#13 Your Baby

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I thought you guys needed something happy after that last one.

"Y/n?" you heard your husband call. Finally, he's home! You had something to show him. "In here!" you yelled back. A few moments later he appeared in the doorway. His eyes went wide when he saw you rocking a tiny pink bundle. He rushed into the nursery to see your new baby. "Anakin Skywalker, meet our daughter, Alix Olivia Skywalker." He gently brushed back the blanket so he could see her face a little better. "I can't believe I missed it. I'm so sorry, y/n," he mumbled. You put a hand on his cheek. "It's alright Ani. You were busy defending us from the Separatists. Besides, you didn't miss it by much. She's only four days old," you soothed. He put his hand over yours. "Still. I should've found a way to get here." Just then, Alix yawned and opened her eyes. You thought she was going to start crying, but she just looked up at her daddy with big blue eyes. Anakin's face softened and he reached down to brush her cheek with the back of his finger. "Hi Alix," he said, "I'm your daddy. Sorry I wasn't here to see you earlier." Alix cooed and gurgled, reaching up and grabbing hold of his finger. Anakin laughed and rubbed her head. "Would you like to hold her?" you asked. He nodded enthusiastically and you stood. "You put your arm like this and your hand like this....." Within a few moments your daughter was cuddled safely in the crook of her father's arm, where she quickly fell asleep. "She's perfect, y/n," Anakin whispered, kissing your forehead.

Obi Wan:
Waiting for a baby to come could sure be boring. Your husband wouldn't let you do anything for fear you would hurt yourself or your child. Not that there was much to do on this planet anyway. Tatooine was agonizingly dull. Order 66 and Anakin's fall to the dark side had happened before you could figure out what to do about your 'special situation'. Obi Wan had taken you and Anakin's infant son Luke to the desert planet to hide. The events of the past few months were running through your head when suddenly you felt water rush between your legs. You barely had time to wonder what the heck had just happened when the first contraction hit you. "Obi Wan!" you called. He c. had been outside and he came back in when he heard you shout. "What is it?" he asked. "I- I think the baby's coming," you stuttered. He quickly sprung into action. "When did it start? How much pain are you in?" he asked, helping you off of the couch and onto the bed. "Just started. It doesn't hurt much yet." "What do you want me to do? I don't know much about delivering babies," Obi Wan said, running a hand through his hair. "Run down to the Pika Oasis and get Annileen Calwell. She agreed to help me," you instructed. "That's a long way, y/n. I don't want to leave you here by yourself." "Then call Beru Lars. She can stay with me until you get back with Annileen." Obi Wan nodded and kissed you lightly. "I'll be back soon."

It took a while to get down to the Oasis and back, and by the time he and Annileen got back, the pain had gotten a lot worse. Beru had been holding your hand and comforting you, but traded out with Obi Wan. "I'm back dear. How are you?" he asked. "It hurts," you cried. "I know it does. But think, it'll all be over soon and we'll have a beautiful little baby of our own." You had to smile at that. "Well, y/n, are you ready to get started? Because I think you're ready to pop," Annileen said. You nodded quickly. "Well, then let's do this." It felt like hours before you heard the first cry. "Mr. and Mrs. Kenobi, you have a pretty little girl," Annileen announced, handing the tiny baby off to Beru. You were about to sigh in relief when another contraction hit you. You cried out in pain and gripped your husband's hand. "Y/n?" he asked, concerned. "My word, y/n there's another one in there!" Annileen exclaimed. You pushed and pushed until you finally heard that one's wails. "Little boy!" Annileen yelled, and you flopped back onto the bed. You were exhausted. "You were wonderful my dear," whispered Obi Wan, planting a kiss on your forehead. Beru got them cleaned up and handed you your children. "Well, what are their names?" she asked. You smiled at Obi Wan and said, "Malia Dawn and Maxon Derrick Kenobi."

Luke was doing his darned best to block the warrior's amphistaff when he heard you yell. At first he thought you'd been hit, but then he noticed the puddle at your feet and you holding your bloated belly with wide eyes. Oh no. Not now. Not in the middle of a Yuuzhan Vong attack. "Get behind cover!" he shouted, blocking a hit from the warrior. You did as instructed, and he finished off his opponent. He ran over to you and found you holding your stomach with a pained look on your face. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Not really. The Falcon's just landed. They're not far away. Think we can make it?" you asked. "I'll be fine. The question is can you make it?" You took a deep breath and nodded. "Ok, on the count of three, we'll make a break for it. One, two, three!" You dashed from your hiding place and sprinted for the ship, lightsabers dancing the whole way. You were nearly there when another contraction hit you and your knees buckled. Luke was instantly over you, protecting whatever the Warriors tried to throw at you. "Come on, you have to get up!" he encouraged. "I- I can't," you gasped. You two were beginning to think you wouldn't make it when blaster bolts screamed out above your heads. You turned and saw Han and Chewie standing on the Falcon's ramp, firing at the Yuuzhan Vong. "Get her and let's go!" Han shouted. Luke scooped you into his arms and ran for the ship. Once everyone was safely on board, you guys took off, trying to find the nearest medical center.

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