more, Sunshine."

What Turns Him On:
When you get sassy. Whether it's the result of his teasing or someone genuinely getting on your last nerve, your sass drives him wild.

What Turns You On:
When you can see the muscles of his chest. Even for a clone, Rex is really well built. He knows it too, and he knows exactly what effect it has on you. So whenever he wants something, the shirt comes off.

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