#10 Cuddles

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You like to lay facing one another, legs tangled. You press your foreheads together and entwine your hands. You spend your time whispering sweet nothings to one another until you fall asleep.

Obi Wan:
Obi Wan is usually very reserved, and doesn't like touching all that much. But when it's just you and him, he does enjoy cuddling you. He lies on his back and you lie on your side. He puts arm around your shoulder and you throw an arm over his chest. Sometimes you lazily draw patterns across his chest, sometimes he plays with your hair. You could lay like that for hours together.

You two love spooning. You two take turns in both positions, but he likes being the big spoon the best. He'll press his body to your back, and you can feel his breath tickle your neck. You feel safe in his arms and he loves being close to you.

Han Solo is not a cuddler. He'll hold you when your upset or he wants to be near you, but he doesn't really cuddle. The closest he comes to cuddling is coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your neck or shoulders or neck when you're sitting down. You'll usually your hand on his own and keep doing whatever you were doing earlier.

Lando is great at cuddling and you do it all the time. Your favorite thing to do is lay on top of him and just wrap your arms around each other. You'll bury you face in his face and breathe in his scent until you fall asleep.

He kind of puts you in a headlock. Well, you put yourself in a headlock. You slide your head under the crook of his arm until your forehead and hands are touching his chest. You love listening to his heartbeat. It helps you relax.

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